Sentences with phrase «to eat bacon»

I don't eat bacon, so I can't try»em... but I bet they taste really fantastic!
He frequently talks about eating bacon and coconut oil and recommends it to listeners as breakfast.
One possible data - backed way to lower — though not eliminate — the risk of growing tumors from eating bacon: cook it on lower heat.
This classification does not 100 % guarantee that you will get colon cancer by eating bacon every morning — or lung cancer from smoking a pack a day.
Following a ketogenic diet doesn't mean eating bacon, cheese and eggs all the time.
I have only eaten bacon once since I started my Whole 30 though and I didn't miss it as much as I thought I would!
«We're now paying the price for all those years of eating bacon,» he says.
It's not a matter of an all you can eat bacon buffet, but instead is something you can enjoy in moderation, along with a hearty serving of vegetables.
My brother loves telling people that he regularly eats bacon and eggs for breakfast and puts actual cream in his coffee.
As a bonus, you are required to cook and eat bacon before getting to the grease; a task we are more than happy to tackle.
I'd be heading to work at 7:30 am and see all the miners just off shift sitting outside the pub eating bacon and egg «breakfasts» and drinking beer.
Well, this is great news as I love eating bacon.
I am just curious your reasoning / justification why it is okay to eat bacon as part of a healthy diet.
Natural state of humans: parked on ass eating bacon?
I picked at my eggs and lukewarm home fries, having eaten the bacon slowly to tease my brother.
Following a ketogenic diet doesn't mean eating bacon, cheese and eggs all the time.
We have literally heard less about Osborne failing his own central economic targets than we have about Ed Miliband eating a bacon sandwich.
I don't know about you, but I almost always eat my bacon with eggs, veggies, avocado, and some form tea or coffee (all of which are great sources of antioxidants), so HCA's just simply aren't much of a concern if you're counteracting them with a few sources of powerful antioxidants.
But we all remember that shot of Ed Miliband eating a bacon sarnie and shudder.
The Long Island Breast Cancer Study Project reported that women who eat more grilled, barbecued, or smoked meats over their lifetimes may have as much as 47 percent higher odds of breast cancer, and the Iowa Women's Health Study found that women who ate their bacon, beefsteak, and burgers «very well done» had nearly five times the odds of getting breast cancer compared with women who preferred these meats rare or medium.
Living dogmatically in a non-dogmatic world soon proves silly; tell a nation like ours to not eat bacon because pigs are «unclean» rather than explain that it was tricky to cook pork 2000 years ago over a fire and made people sick.
How can you possibly drop fat eating bacon cheeseburgers, adding butter to your coffee, and indulging in dark chocolate?
These photos positively entice me to eat them up — at the least to make this dressing — and I don't even eat bacon.
plus if you're really desperate, you can stream anything online... an watch it while eating bacon caramel popcorn.
Now, while mainstream diets with low carbohydrate intake such as the Atkins diet let people eat bacon, sausages, butter and other fatty foods, bodybuilders should completely avoid them even when on a low - carb diet.
Eggs and Bacon Bay, on the southeastern coast of Tasmania, got its name — according to local lore — after pioneer and traveler Lady Jane Franklin ate bacon... Read More
I have not eaten bacon since 2006, not that I crave it at all, but I do remember loving it, I am making this tonight for my wife and I, thank you for the recipe... amazing
If you want to thumb your nose at god and keep eating bacon cheeseburgers, fine.
But, guess, what, though you can't eat bacon anymore Rob, you are allowed to eat Locust!!!!! Yay!
We don't eat bacon all that often, but Bacon Gravy is one of my most favorite ways to eat it.
I am totally making this and I look forward to eating that bacon weave mostly!
Since trying the various bacons — spicy, chocolate, candied, lavender, among others — made by a wonderful Charlottesville, Virginia, restaurant, I haven't been able to eat bacon straight up since.
«Why eat bacon and eggs when you're dying for stewed fox, seal liver and whale blubber?»
Writing on the Labourlist website, he added: «Concluding that these results stem from a poster, an election broadcast and a badly eaten bacon sandwich risks insulting voters in a way they will not forget.
I still eat bacon most days for breakfast.
For example eat bacon and eggs in the morning, the following morning try a bowl of cereals with two scoops of protein, the next morning a toast etc..
Eating bacon today may trigger a migraine tonight — or in 48 hours.
You shouldn't be putting a half a stick of butter in your coffee and recklessly eating bacon every day.
Before I gave up pork, I would LOVE to eat bacon topped cobb salad.
It's a common misconception that people on a Low Carb Diet (or Atkins) mainly eat bacon, grease, processed cheese and Atkins bars / shakes.
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