Sentences with phrase «to elect lawmakers»

For the vast majority of state legislators, it is the beginning of a new session, for the newly elected lawmakers, it is the beginning of a new career.
Several elected lawmakers draw five or six - figure salaries from law firms without doing much in the way of visible work.
The Planned Parenthood Action Fund in Minnesota works to expand access to family planning and reproductive health care for all Minnesotans, helps elect lawmakers who advocate for policies and programs that support reproductive freedom, and fights dangerous bills and regulations that limit access to care by attacking Planned Parenthood.
The American Association of University Women (AAUW), National Wildlife Federation, NAACP, and Center for American Progress Action Fund and Sierra Club are also calling for Congressional action to ensure that this type of orchestrated deception of elected lawmakers never happens again.
Democratically elected lawmakers drift in and out of what Edmund Burke described as delegate and trustee roles of representation.
Musk also donated roughly $ 34,000 to the Republican Party's official arm for electing lawmakers to the chamber, federal records show.
Silver and Skelos were once two of the «three men in a room» - the other being Gov. Andrew Cuomo - who controlled $ 150 billion a year in state spending, decided what legislation would get voted upon and what bills would die, and controlled millions of dollars in campaign donations that they could use to help elect lawmakers across the state.
Some are known for welcoming litigation tourism or as hotbeds for asbestos litigation, and in all of them too many judges seem more eager to expand civil liability than to respect precedent and the policy - making authority of duly elected lawmakers.
Any pay increase would likely have to be considered in a special session of the current lame - duck Legislature before the end of the year and newly elected lawmakers take their seats.
NextGen Climate, which has a well - funded super PAC dedicated to electing lawmakers dedicated to halting climate change, launched a «text - banking» voter - turnout program late last year that attempted to motivate potential voters to show up to vote by sending personalized texts from actual organizers encouraging recipients to respond and start a dialogue.
The LEC's composition includes current elected lawmakers appointed by the Senate and Assembly.
The CEA website proclaims: «We're here to point the way and help members elect lawmakers who value and respect the important role public education and teachers play in our state.»
Mr. Banks, who has run in the past with support from rising - star Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, hopes that Mr. Jeffries» thorough defeat of Mr. Barron in a 2012 congressional race means the working - class, heavily African - American district will be ready to elect a lawmaker closer to the Democratic Party's mainstream.
Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan is turning to two recently elected lawmakers to take up the leadership of the chamber's Joint Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Addiction.
During a radio interview last week, Schneiderman, a Democrat, said legislative subpoenas were a «tricky game» because elected lawmakers will eventually have to act on whatever the Moreland panel recommends.
While serving as the Arizona Senate's Education Committee chair, one of the authors of this column, Rich Crandall, would often get visits from newly elected lawmakers wanting to do something to «fix» education.
Meanwhile, the Journal reports this morning that Cuomo, the presumptive gubernatorial nominee, has been making it clear to fellow Democrats that «if he's elected lawmakers who resist his agenda will be punished.»
State law does not allow officials to go after the pensions of elected lawmakers and state government workers hired before November 2013.
The allegation that policemen drafted to the House of Assembly complex to forestall the foretold violence stood akimbo while thugs laid siege on the legislature, brutalized Hon Friday Sani Makama, a duly elected lawmaker, and disrupted the activities of the Assembly should not be allowed to go unpunished.The National Assembly should also investigate the criminal act and take appropriate steps that would prevent the re-occurrence of such intimidating act in future.»
But it was a tide shift for the legislative body — a clear message from newly elected lawmakers that they won't be a rubber stamp for Mahoney's administration.
And when our nation's elected lawmakers are held hostage by a once routine budget procedure that is now being held hostage in an attempt to force Democrats to ditch the Affordable Healthcare Act, the people themselves must rise up and do what the government can not.
«It is a vital moment of decision for our elected lawmakers — the need to act is vital and it's woven with the idea of what type of nation we want to be.»
In addition to a new president, Kenyans are electing lawmakers and local representatives, the result of a 2010 constitution that devolved power and money to the counties, reducing the «winner takes all» nature of the presidential race.
The TU says the retirements of Assemblymen Bob Reilly, Jack McEneny and Rob Canestrari gives voters a rare opportunity and «bank slate» to elect lawmakers who might be more reform - minded.
«Strasbourg have created a constitutional crisis, where it's Strasbourg versus the elected lawmakers of a mature democracy.»
Instead they are focused on supporting their friends and electing lawmakers that advance their agenda.
He decried the reluctance of democratically elected lawmakers to remove «the insidious structural impediments to development, which decades of military rule had hoisted upon our nation.»
According to local media, 66 out of the 73 elected lawmakers were certificated, leaving out seven who are facing legal challenges over their election in the Oct. 10 general polls.
Speaking on behalf of the elected lawmakers, the current Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hans Barchue, promised to work with the CDC - led government.
She urged voters to elect lawmakers to both houses of the State Legislature who are committed to enacting even more rigorous legislation, noting that some Republicans have sought to stop the establishment of the ammunition registry the SAFE Act requires.
«We have rallied, talked with our elected lawmakers and have presented a strong argument about preserving needed services throughout the state,» Baker said.
In Mr. Silver's Assembly, power has been consolidated with the most senior members, frustrating many of the more recently - elected lawmakers.
He'll also, again, have to confront an inevitable chorus of advocates (including some elected lawmakers) to reform the systems of lobbying, campaign finance and economic development subsidies that made the alleged schemes possible.
The people who are directly affected are denizens of the Capitol bubble, including the 213 elected lawmakers.
Democrats countered that GOP legislators representing Bristol have been hugely unproductive at the Capitol, and said voters should elect lawmakers who can work with Malloy and Democrats.
But in terms of the elected lawmakers in the Senate and the Assembly, no, most of them, the vast majority have not come out.
As Democrats in Albany prepare to celebrate the kickoff of Andrew Cuomo's campaign for governor next week, Mr. Cuomo is quietly putting out the word that if he's elected lawmakers who resist his agenda will be punished.
And yet, because of the way education policy is generally decided, the Common Core was instituted in many states without a single vote taken by an elected lawmaker.
Our elected lawmakers at the State Capitol determine everything from what teachers teach to how schools are funded.
In a bipartisan manner, our elected lawmakers in Congress demonstrated today their commitment toward helping low down payment first time homebuyers by keeping mortgage insurance tax deductible.
We try to elect lawmakers who will represent our interests, but we all know that many of them are in the pockets of companies like Monsanto and Halliburton.
Both laws raise serious concerns as to their constitutionality and raise an important point about law - making in Canada today: Are our elected lawmakers doing their constitutional due diligence?
WASHINGTON, D.C., February 1, 2017 — Noting Judge Neil Gorsuch's «refreshing record of leaving lawmaking to elected lawmakers,» the American Tort Reform Association today voiced optimism about his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court and «the perspective he'll bring in helping to make our civil justice system more predictably fair.»
10th Circuit Record Shows «Refreshing» Disinclination to Legislate from Bench WASHINGTON, D.C., February 1, 2017 — Noting Judge Neil Gorsuch's «refreshing record of leaving lawmaking to elected lawmakers,» the American -LSB-...]
We need to elect lawmakers who can do more than lob attack after attack on health care for millions of Americans.
Electoral activity: PPAV works to elect lawmakers who will support reproductive health and rights.
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