Sentences with phrase «to dwindle down»

Speaking of summer dwindling down, last weekend got so chilly that I made a pasta dish for lunch, something I had not done in over 6 months!
If you do this then you will come to recognize your «pregnancy» cravings dwindling down.
With summer now dwindling down, college students across the nation are gearing up for class.
I feel like we are drowning and our savings is dwindling down fast.
Pounding the campaign trail as the days dwindle down, Heaney is hard to reach.
midwifes was putting pressure on I felt so guilty but in the end my milk supply dwindled down as sole expressing and I had to put baby on formula around 6 - 8 weeks after birth... it was around 4 months old little one diagnosed with asthma and skin conditions..
The buzz around Big Data hasn't dwindled down yet, and we don't expect it to anytime soon.
Consequently, the aboriginal population gradually dwindled down to 300 people in 1890.
Between the pirates and the folks at Amazon and other e-book sales pages raking off a good sum of MY share, my share has pretty well dwindled down to a small trickle.
Full grown German Shepherds require between 2,000 and 2,250 calories per day, while older dogs begin to dwindle down in their caloric intake, requiring between 1,200 and 1,400 calories as their energy levels decrease.
After completing the opening of the critically acclaimed survival horror game (and by opening, I mean when our faithful trio dwindles down to two adventurers) The Last of Us, I decided to offer my initial...
Eventually, the numbers of Christians and Jews in those countries dwindled down as they converted or escaped (or in some cases, were massacred), until now, in most Islamic countries, Jews and Christians are very small minorities.
That's because baby - cut carrots are actually dwindled down regular carrots.
The 18 - point lead dwindles down to 16.
Our options are not so perfect however, with our central midfield options having dwindled down horrifically.
With the clock dwindling down, Wade steps back to his left, and hesitates as though he's about to pull up.
With him on the physio table those chances / assists dwindle down to next to zero... We can score and win without him in a match or 2...
As soon as Dybala's shot hit the back of the net, the then - league leaders were already dwindling down the table.
We'd choose her outfits together and the tantrums dwindled down.
Whereas before I had strong milk ejection to the point my newborn was choking on my milk; it was slowly dwindling down during our trek from the Hills of PA to the Sunshine State.
It has been so gratifying to see the persistent snow piles dwindling down!
DWINDLING DOWN Young nerve cells (green) were spotted in the memory - related hippocampus of a newborn (left), but rarely in a sample from a 13 - year - old (center).
«Exactly how that once diverse and globally widespread group dwindled down to a single species in Southeast Asia is still somewhat a mystery, but every little piece that we can slot into the story helps.»
«The motivation to go definitely dwindles down if you stop home, have a snack, have to change,» she says.
I set it aside and got to work on the many other pieces I already had until I literally dwindled down to it.
We arrived towards the end of the day, just as golden hour started to hit and the crowds dwindled down.
Few lines are given to characters that took up much screen time previously, such as The Architect and Link, and Monica Belucci's Persephone has seen her character's function dwindle down to just being cleavage in the background.
Drivers in your party will auto - attack once you engage in combat, but you won't just be sitting back while the health bars dwindle down.
The company, which hit its heyday in the years immediately after the end of World War II and leading up through the 90s, has seen a decline in the past few years when its more than 300 physical retail spaces across Germany dwindled down to the 52 locations that are still open today, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal.
Students already don't take an interest in writing dissertation above it sociology dissertation writing dwindle down all their morale.
see the internal memory dwindle down so it would probably be wise to invest in a microSD card, which bumps up the cost.
As I've mentioned in the past, I won't be shocked to see the S&P 500 (and therefore SSO too) come down some in January after the end of the year rally dwindles down and some other random macroeconomic fear peaks its head out.
But if you feel more disappointed than celebratory because your final deposit is dwindled down by deductions and taxes, you may be missing some opportunities to maximize your paycheck.
37 cats eventually dwindled down to 2 territorial toms that are regulars.
It seems like the most impressive achievements were back in 2013 and 2014, this is understandable as the buzz around the hotel dwindles down and better competition emerges.
October is also the month when the north - eastern trade winds dwindle down to the point that they are no longer felt on the skin.
I am switching back to my Capital One Venture card and will just dwindle down my skymiles over the next several flights I have planned for weddings.
Tragedy is sure to ensue as we watch the team that enters dwindle down to just a few as they are picked off one by one by the creatures in the mansion.
Rock Band was a massive franchise that has since dwindled down.
But even then: Perhaps with improved fuel efficiency we can just keep stretching oil company profits out longer and longer as the world's finite supplies of oil start really dwindling down and prices just rise.
Then along came the Internet, and many law firms let their print advertising methods dwindle down to nothing, in favor of a firm website and a legal blog.
As the sitting days left in this session of Parliament dwindle down, it is not at all clear whether Bill C - 279, with or without its bathroom amendment, will even make it out of the Senate and back to the House.
This means that when you turn 25, your premium rates dwindle down.
This is especially true during the semester, where the pool of prospective interns dwindles down to just the most ambitious of the bunch.
They all saw my access dwindle down to nothing, and tried to help me get it back because without my access, they'd never see my daughter again.
The inventory of short sales for sale in Wellington had dwindled down into the teens this past 9 months.
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