Sentences with phrase «to eliminate the position»

The process of change eliminates positions in one sector but creates them in others.
A lack of resources at the state and local level for secondary schools caused many school systems to eliminate positions for reading teachers and literacy coaches at both the middle and high school levels.
While many hotels have eliminated this position from their staff, some travel plans include it in their assistance services.
This person will attend public functions to address common questions and assist in the void left behind by other eliminated positions that resulted in staff reductions.
Answer: Sorry, but it is «not possible» to eliminate positions under union rules.
It also cuts a child care subsidy, and eliminates some positions in county government.
Lack of resources at the local level for secondary schools caused many school systems to eliminate positions for reading teachers at both the middle and high school levels.
HEADLINE: Strong Libraries Improve Student Achievement Last month, site - based management teams at 11 elementary schools in Kalamazoo, Michigan, chose to cut their budgets for the 2000 - 2001 school year by eliminating the position of school librarian.
Some business owners argue that raising the minimum wage will lead to higher prices for consumers, and some economists argue that it could depress job growth or even end up eliminating positions as it leads to more automation.
In Goshen, we cut over $ 250,000 from this year's budget by eliminating positions through attrition, austerity measures and competitive bidding.
In an effort to cut costs, Wal - Mart eliminated the position entirely during night shifts, and daytime greeters were moved deeper within the stores.
As a potential candidate, Paladino said he could create jobs, but would also eliminate positions in state government to shrink what he says is too costly a bureaucracy.
To eliminate a position prior to maturity, one can do three things:
Once they do greenlight something new, those leaders must then convince employees that the change is a good thing, particularly when what's involved is disruptive technology that could radically change or even eliminate positions.
By shedding 200,000 jobs, local governments would be eliminating positions created between 2009 and mid-2010 to counter the recession, AFI's Balina said.
We need to eliminate those positions if we want to reduce corruption in government because we can never eliminate those traits from human beings, regardless of how much or how loudly we preach the Gospel to them.
Smith is running for the office of Orangetown receiver of taxes on the plan that he's the man to help eliminate the position.
The goal was to find savings by nudging out expensive employees and eliminating positions where possible.
But if we are to keep the lid on county property taxes, we must continue to eliminate positions rendered obsolete by technolo gy.
The sole exception is the transfer of inpatient mental health services to Nyack Hospital halfway through 2014, which will eliminate positions working in Mental Health.
What's more, as more local news outlets and stores reduced their travel budgets — and sometimes eliminated positions altogether — digital stars and international press began to fill theses seats, further transforming layouts.
Delta Air Lines, eliminating positions following its merger with Northwest Airlines, reduced FTEs by 2.4 percent.
A competitor of Outskirts Press recently announced plans to soon eliminate positions in its editing, marketing and design divisions.
According to a Morningstar article, Berkshire also added stakes in Burlington, J&J, Nike, P&G, Sanofi, UnitedHealth, USB, and Wells Fargo, while eliminating positions at H&R Block and Pier 1.
If you have allocated too much to a focused fund that's on the skids, think about reducing or eliminating that position before the loss becomes unmanageable.
Eliminate the positions with the lowest risk - adjusted expected returns, whether short or long.
If they throw up their hands and say «there is nothing we can do,» I may as well eliminate their position and use the money more constructively to either hire someone who will find a solution or for something else like temporary boarding space at a local kennel.
Curtis Brainard, who assesses environmental coverage for the Columbia Journalism Review online, in a comprehensive piece on the move, said: «[T] he decision to eliminate the positions seems particularly misguided at a time when world events would seem to warrant expanding science and environmental staff.»
State budgets cuts within the department also eliminated the positions of associate state school superintendent Hill, who earns $ 133,004, and a business and technology analyst, Melody Bennett, who has an annual salary of $ 52,992.
By outsourcing those services, owners can eliminate those positions from the corporate payroll.
Schools facing budget cuts typically begin by cutting their electives and either moving teachers to core subjects or eliminating their positions entirely.
SB 1466 still hasmost of the cuts that were enacted in the FY 2011 - 2012 budget which resulted in increased class size, eliminated programs and eliminated positions in school districts across the state.
The company says there are no current plans to change senior management at La Capitale or to eliminate positions as a result of this transaction.
The reduction was achieved by eliminating a position, slashing the office supply budget line and reducing its rental costs, among other cuts.
He has eliminated positions that were focused on the broad consumer market.
During the quarter we eliminated positions in CGG, Nihon Parkerizing, Cision and Vitec Group.
During the quarter, we neither added any new positions nor eliminated any positions that were owned at the end of 2010.
During the quarter, we eliminated our position in H&R Block and replaced it with BMC Software.
We did not initiate or eliminate any positions in the quarter beyond equities (Anadarko) and put options (Weatherford and Chesapeake) used for tax trades, which produced a modest net positive return for the Fund.
We added new positions in Facebook, Flex and Regeneron, and we eliminated positions in AutoNation, JPMorgan Chase and Whirlpool.
We eliminated positions in Halliburton and Sanofi.
During the quarter, we eliminated positions in Delphi Automotive, Devon Energy and McDonald's.
We eliminated our position in Intel.
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