Sentences with phrase «to eat seeds»

You can also just leave them off if you don't like sesame seeds, or can't eat seeds because of your diet.
I think the high protein content could come from the fact that, despite its resemblance to a cereal grain, you're actually eating the seeds of the plant.
Birds that eat seed as their main diet will need a quality vitamin / mineral / amino - acid supplement added to their diet daily.
People have been eating seeds for years, but recently it has become widely popular.
She also ate seeds, some fruits (like apples, pears, and berries) and a little bit of fish.
That being said, the fact that you're eating the seeds with an animal - based omega - 3 rich fish -LCB- these are important, people -RCB- helps the nutrient balancing act.
But finding ways to eat this seed on a regular basis can get tricky.
Why bother eating seeds at all if you can't absorb the nutrition from them?
Some birds eat seed while others eat nectar and fruit.
Eat the seeds plain or as a topping for low - fat yogurt.
If you prefer to eat the seeds roasted, do so yourself so you can control the roasting temperature and time.
When I started eating these seeds that is all I could think about.
Personally, I prefer to eat seeds over nuts.
If the animals eventually eat the seeds, they don't grow into new trees.
Eating seeds along with certain carbohydrate help promote a soothing night's sleep.
Healthy adult hamsters can meet all of their nutritional needs by eating seeds, grains, fruits, and vegetables.
My year old Black Lab ate a seed pod which got stuck in his stomach.
If your dog eats a seed or two on rare occasion, do not panic; just ensure to remove them all next time.
We assumed that if the pet birds really liked eating the seeds, it must be good for them.
At first, birds were fed an all - seed diet, and they really enjoyed eating the seeds.
Most of the cans have very minimum seeds in the product, which I love because I can not eat seeds so they are very easy for me to dispose of the seeds.
The angel red pomegranate is the perfect choice of pomegranate fruit for those who love to eat the seeds on the spot.
Pellets have been particularly useful for bird species that do not eat seeds in the wild and, as a result, have often suffered malnutrition - related health issues.
and the chart from Richard Fisher in Eating our Seed Corn).
For example, she and Kidd discovered that people in the rural area surrounding Village Hope were getting sick from eating seeds coated in pesticide.
Birds that mainly eat seeds in the wild such as parakeets, cockatiels and finches also ingest other foods like greens and other vegetables, as well as some insects and so on.
For example, large parrots like macaws and amazons rarely eat seeds in their Central and South American rainforest habitats, relying more on vegetation, fruits, nuts and so on.
Eating the seeds actually does the opposite of marijuana, they boost your memory!
Dr. Greger says they help cholesterol levels stay low but other plant based diet doctors recommend eating no seeds or nuts, especially for a person like me who had a heart event.
Those with nut allergies should eat seeds instead, Foroutan said.
Look, one of my strongest economic views is that the U.S. absolutely requires a greater focus on encouraging productive investment at every level of the economy (see in particular Eating our Seed Corn and Judging Economic Policy).
That's partially because growth in real domestic investment is almost always associated with an expanding trade deficit (a regularity of the savings - investment identity - see Eating Our Seed Corn for more on this), and also because import growth drives other aspects of measured productivity growth, as explained above.
In the process of transmission details would be added and varied in accordance with knowledge of agricultural processes and dangers, e.g. the worm eating the seed in Thomas, and the scorching sun in Mark / Matthew versus the lack of moisture in Luke.
Although I tend to favor peanut butter over many other spreads (or most other foods, for that matter), I also love eating seed butters to obtain more variety in flavor and nutrients.
For more information on avocados, visit the California Avocado Commission (who also discourages eating the seeds).
Pumpkin seeds also contain a good amount of protein and iron so eating the seeds does provide some nutritive value.
A kiwi fruit contains twice the vitamin C of an orange... Choosing and storing kiwi for your baby Can my baby eat the seeds in a kiwifruit?
Mao declared that sparrows should be eradicated, the rationale being that sparrows eat seeds and that eradicating the sparrow «pest»...
Tiny amounts of a compound called cinnamamide can put birds, rodents and slugs off eating seeds and crops.
Eat the seeds once you see some dark green leaves (usually 3 - 4 days after the seed starts to sprout).
After surveying more than 47,000 men over an 18 - year period, researchers writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2008 reported that they found no link between eating seeds and developing diverticulitis.
Decades ago, experts believed that people who had diverticular disease should try to avoid eating seeds, nuts, corn, and popcorn, which were thought to get caught in the diverticula and cause inflammation or damage to the interior of the colon, but the AGA no longer recommends this.
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