Sentences with phrase «to drum up excitement»

New gameplay footage for Mass Effect: Andromeda was shown off at CES 2017 in the presentation of Nvidia, further drumming up excitement for fans of the franchise after receiving confirmation on the title's release date.
Despite the proclamations from Atkins and Wilson, it's hard to extricate the startup from the parish, especially when Paul Elio's constantly out in the press, trying to drum up excitement about launching production one day in Louisiana.
Gameplay footage for the space RPG was also shown off at CES 2017, further drumming up excitement among fans of the franchise.
During the weeks and months leading up to the IPO, officials will travel the country in roadshows as an attempt to drum up excitement over the upcoming stock debut, which will hopefully will ramp up demand.
With 700 million active users on Instagram (large numbers of which are iPhone owners), Apple is leveraging its existing base to drum up excitement around their products and showcase the creativity of its users.
Recently, the chain has gone international and is drumming up excitement in neighboring states.
But then in October, independent teams of researchers in Kyoto and at MIT successfully applied Fujita's protocol to other molecules, drumming up excitement all over again about the potential Fujita's work holds for future applications.
The Founders of First Dates and its sister companies came up with the idea to run speed dating events because they were looking for ways to drum up excitement at local New York City venues, including restaurants, bars, and hotels.
In April, Lucasfilm and Disney drummed up excitement for the film at the Star Wars Celebration convention in Anaheim.
Last year, Cadillac did its best to drum up excitement despite the lack of new vehicles.
We're approaching the launch of Dead Space 3, and to drum up a some excitement EA and Visceral Games released a new trailer.
OnePlus did a great job drumming up the excitement for its «2014 flagship killer», but not such a great job at actually making it available to eager buyers.
Although the iPhone 7's design isn't expected to change in terms of size, adding waterproofing could help Apple drum up excitement for its new flagships, which are also said to sport much improved cameras, a faster A10 processor and a new pressure - sensitive home button.
In this seminar, we will cover: organizing the event, promoting the event properly (and with enough lead time), selling tickets, staffing employees (or volunteers) to help at the event and drumming up excitement about the event.
There's been a recent uptick in the number of contests being put forward by online brokerages so it will be interesting to monitor this approach to see if this will be a strategic way to drum up excitement for online brokerages during the summer months.
The game is a new way to drum up excitement for one of the most famous athletes in Under Armour's stable.
i was speaking more as a general challenging of another page / group to a competition as an angle to drum up excitement for the BECW
Of course it was an off - election cycle, with no state or federal races to drum up excitement and draw voters to the polls.
Over the next few months, people will get a chance to take these streetwise vehicles for a free spin as the company tries to drum up excitement — and a customer base — for...
Over the next few months, people will get a chance to take these streetwise vehicles for a free spin as the company tries to drum up excitement — and a customer base — for its launch of a driverless taxi service.
Last week, in an attempt to drum up excitement for the Pitch Perfect 3 trailer, Universal released a teaser teaser full of behind - the - scenes clips of stars like Rebel Wilson, Anna Kendrick, and Elizabeth Banks having a grand ol' time on set.
The pacing becomes sloppy, hyperactive even, which I at least partially blame on the need for the film to include an astoundingly pointless postscript, meant to drum up excitement (read: publicity) for The Avengers, rather than make a solid, self - contained film.
Hoping to drum up excitement for the controversial live - action remake, Paramount released the action - packed first five minutes of «Ghost in the Shell.»
Way to drum up excitement, RIM.
The book is set for release next week on Monday, January 16th in ebook format on all major ebook retailers (and possibly paperback, too, though not sure about that yet), so I thought I'd drum up some excitement for it by revealing the cover here, so keep scrolling to see the cover.
In addition to trying to drum up some excitement for the blog, as well as to hand a new Kindle Fire to someone, an additional strategy was to increase the participation of the blog's social media pages.
«It seemed to drum up excitement, and if nothing else, helped plant the idea that shopping in our pet store during the holiday is a good idea.»
Perhaps to drum up excitement for the upcoming Mega Man 9, Nintendo has unleashed the original Mega Man game — the one that started the entire multi-tiered franchise — onto the Virtual Console.
Not to mention that the Xbox One X, Microsoft's beastly flagship console, also launches on that month, meaning backward compatibility could be an added hype factor to drum up excitement.
A trailer's job is to reveal enough information to drum up excitement, but not enough to give away important information.
This is the best way to drum up excitement about the potential of a recycling program amongst your co-workers.
Rubin would begin to drum up excitement for the device by showing it off at Code Conference 2017, making the bold statement that it would be shipping in 30 days or so.
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