Sentences with phrase «to eat regular meals»

Eat regular meals with whole grains, fruit, vegetables and lean protein, get more exercise and keep a food journal.
She doesn't eat regular meals; her days have no shape.
Eating regular meals throughout the day and during your evening will ensure that you're fueling your brain.
Losing weight can be hard if the rest of your family is still eating regular meals.
Since I was a small girl, they believed eating a regular meal could help me gain weight instead of having some snacks before meal time and then skipping a meal.
If you want to start making good results, you need to eat regular meals consisting of high - quality protein, carbs, healthy fats and adequate doses of fiber.
Eat regular meals for three weeks — breakfast, lunch, and dinner — and see what happens.
On the other hand, eating regular meals all the time — especially processed foods — can get in the way of cellular cleansing.
Try to eat regular meals spaced apart equally throughout the day.
If your dog's fecal matter returns to normal after a period of time eating a bland diet, he may safely resume eating his regular meals.
Your growing toddler needs to snack quite a few times a day in addition to eating regular meals with the rest of the family.
I still eat regular meals, although they tend to get a lot healthier than they would normally be as well.
In this section, learn how to eat with the seasons, according to your body type and the natural digestive cycles, and the importance of eating regular meals in a relaxed way.
Step one (also my first tip to preserve muscle): Eat regular meals containing 20 to 30 gram of protein about every 4 hours.
She recommends eating regular meals throughout the day (including snacks), limiting saturated (bad) fat intake and including small amounts of mono or polyunsaturated (good) fats, choosing high - fibre and low - GI carbohydrates and eating plenty of nutrient - rich fruit and vegetables.
Eating regular meals at the same time, as well as the same clean foods will not only help you in terms of sticking to a clean diet during an unpredictable time, but also take the edge off planning.
You need to eat regular meals packed with protein, some complex carbs, lots of vegies and some good fats.
I stopped eating regular meals and snacked most of the time.
I learned if I kept my blood sugar steady by eating regular meals (and snacks) that included protein and good fats, I was able to ward off cravings.
Once he starts to eat regular meals in the crate with no signs of anxiousness, you can confine him there for short periods of time when you are at home.
women who did not eat regular meals or ate less frequently than normal were very likely to have reduced nutrition and deliver their babies early.
If your child is not willing to eat regular meals or eats minimal amount of food at several feedings, you must consult the physician to know the cause of the loss of appetite.
As long as these babies are healthy and eating regular meals, they should not have a nutritional need to nurse at night.
When you're feeling less than awesome, eating regular meals can feel like a chore.
After your child's first birthday, he will be eating regular meals and snacks.
Being busy can make it difficult to eat regular meals, so talk with your mom or dad about how to handle meals when you're at practice or a game.
Liver levels of FGF21, a protein with a known role in metabolism, jumped in mice fed a ketogenic diet, then plunged once they ate a regular meal.
Eating regular meals and snacks throughout the day - especially foods such as bananas that contain potassium and other vital nutrients (in addition to water)- will help prep your body for a workout in the heat.
«I always encourage people to eat regular meals; that is every two to three hours.
Save chocolate, cheese and red wine for times when you are relaxed and happy, eat regular meals to ensure stable blood - sugar levels and drink plenty of water.
When we put off eating regular meals, our hunger overwhelms our common sense and we forget to eat well balanced nutritional foods.
Making sure that I'm eating regular meals, cutting out the sugar, cutting out the things you know, no white bread or flour or anything like that, and I do this because I know that's going to help my brain function at the optimal level and when I do pay attention, it does make a difference.
I've eaten regular meals, most meatless, but still regular meals and this Flat Tummy Spa Water along with a green smoothie every morning for breakfast.
I ate my regular meals, but changed up some things like swapping rice for only vegetables.
People with type 1 diabetes should eat regular meals and snacks to keep blood sugar stable.
On the contrary, eating regular meals and keeping yourself full is what will actually help you stick to your healthy eating plan and reach your goals.
That's why making sure adults are eating regular meals with 25 - 30 grams of protein and that are well - balanced can make a big impact on living a healthier, more active life.»
I have to eat regular meals, if not I get shaky and dizzy but my blood sugar looks ok every time I've checked it, I used to be an avid coffee drinker then about a year ago coffee began giving me panic attacks.
This can be tough, because in today's busy world, it's challenging enough to eat regular meals.
Not Eating Regular Meals.
For many people, snacks are more of a staple part of their diet, often, than eating regular meals themselves.
In addition to eating regular meals, how and what we eat at meals has impact on how often we find ourselves jonesing for that sugary stuff.
We're commonly told that eating regular meals is a key to good health.
To avoid this, it is best to eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day with moderate amounts of high fiber carbohydrates that won't spike up glucose levels.
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