Sentences with phrase «to eat humans»

You are probably thinking you know what is coming: the usual dogs shouldn't eat human foods mantra.
Our reaction toward the prospect of eating human flesh or having sexual intercourse with our parents transcends, in its violence, any rational justification we may subsequently give for our views.
Would you actually eat the human grade pet food yourself?
Just a little awareness and simple changes to routine will prevent the majority of pets from accessing and eating human medication.
In one recent study, obese rats that ate the human equivalent of two cups of wild blueberries per day for eight weeks experienced a significantly improved inflammatory response.
Don't let your dog or cat eat any human foods containing onions!
You can eat human sized meals instead of eating like a mouse.
I got a kick out of your review, but I was wondering if that was a spelling error or pun about giants eating human beans?
He has always eaten human food, so he would never touch dog food.
Never let your puppy eat any human food without the OK of the vet.
Your dog does not need to eat human quality ingredients, and you do not need to depend on some company to make up his feed for you.
Probably because they are eating human foods like bread, corn, etc instead of natural foods.
Aquinas then states that, due to bad «customs» or habits, some men eventually find delight in eating human beings, or in sexual union with animals or other men (coitu bestiarum aut masculorum).
A genetic mutation protecting against kuru — a brain disease passed on by eating human brains — only emerged and spread in the past 200 years.
Instead, he meets the Baker family, a sadistic tribe of enhanced loonies who eat human flesh and torture and kill unsuspecting souls on their run down estate.
After all we learned that they are humans who angered God, so as seems you are as good as eating humans consuming it;
He doesn't speak, only communicating in a form of grunts as he thinks he's an actual pig, and can be seen eating human remains.
I have witnessed the panic in veterinary clients» eyes when they come rushing into the clinic because their dog ate some human food that contained a little diced onions.
Other carvings show a scene with a human sacrifice, eagles eating human hearts and skeletonized warriors with shields and arrows.
In this universe, zombies are primarily interested in eating human flesh, and the brain essentially represents a delicacy.
The Gods Must be Hungry — A 3D platformer where warrior chefs make giant meals to stop ravenous gods from eating the human race!
People who worship dead hearts, mimic eating human meat and blood, and this is a religion??? Sounds more like a voodoo cult to me.
Yes, the whole eating human flesh and drinking human blood is sicko in itself.
In order to analyze the data from Yosemite bears that ate a mixture of human and natural foods, Hopkins had to get samples from bears that did not eat any human food, and he had to track down samples of the non-native trout that had been raised in the hatchery.
Every single one has turned into zombies, the rules of the future are simple: crawl, slither and eat all human brains — the only power to survive and grow up.
Arachnophobes should beware this hair - raisingly hilarious story from The Washington Post, which points out that the world's population of spiders could theoretically eat every human on Earth in just a year.
This faux documentary takes place in a world in which zombies who can talk, think and otherwise act «normal,» apart from the whole eating humans thing coexist with the living — but as second - class citizens striving to find their place.
To keep out these invading Titans who eat humans for food, the humans erect huge walls — but at the cost of their freedom in the outside world.
The primary subject is the skull rack itself; others show a scene with a human sacrifice; eagles eating human hearts; and skeletonized warriors with shields and arrows.
The supernatural element introduced into the plot, that of the cursed but curative properties of eating human flesh, are handled with clever edits that dance around any expensive and time - consuming effects: when a mortally wounded Boyd caves and takes a few bites, for example, the image immediately leaps from his spoon - wielding hand to a close - up of his previously bloody face fully restored.
Facebook's failure to quash hateful rhetoric, whether by enabling advertisers to reach «Jew haters» or neglecting to crack down on inflammatory posts that contributed to violence in Sri Lanka, led Bee compare it to a robot that eats human skin.
Just because the carbon dating was wrong for a long time doesn't prove that everying is only 6,000 years old, and that dinasours ate humans.
U r the Robot V and it is an idiot, deceiver, false prophet, man eater that eat human raw just like an Ape Lincoln as Obama and whoever believe the Under god have done the same thing and u r guilty from the beginning and u r still guilty now!
PIGS EAT CHIMP... «A family member of an Oregon pig farmer discovered his relative's body parts scattered across the pen — a gruesome find leaving authorities to believe it was a case of hog eats human.
You follow a religion that glorifies eating human flesh and drinking blood and you're upset about a statue?
Demonic rituals that invoke eating human flesh and drinking blood?
Or could we think tha lions would not have eaten any humans befor they (the humans) fell in to sin?
But for many cultures, the thought of eating another human repulses us so greatly; it can be hard to imagine our ancestors might have consumed a relative out of respect, she says.
Other studies have found that bears» diets are changing and many populations are now eating human trash regularly instead of ants and other traditional food sources.
For instance, «Dogs are very well known to eat human feces,» he says, «which possibly could have contributed to the dogs eating maize signal they found.»
This could indicate that the mice are adapting to eat human garbage, an idea Harris calls «the cheeseburger hypothesis.»
The lead character in Santa Clarita Diet feels the urge to constantly eat human flesh and, impulsively, she does so, while her husband tries to help her adjust to the changes by helping her out with whatever she needs.
Take, for instance, the scene where Laura takes a stab at eating human food.
A dying man is cut open by another who removes his heart (not seen)-- it is implied that his assailant eats human flesh (blood shown).
If slaughtered children, dogs eating human faces, and people stabbing and torturing each other is your idea of entertainment, you may have a grand old time with this one.
Aliens have attacked earth, but they can only find and eat the humans if they make a sound.
While the latter is played mostly for laughs (whether it's Nick projectile vomiting blood after eating human food, or Viago making a mess of his latest kill), the movie never strays too far from its horror roots.
He makes some noise about being «conflicted» with regard to eating human victims, but we only ever see him bite into a single one — it just happens to be Julie's impressively - eyebrowed boyfriend, Perry (Dave Franco).
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