Sentences with phrase «to drown one's sorrows»

After drowning his sorrows in alcohol, Sutter wakes up outside, in the middle of someone's lawn with absolutely no recollection of where he left his car.
Sonny pities the horse — a surrogate for the pity he might feel for himself if he didn't drown his sorrows with booze every day.
But instead of solitude, Duplass finds Blunt's half - sister (Rosemarie DeWitt), who's in the midst of drowning her sorrows after breaking up with her girlfriend of seven years.
Our friends at Empire of the Kop will be licking their wounds tonight — but have stopped drowning their sorrows for long enough to put together the below match report & highlights package of the game.
Anyway, «Trees Lounge» is sort of a younger version of «Barfly,» about a 30ish go - nowhere loser who can't get his act together and spends most of his time drowning his sorrows in the local watering hole.
Denzel is back to his Hollywood A-game as Creasy, a washed - up assassin - for - hire who drowns his sorrows in Jack Daniels and Linda Rondstandt ballads.
: -(Maybe I'll drown my sorrows by hitting up another flea market.That's my favorite quick pick - me - up.
Sarah's mother tried to drown her and her twin brother when they were 2 (only Sarah survived) and now lives in a mental institution; her academic father drowns his sorrows every night with a bottle of booze.
I spent a night drowning my sorrows with a few friends on Necker Island.
That way my enemy can supply me with a few drinks to drown my sorrow if Arsenal don't make it... again!
David Cameron's admirable calm since walking off stage in Manchester last Thursday and retiring to a nearby pub to drown his sorrows conceals reactions across his party that range from defeatism to murderous rage to a curious optimism.
From Boris Johnson and Donald Trump via Zac Goldsmith to Keith Vaz, we assess who came up smiling and who is left drowning their sorrows after the most turbulent year in politics we can remember
Get through Valentine's Day single without resorting to drowning your sorrows thanks to these coping strategies from Jo Middleton
The handsome Coster - Waldau might feel like he's phoning in his performance at times, but ultimately it's because his character his phoning in most of his life, going through the motions that he feels he must in order to ingratiate back into society, when he'd clearly rather drown his sorrows in the nearest bottle of alcohol.
David Oyelowo («Selma») and Ralph Fiennes («The Grand Budapest Hotel») are also probably drowning their sorrows in a drink right about now.
For instance, one of the most electric scenes of the movie year occurs late in the action, when Rockwell's hapless deputy drowns his sorrows in a bar.
Johnny drowns his sorrows in beer, weed and casual gay sex without even a «thank you, man» after the «wham bam.»
Jimmy drowns his sorrows at a roadside bar run by his brother Clyde (Adam Driver, a deadpan delight), a war vet whose souvenir from Iraq is a prosthetic lower left arm.
At Bob's cabin in the woods, Marcel drowns his sorrows, night after night, filling the time in between engaging in idle conversation with Bob and hoping to get his kids back.
Deadpool drowns his sorrows with Iron Man, gets funky with Power Man and Iron Fist, wreaks Kirby - fied havoc on a cosmic level and fights Hitler alongside Cable and Nick Fury!
Its substantial curb weight and supercharged V - 8 are not built for the city, and the Caddy drowns the sorrows of urban driving in gallons of premium 91.
Seventeen - year - old Luke lives and works at the Moonflower Motel in Moab, having fled New York City where his father Frank drowns his sorrows after the death of Luke's mother.
A Breaking Bad inspired haircut sees old cheery pants Max drowning his sorrows in Rio working private security.
While most candidates quickly hit the delete button before drowning their sorrows in bowls of ice cream to avoid replying with varying degrees of anger and anguish, if you take this tasty but unresourceful approach you may be missing out on a golden opportunity.
While the boys» father Hollis (two - time Emmy Award - winner Aaron Paul) loves his sons, he is still reeling from the loss of their mother, spending more time drowning his sorrows at the local bar and working on his damaged beach house than being an active parent.
Maybe you tried to drown your sorrows with alcohol but find they still gather in waves of overwhelm.
Have a good cry, drown your sorrows for one night, and take the next steps to a better career.
Maybe I'll drown my sorrows by hitting up another flea market.That's my favorite quick pick - me - up.
Drew Barrymore is Erin, a lonely journalist who encounters Garrett (Justin Long), a talent scout for a record company, on the night he is drowning his sorrows after splitting up with his girlfriend.
With the realization that her career is in the toilet, Nina begins a downward spiral that includes months of drowning her sorrows in a bottle of booze,...
Rex repeatedly attempts to drown his sorrows in alcohol, but surprisingly reveals a softer side anytime he hits the bottle.
If it's more convenient to drown your sorrows at the W New York Downtown, you can select from a special Tax Week cocktail menu.
No startup journey would be complete without an emotional meltdown — the kind that leaves grown men sitting alone in the dark, drowning their sorrows in Ben & Jerry's while Adele blares in the background.
I thought it was going to be a cartoon about the exclusive places that pastors go to drown their sorrows.
You can plunge into work, to forget it, you can drown your sorrow in drink, plunge into society and gossip in order to drown out these voices of despair — but it is useless.
It feels often like I'm expected to wear black and drown my sorrows in a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby because I have no hubby of my own.
And in the meantime, you can drown your sorrows in amazing skillet cookies.
Will be drowning my sorrows in a daiquiri asap.
For now, I'll just have to drown my sorrows in one of these martinis!
The next morning we woke up a little sad so we drove out to Scottsdale to drown our sorrows in the worlds best English muffins at La Grande Orange.
Definitely a good way to drown your sorrows after the depressingness of NU losing a 21 point lead.
He orders a shot of maple syrup to drown his sorrows.
I decided that I could drown my sorrows in delicious food and my wife recommended meatballs... so here we are.
They're also the perfect comfort food to drown your sorrows in after you finally watch The Fault in Our Stars (the movie you put off because you were worried it wouldn't do the book justice but it was actually great) and sobbed through the whole thing because the story is so tragically beautiful.
All around me are delusional faces 4 -4-2 cases, undefeated league races Cruyff's barca left without any traces Going nowhere, going nowhere BB's tears are filling up their glasses No expression, no expression Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow No tomorrow, thanks to ernesto
Thus, the game ended 26 - 20, the Cardinals didn't cover, and the cheeseheads and I drowned our sorrows in mezcal.
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