Sentences with phrase «to drink someone to death»

Violence, nudity and drinking oneself to death do not a romantic picture paint.
He was closet drinking at the same time we were watching his brother drink himself to death.
He won an Oscar in the mid-90's for playing a man drinking himself to death in Leaving Las Vegas.
Mary Karr — «completely unbaptised, completely without faith», an «undiluted agnostic», an alcoholic and someone who wants «to eat all of the chocolate and snort all of the cocaine and kiss all the boys», the child of a father who drank himself to death and a mother who married seven times — started going.
Resistant to post-World War II change, deeply cynical of the United States, which has lured away so many other villagers, Hervé seems content to dig his heels into their small corner of Québec and slowly drink himself to death like the many others «whose wisdom came from suffering.»
Thomas drank himself to death for the same reason that I do: he loved his drink, it lifted him where he belonged, where we all belong, where we all should be if the stream of people weren't such asses and didn't believe in homes and new cars and all that junk.
She says Thomas drank himself to death because he felt his talent was waning.
i just think a person who hurt so badly all he can do to cope is literally drink himself to death in 3 years should probably get to be dead 15 minutes before we trash his literal life's work
Leaving aside the question of whether or not the state has a duty to counsel its citizens against drinking themselves to death, this is an unhelpful reaction to helpful research.
Caroline: Almost drinking myself to death... spending time in jail... being driven to treatment by my father and his best friend... humiliating... the lowest low... that was almost 27 years ago... what a gift that ALL was!
The last gasp of the Twilight franchise is really quite good, fugueing on the idea that if vampires live forever, wouldn't it be great if a vampire fell in love with a human being - and didn't drink her to death?
Ben Sanderson (Nicolas Cage) is an alcoholic Hollywood screenwriter who loses his job and decides to end his life by cashing in all his worldly possessions and drinking himself to death in Las Vegas.
It's not just drinking and driving, he says, adding that in the community there are «people who drink themselves to death, people killed or injured in accidents.»
Sarah Palmer (Grace Zabriskie) has spent the last 25 years slowly drinking herself to death and Audrey Horne (Sherilyn Fenn) seems to be severely mentally ill.
Poole, who plans on closing his blinds and drinking himself to death for mysterious reasons, is horrified by the intrusions: Can't a man escape into the void without these pesky women?
Hitchens showing that you can and should be unabashedly atheist... and smoke and drink yourself to death.
Severely addicted humans may in some ways resemble those experimental monkeys who will starve themselves to death if supplied with, unlimited cocaine, but the vast majority of users are not in such danger (and alcoholic humans also will drink themselves to death)
But Best, for all that, drank himself to death and Gazza, recently attending a clinic in America, seems all too well or ill on the way.
Then she attempted to drink herself to death.
A somber, resolutely unsentimental portrait of the last days of a writer determined to drink himself to death, the film earned Figgis Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Director Academy Award nominations, and provided Nicolas Cage with an Oscar for Best Actor.
After being fired, an alcoholic screenwriter (Nicolas Cage) takes his final paycheck to Las Vegas where he plans to drink himself to death.
As he calmly tells Sera, his slightly less damaged prostitute love (Elisabeth Shue), his plan is to drink himself to death in a city where last call never arrives.
Nicolas Cage stars as a fired Hollywood screenwriter who loses all hope and moves to Las Vegas to drink himself to death.
It doesn't help that Toller has so little to live for: His health is declining rapidly and he's seemingly determined to drink himself to death in any case.
«Now there are so many young people, all my old friends are dead, they have either drunk themselves to death or they have naturally popped off the vine, so I don't know all the young actors.»
Leaving Las Vegas (1995) What could be more depressing than a man on a mission to drink himself to death, and the woman who helps him do it?
«If I don't do something, I'm going to end up going into that pub every night for the rest of my life like the rest of those sad old f — ers, drinking myself to death and wondering what the hell happened,» Liz mutters.
Since the unfortunate accidental death of his beloved wife, his plan has been to drink himself to death and drive his business to ruin.
It's completely gotten in the way of his plan to drink himself to death, to drive his business to ruin.
I had this Bavarian aunt and she moved to Sicily in order to drink herself to death, which she managed to do.
And so Maya and Amelia (yes, there is a love story too) totally disrupt his «plan to drink himself to death
(And plenty of authors who had all the things I think I'd have wanted either killed themselves or drank themselves to death.)
I highly recommend giving this oldie a try next time you've drank yourself to death.
«He drank himself to death
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