Sentences with phrase «to dumb something down»

This is a translation from the early 17th century, and it has been changed to dumb it down for the masses.
«I always stress don't dumb it down; that's absolutely not necessary,» she says.
I refuse to dumb myself down as I want a man who is proud of what I do and can achieve, anything less is just not acceptable.
Sorry I cant dumb myself down enough to understand why people would kill another for no reason other than different imaginary beings.
Do you really think these guys will boost the resolution of art on one model and then dumb it down on others?
For those who can't understand, I'll dumb it down for you.
G - Force is a great tie - in game, and ranks up there with the likes of Kung - Fu Panda in the school of how to make a solid family title without dumbing it down for the masses.
You make a mockery out of the proven scientific facts and dumb it down so stupid chirstians will agree with you just like the evangelists.
@Shaan Joshi, Hello Shaan, I was actually not trying to make the assumption that it was for the sake of dumbing it down at all.
It just dumbs you down to believing in other fantasies and machinations.
Again, fans often cite the replacement of the eight attributes with just three as proof, but ultimately the eight various attributes were just a way of increasing either your magicka, health or stamina, so it hasn't really dumbed it down at all.
I also didn't like the Star Trek reboot in which Abrams took the intellectual (mostly) Star Trek and dumbed it down with explosions and such trying to make it into Star Wars.
You can't dumb me down because I'm tireless and I'm wireless, I'm an alpha male on beta - blockers.
Jaws didn't ruin Hollywood cinema by dumbing it down.
At least since the 60s, schools have been indoctrinating students with leftist ideas, and more recently, dumbing them down using common core math so they can not understand math — leftists in the USA have produced entire generations if idiots that can't write, read, or think — and every one of them who made it to voting age voted for Hillary.
The media has for a long time been working at dumbing us down especially here in America.
It is a very sudden and obvious dip in quality and scale after that though, all the missions henceforth are too short, often boring designed, two plays on multiplayer maps, the one with airplanes instead of using the usual multiplayer controls of planes dumbs it down to the Battlefront style of «point and shoot» controls and have shallow character exposition.
«Morning Glory» is about how Rachel pulls the show out of the basement by, you guessed it, dumbing it down ever further into imbecility.
Star Allies sticks to the blueprint but the addition of co-op multiplayer dumbs it down to the point where the game offers near zero challenge.
can someone dumb it down to me how to update please?
You get Sci - Fi when you start with some science fiction and try to popularize it by punching it up and sometimes dumbing it down.
Apple simplified it (aka dumbed it down), came out with clever marketing, and like usual the Apple zombies, faithful and fanboys lap it up.
«To say just Made in the USA kind of dumbs it down somewhat
Pros: Interactive soundtrack, plenty of unlockables, new moves and checkpoints make it more approachable without dumbing it down Cons: A controller is central to the experience, even on PC
Isn't «breaking a lot of that (controls) down» basically dumbing it down?
I'm just curious to know if all those springs and boosters are there to make the game look flashy, or to dumb it down so that players would have to do less work?
Billy Collins, a two - term Poet Laureate of the United States who can fill large auditoriums and appears on «A Prairie Home Companion,» has made poetry miraculously accessible without dumbing it down or making it any less profound.
That's why I think Fromsoftware have achieved such success, by making challenging, confident games that don't dumb themselves down for broader appeal.
I am also shocked by how far hey pushed the «PG» rating, but it worked out by giving it a smarter, sophisticated edge rather than just dumbing it down.
Please do so before you dope him up or dumb him down with tranquilizers, sedation, and anxiety medication to stop expression of normal anxiety.
A more extensive re-skin in 2011 deliberately moved the 300 closer to generic, and maybe even dumbed it down.
Bridging courses and making things more culturally safe for students is so obvious, yet so unknown in the education area in general, and too often high schools keep our kids from achieving, by dumbing them down, assuming because they are aboriginal they will never get into further study.
And in response to this unwanted job - search slur, you've probably done what any intelligent, ambitious individual would do: Dumb yourself down on your resume.
Inevitably, you need to be an actual nuclear scientist to understand the finer details, but Loewen does a good job of dumbing it down to an under - graduate level.
Sometimes you might make something that you think is really awesome but that the public just doesn't get or isn't ready for and then you have to make a decision of, «Oh I can take this path and dumb it down or be true to myself and figure out why nobody is getting it.
In other words, deconstruct the complex to make it easily understood, but don't dumb it down.
Eric Winer, Gemini's vice president of engineering, gave Fortune an early demo of the platform and explained, «We want to make it accessible to users who may not be well - versed in bitcoin; at the same time, we don't want to dumb it down for the power users.»
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