Sentences with phrase «to eliminate corruption»

As the democratic culture lends itself to an expected inequality, it is important to find ways to solve, or more importantly, totally eliminate corruption.
Mr. Lebel is being showcased as part of the PQ government effort in eliminating corruption in the industry.
«To eliminate corruption from SON, we are going to introduce e-payment, e-invoice and e-receipt to stamp out corruption from the system.»
Although we can not eliminate corruption, we can change Albany's culture of dialing for dollars from lobbyists and deep pocketed special interests.
Stating how his administration would be different from the country's successive governments, Mr Agyapong said a CPP government would cut down on government expenditure and put money in the pocket of Ghanaians, capture the data of Ghanaians on a common data base and eliminate corruption which he said was destroying the country.
Speaking to Citi News, the General Secretary of the ICU, Solomon Kotei, said eliminating corruption will be crucial in meeting growth targets.
Citizen Action's Karen Scharff says public campaign financing can't completely eliminate corruption, after all New York City already has a public campaign finance system.
«It is time to eliminate the corruption at City Hall where campaign consultants, lobbyists sit at the table.
Reiterating his belief that there is an abundance of resources on the continent to finance the development of Africa, President Akufo - Addo stated that the resources can be put to good use by eliminating corruption in public life; having more intelligent arrangements for those who want to exploit the resources on the continent; and preventing the flight of capital out of the Continent.
If Governor Andrew Cuoo is serious about running for President in 2020, he needs to come out right for once on eliminating corruption in Albany, NY.
«The Ghanaian people expect the office of the special prosecutor to rise to the challenge and to the occasion, and collaborate with other existing law enforcement agencies to fight relentlessly and help eliminate corruption in our public life.»
Fourty - Four percent think Blago would do a better job of eliminating corruption in Illinois??
Our female protagonist is awakened by the rising of the green moon and is seemingly self motivated into eliminating the corruption found throughout classic gaming code.
Two - term governor of Sokoto State, Alhaji Attahiru Bafarawa, was has stated that it would take president Muhammadu Buhari years to eliminate corruption from Nigeria.
«We look forward to the support of the UN to ensure a successful engagement and strategy to eliminate corruption in Africa.
Eliminating corruption is easier said than done, but Emmert is making it sound like the NCAA is prepared to take «decisive action.»
«This requires that we succeed in eliminating corruption... in order to restore Ghana's reputation, which, sadly, over recent years, has become a byword for corruption», he said, and promised firstly, he, together with his team, will give the requisite leadership, which he claimed is lacking under President John Mahama.
He promised was going to eliminate corruption from the veins of Ama Ghana.
On both questions, African Americans and Latinos are more likely than whites to think de Blasio and Cuomo are trying to eliminate corruption.
Monarchs on the platform of Traditional Rulers of Oil Mineral Producing Communities of Nigeria have commended President Muhammadu Buhari for making conscious efforts to eliminate corruption in the country.
«If you want to eliminate corruption in the Nigeria Police Force, for example, you can not do that without solving the problem of welfare and accommodation of the police personnel and it is so for other forces and also the civil service.
Ekweremadu added, «I disagree with those who say that Nigeria does not necessarily need restructuring, but good governance that will eliminate corruption.
Upper East Regional Minister Rockson Bukari said government quest to have a single database of the vulnerable is to ensure judicious use of resources on vulnerable in society and eliminate corruption.
For some it is counterintuitive to argue that tests are fair because they eliminate corruption and stop favouritism or old boy, Freemason or Oxbridge networks from self - perpetuating.
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest version is based around the Nohr side of the conflict, with Corrin joining his adoptive family to fight off Hoshido and eliminate corruption from within Nohr's borders.
This eliminates corruption and gives you the freedom to do whatever you want with your funds.
The platform will eliminate corruption and slow registration eminent in land registry systems in Africa.
Less than a week later, Reuters reported that Ukraine's Justice Ministry had conducted the country's first trials of blockchain technology being conducted by the state, with the ministry planning on utilizing blockchain technology in conducting auctions of seized assets as part of an initiative designed to «modernize state institutions and eliminate corruption
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