Sentences with phrase «to eject material»

Within globular clusters, the brightest bodies are giant stars which eject material from their outer atmospheres as they die.
When the supernova remnant RCW 103 was first observed 25 years ago, it seemed to be a textbook example of a massive star's death: a gaseous cloud of ejected material surrounding a neutron star only about 12 miles across.
Canup's computer models show that to produce a single moon - size satellite, an impact would have to eject material with at least twice the mass of the moon.
The observations indicate that iPTF 13dqy was a regular type II supernova; thus, the finding that the probable red supergiant progenitor of this common explosion ejected material at a highly elevated rate just prior to its demise suggests that pre-supernova instabilities may be common among exploding massive stars.
Perhaps the hungry baby is feasting on ejected material that falls back into its gravitational muzzle, they report.
RAMIREZ - RUIZ: As these neutron stars come together, the stars eject some material in their tidal tails into space at very close to the speed of light.
The recently ejected material is spat out in opposite directions with immense speed — the gas shown in yellow is moving close to one million kilometers per hour (621,371 miles per hour).
At really long distances, ejected material escapes gravity and gets lost in space.
The tail may be created directly from ejected material off the fast rotating nucleus, or from ice within the asteroid subliming into water vapor after being freshly exposed on the surface.
Some researchers theorized that these afterglows eluded detection because they occurred in a less dense region of a galaxy, where ejected material wouldn't have the opportunity to interact with lots of particles and produce a bright enough burst.
Rotating magnetars that hammer surrounding material with their vast magnetic fields, superluminous supernovae explosions, or immensely volatile cosmic events like supermassive black holes ejecting material are among the theories of what causes FRBs.
The sun's activity shifts over the course of its 11 - year cycle, with sun spot numbers, radiation levels, and ejected material changing over time.
Most of the energy from the supernova turns into light when it hits this previously ejected material, resulting in a short, but brilliant burst of radiation.
It is possible that the star spewed out a dense shell of gas about a year before the explosion, and when the supernova happened, ejected material hit the shell.
Dust trapped in polar ice cores shows that ejected material spread around the globe, indicating that the eruption injected substantial material into the stratosphere, where it can strongly affect climate.
Since the geysers are ejecting material from the lake up into space, a probe could simply take a few passes through the plumes, sweep up samples and fly them back home for study in terrestrial labs.
Generally these erupt near the Equator and eject material with high sulfur content into the Stratosphere.
Young stars are violent objects that eject material at speeds of as high as one million kilometres per hour.
The oddball supernova's ejected material is also flying about 10 times faster, he says.
But the heat of a large impact could have — if the ejected material melted and quickly clumped together.
BRIGHT BURST After two neutron stars slammed together, scientists detected gravitational waves, a burst of gamma rays and a glow from ejected material, shown in this artist's conception.
The fireballs present a puzzle to astronomers, because the ejected material could not have been shot out by the host star, called V Hydrae.
The scientists are hoping to use ash deposits from these volcanoes to develop a sharper picture of the amount and speed of the ejected material.
As the ejected material rammed into the cloud, some energy from its motion could have been converted into light and heat, powering the dying star's extreme and persistent brightness.
But it is already clear that there are some unidentified spectral features in the light reflected from the ejected material, meaning the mission's goal of learning new things about the internal composition of the comet will clearly be fulfilled.
The ejected material's initial blue tint shows that at first, it lacked heavy elements called lanthanides.
They think black holes that dwell in the center of galaxies fling out matter so violently that the ejected material pierces its cloudy surroundings, allowing light to escape.
Then it flung off material and slowed to form a rigid spinning body whose mass researchers could calculate from the masses of the original neutron stars minus the ejected material.
Furthermore, the moons would be extremely dry, even in the context of the Red Planet, as any water vapor contained in the ejected materials from which the moons could have formed would have been lost to space.
Many dying stars and stellar corpses are embedded in their ejected material, which shrouds our view in visible light but can be penetrated with Webb's infrared vision.
They realised that they were not just clumps of gas and dust that reflected light, or glowed under the influence of the ultraviolet light from young stars, but were a new class of objects associated with ejected material in star formation regions.
«We think the ejected material brightens because it's slamming into something,» Rupen said.
These new observations of Herbig Haro 46 - 47 revealed that some of the ejected material had velocities much higher than had been measured before.
This shallow angle would have permitted some of the ejected material from the collision to fall back on the surface, spraying it with the observed phyllosilicate traces.
Kasliwal's colleague, theorist Ehud Nakar of Tel Aviv University, pointed out that the absence of X-ray and radio emissions fit a model in which the ejected material from the merged neutron stars produced a blast wave that interacts with the interstellar medium but with a time lag.
An eruption of Katla in 934 A.D. had a Volcanic Intensity Index (VEI) of 6, producing some 5 cubic km of tephra, or ejected material, and 18 cubic km of lava.
All around the holes were ejected material.
It looked like a sink hole, except for the ejected material surrounding it.
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