Sentences with phrase «to drum up business»

Loans in turn drum up business for Chinese engineering firms and shipyards in LNG, and give state - backed companies the upper hand in supply negotiations.
Meanwhile, Fiona drums up business by throwing a speakeasy party at Patsy's Pies.
Offering your own freebies either in person or online can be an excellent and budget - friendly way of drumming up business and building the customer loyalty you need to get repeat orders and keep business booming.
When your agents work transactionally, they are always trying to drum up business from cold or lukewarm leads; however, when they work relationally, they're able to tap into their existing relationships to generate leads and referrals.
Elefant then suggests that lawyers can and should do the same thing, particularly as a way to drum up business when times are slow.
Helping drum up business were live simulcasts for real estate agents that the lender recently held in movie theaters nationwide touting the benefits of FHA loans.
Andrade's division is also drumming up business making avionics for clients like Boeing and Airbus, high - resolution camera systems, and an ingestible pill that transmits health data via an abdominal patch to a doctor's smartphone.
Anglo - Russian Trade and Shipping, a joint venture between a Russian consultancy and the British accounting firm, Robson Rhodes, will help Thesaurus drum up business in the West.
The European Space Agency (ESA) isn't sure, so they've hired an ad company to help them build an image — and hopefully drum up business for their share of the $ 100 billion station.
They decide to see a marriage therapist (Colman, Hyde Park on Hudson) to hash out their issues, and things are difficult enough as it is when Josh's former long - time flame, Chloe (Faris, The Dictator), returns from Africa after abandoning that relationship for four years, while Nat is busy flirting with a handsome American client, Guy (Baker, The Lodger), that she is currently trying to drum up business with in her firm.
«Passing off» in order drum up business confusingly similar to ours infringes on our exclusive trademark rights.
Disnat has been actively drumming up business in Western Canada, being present and visible at investor conferences, developing large advertising campaigns as well promotional deals.
One reason discounts are so effective at drumming up business is the reciprocity effect.
A proactive nature helps them to work independently to drum up business without being pushed by other co-workers or a boss.
As you get older, avenues for drumming up business sometimes change, and it can be difficult to choose the next route.
Faris believes real estate agents should spend 80 per cent of their time prospecting because «drumming up business doesn't cost anything.»
We had an individual speak at our local REI group on this topic and I know he's trying to drum up business so he only dangled the carrot so far.
Tehrani had spent years knocking on the doors of pharmaceutical companies to drum up business for Zymeworks» platforms.
He hops on airplane trips to meet and befriend them — all in the name of drumming up business.
TWO enterprising cartographers have hung up shingles in Northbridge and are drumming up business from the local hydrocarbon and minerals industries.
Bart was thinking of ways to drum up business when he came across a story about a lawyer in Colorado who started to run television ads.
This is a clever way to drum up business in a competitive industry, but it also sounded some warning bells.
Then I hustled, cold calling everyone I could think of and drumming up business.
But OTG Management, Delta's food and beverage partner at LaGuardia, debuted the iPads in June 2012 for one main reason: to drum up business.
Several Quebec aerospace executives have joined Couillard on his trip to France in an effort to drum up business.
Just because you got a lot of likes for that spring break bikini photo or a shot of your pet rabbit, doesn't mean you canuse the same tactics to drum up business for a new tech startup.
His mission: to drum up business for Canadian companies and to sell the nation as a good place for technology companies to both invest and peddle their products and services.
The Cafe Romeo's had been open for just a couple of days when I arrived, and the staff were outside offering samples of bread and drumming up business.
Romeo's had been open for just a couple of days when I arrived, and the staff were outside offering samples of bread and drumming up business.
Mostly when someone says AFC made a bid for x, it's trying to drum up business for x. Or else it's a total fabrication by reporters.
This Inter defender, I think it's just Inter and his agent trying to drum up business.
«Restaurants see this as very much a win - win for them,» said Durbin, because it will help pantries and drum up business for the eateries, some of which may be experiencing turbulent times as well.
The governor will visit Cuba with political and business leaders to drum up business for New York state.
The only full - time tenant so far is Onondaga County's film commissioner, who was hired to drum up business for the place.
But it turns out the note is a forgery, thought up by the bar's owners as a way to drum up business.
Been using all kinds of dating sites to meet asian women and it turns our that there were... It was just a scam to drum up business for a dating site with the same...
As far as Carrie Underwood goes, she really is not an actress and although Broadway is trying to drum up business by having stars perform lead roles, it is all the more important to have enough talent to project on TV.
In order to drum up business for her boss, an osteopath, he gets an actor friend to pretend injuries that the doctor «cures», thereby building a reputation.
If things are ever slow in Andrew's schedule, he will «drum up business» by chatting informally with teachers, observing them in class as a non-evaluative peer, and providing ideas based on how what he's seeing could be enhanced through technology.
«I'm drumming up business,» he says, pulling his head inside.
It seems obvious that CMO's and their supporters fiercely lobby the state for more charter schools as a way to drum up business for themselves.
-- drum up business.
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