Sentences with phrase «to elimate»

@HawaiiGuest «You would first need to find the cause of the slide, then elimate the possibility of any natural causes for it.
They're super sweet already, so that eliminates the need for much of the added sugar; they have some body, which elimates the need for some of the flour; and they have moisture, which elimanates the need for so much butter.
Widely used in Asia for decades, the technology elimates reliance on chemical preservatives with high - performance oxygen scavenger packets, giving Clariant's U.S. customers a proven option for cost - effective food preservation.
(I realize that new cereal packaging doesn't sound that exciting, but I love anything that saves me time and elimates messes.)
Learn how to troubleshoot setbacks with step - by - step directions on what to elimate first to start feeling better quickly
Baking Soda Baking soda will elimate dead skin and make scars less visible over time.
Dr. McCombs» has been helping people elimate candida since 1993.
But I'm not sure if I'm ready to commit to elimating gluten altogether forever, ya know?
This movie elimated it and focused on visuals, sound, and symbols.
I did some quick math and found that he could have his credit card debt elimated by February of next year:
Jeff, was always a dog lover lost 3 dogs in 2o years children grew up ad moved away feral cats in my area have totally elimated rat population ps (I live in a fairly affluent community) they are not destructive and provide some degree of pleasure to us aging yuppies, as it goes live and let live!
But, thorough research of current events, owners, and the animals themselves will elimate statements that are out - dated or simply not indicitive of the majority.
Why anyone would be trying to cycle on the beach in the first place is questionable, however, the risk should be elimated entirely with sanctions that prohibit such an activity.
I don't care if elimating the non-climate papers makes it a 99.8 % consensus.
You would first need to find the cause of the slide, then elimate the possibility of any natural causes for it.
That would elimate the «patch» and you could use that center seam to find the middle.
This elimates the «execution» style hole in the head lol.
That is a gife nobody can elimate.
I wanted to cut out a little bit of the sugar so I elimated the chocolate chips (and I LOVE dark chocolate... like, I love it EVERY DAY) and they were PLENTY sweet!
The children must crack the secret police codes to elimate the innocent suspects (cross them off) and reveal the final two suspects.
- We rotated the building 90 degrees and split it to elimate the «wall» effect of a new building between neighborhoods.
The initial business model was to create a platform for all used cnc machine dealers to advertise their stock on and elimate the difficulty of searching through hundreds of individual websites trying to find the ideal machine.
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