Sentences with phrase «to eliminate the achievement gap»

Our mission a decade ago, as it is today, was to support school and teacher leaders in the challenging work of eliminating the achievement gap among students.
But officials have struggled to turn around the worst - performing schools and eliminate achievement gaps between white and minority students.
Latest news and information from Partners and the fight from the front lines in eliminating the achievement gap for young students of color and English language learners.
I'd eliminate the achievement gap because its existence is the biggest condemnation of modern society there is, short of genocide.
While no school is perfect, these schools are literally eliminating achievement gaps.
What we do know is that many charter schools are helping narrow or even eliminate the achievement gap.
We are hard - pressed to find examples of schools eliminating achievement gaps without this culture present.
Only when all students are deeply connected to their learning will the larger goal of eliminating the achievement gap finally be met.
They show how to use an instructional leadership inquiry cycle and other structures to build the capacity of school leaders to target the ultimate goal of eliminating achievement gaps.
The Achievement Gap Initiative (AGI) is a university - wide, multidisciplinary effort to focus academic research, public education, and innovative outreach activities toward eliminating achievement gaps in education.
Alexander McNeece is a multi-award winning school administrator whose goal is to eliminate the Achievement Gap by using motivational reading material, developing a school culture of writing, and integrating 21st Century technology into every facet of his teachers» teaching and his students» learning.
Much of the emphasis on eliminating achievement gaps between children from low - income and their high - income peers has focused on what schools can do, said Susan Levine, a professor of psychology at the University of Chicago.
About the Achievement Gap Initiative (AGI) at Harvard University The Achievement Gap Initiative (AGI) is a university - wide effort initiated by the Harvard Graduate School of Education to focus academic research, public education, and innovative outreach activities toward eliminating achievement gaps.
By all accounts, KIPP is changing life trajectories by effectively eliminating achievement gaps within three years and setting students on the path to college.
«Expanding access to public charter schools will help eliminate the achievement gap in New York City and will help give children like my son access to the schools they deserve,» said Tamika Bradley, a public charter school parent from Brownsville.
While the push for equity of access to rigorous upper - level academic experience is an important first step, the Knowledge in Action Project team also believes that working toward equity of outcomes for all students is what it takes to truly eliminate the achievement gap for students.
If teachers and school leaders can not eliminate the achievement gap within a decade (as NCLB originally intended, since that was woefully unrealistic), perhaps these relaxed, lower standards will enable those working in schools to bring everyone up to proficiency gradually, over time — perhaps in a generation or two.
Brass City Charter School depends on the generosity of foundations, corporations, public agencies, and individuals to realize its mission of providing our students a rigorous, well - rounded and emotionally supportive education that will eliminate the achievement gap characteristic of urban underserved students and enable them to lead meaningful and productive lives both for themselves and for their community.
In fact, research has indicated that a low income child who has a high quality teacher five years in a row will have learning gains, on average, high enough to completely eliminate the achievement gap with their more affluent peers.
Following a recent E4E - Minnesota forum with the mayor, Holly highlights five ideas that would help educators eliminate the achievement gap more quickly -LRB-...
HCPS professional and support staff receive ETM staff development to better meet the needs of students while raising achievement for all and eliminating achievement gaps where they exist.
Dr. Chavez's leadership has demonstrated success in many areas, but the greatest is probably in his diligent work to eliminate achievement gaps across different student populations.
Whether or not individuals within the enterprise accept the challenge of eliminating achievement gaps as a personal imperative, its presence remains a haunting mirror systemically.
Some initiatives are addressing these challenges to reduce the number of dropouts and eliminate the achievement gap through the immersion of students in a college preparation program where they graduate from high school ready for college as they simultaneously accrue college credit hours and, in some cases, secure an associate's degree.
Equity in the Burbs Deirdra Preis A high - performing district systemically eliminates its achievement gap.
A recent study published in the Journal of Primary Prevention confirms that PAT measurably improves school readiness, virtually eliminating the achievement gap normally observed between poor children and their more affluent peers at the point of kindergarten entry, and that gap continued to be narrowed in the third grade.
In 2009, Fryer identified five characteristics of successful charter schools that have made great strides in eliminating the achievement gap between low income minority students and their white peers.
«We had good, ambitious goals to eliminate achievement gaps for poor students and we just failed.
When Anderson returned to Missouri, she continued her work to eliminate achievement gaps by leading University Academy, a college prep charter academy.
Carla Schaffer / AAAS Interactions at home and participation in museum and after - school programs for children can eliminate achievement gaps in math, vocabulary and science among...
Here at the Center for Educational Leadership (CEL), we are trying to replace this false choice between school autonomy and centrally mandated initiatives with a new model of school and central office collaboration focused on eliminating achievement gaps.
It is impossible for Michelle Rhee, or anyone else for that matter, to eliminate the achievement gap because it is completely impossible to make DC's lower class students (mostly Blacks and Hispanics) with IQs predominantly in the 75 to 105 range perform as well as DC's middle and upper class students (mostly Whites and Asians) with IQs predominantly in the 105 to 135 range.
However, even after adjusting the data to account for similar factors, we were still not able to eliminate the achievement gaps among later cohorts in the data set used by Phillips.
A Maryland school district has set the goal of eliminating the achievement gap between its black and white students within two years to settle a complaint filed by local civil rights groups last year, on the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning segregation in public education.
West, an Oakland, California - based affiliate, has worked to eliminate achievement gaps in the Golden State.
Since 2001, The Education Trust — West, an Oakland, California - based affiliate, has worked to eliminate achievement gaps in the Golden State.
Interactions at home and participation in museum and after - school programs for children can eliminate achievement gaps in math, vocabulary and science among those from low - income families, according to several researchers at the 2017 AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston.
We know that PBL can be a powerful tool to eliminate achievement gaps and help students of all backgrounds develop critical 21st - century learning skills that prepare them to thrive.
Dacia Toll, Amistad's executive director, said she shares Paige's goal of eliminating the achievement gap, and said his visit helped to validate the school's efforts.
Eliminating the achievement gap is hard work — it takes grit, commitment, and a willingness to think differently; all in an effort to succeed where countless others have failed.
Eliminating the achievement gap is hard work.
Rocketship Education is a nonprofit public charter network of elementary schools working to eliminate the achievement gap.
Rocketship is dedicated to eliminating the achievement gap and laying the foundation for college success for all students.
Monitor assessment results by student subgroups to ensure schools are receiving the resources and instruction necessary to enhance student learning and eliminate achievement gaps.
This dedication to transforming the lives of students — and to eliminating the achievement gap — means that we must constantly assess ourselves, our work and, frankly, our pedagogical approach.
Rocketship's mission is to eliminate the achievement gap in our lifetime, and that is exactly what I hope to accomplish as CEO.
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