Sentences with phrase «to enhance life»

If you think your life cover is less then you should try to enhance the life cover of the existing plan.
But they can enhance your life in many other surprising ways: read on to discover some insider's tips.
Our commitment is to help enhance your life by enhancing your credit score.
Essential oils have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits from cosmetic and dietary purposes to spiritual and religious use.
He loves music and travel, and is passionate about helping enhance the lives of people, their families, and communities.
By being informed, you can help your child grow and develop, enhancing the life experience for both of you.
Behavioral therapy focuses on enhancing your life through learning how to replace harmful coping mechanisms with new coping skills and strategies.
Whether they're looking for something simple or simply stunning, Light Your Home will guide home owners through the process of enhancing their living space with the perfect lighting.
Do an inventory of activities that don't enhance your life or career — and minimize the time you spend on them.
So, this rider is promoted as a cost - effective way of enhancing life insurance cover.
He said it was prudent for the farmers to take advantage of the enormous benefits associated with the programme to enhance their living standards.
When you are truly enhancing the lives of the people around you.
As technology enhances our lives more than ever before, luxury designers have been getting to grips with it to help those with a little spare cash find more ways to relax.
When used appropriately and thoughtfully media can greatly enhance the life of your young ones.
I assist them in learning to become more intentional regarding their choices on the way to navigating toward greater self - realization, healthier relationships, and enhanced life satisfaction.
With this plan, you can avail loan facility and can also enhance the life cover with optional riders.
Choose from an array of colors to enhance your living room decor with its iconic appeal.
The group may be made up of people who are working on enhancing life skills but who may not have a specific challenge or an issue in common.
Therapy dogs enhance the lives of others through volunteer work in places such as schools, hospitals and retirement communities.
Extra features such as enhanced living benefits and enhanced death benefits are becoming more and more common.
They enable global contact, and when made available for human uses and to address human needs, can significantly enhance life, development and global consciousness.
The stakes could not be higher to bolster economic growth and enhance living conditions for this nation of 1.3 billion people, which uses just 6 % of the world's energy.
Her focus is enhancing the lives of children with special needs.
However, by exercising boundaries and good judgment, social media could actually enhance our lives and dating opportunities if used in the right way.
By working together, we can save more lives together and help to eliminate the unnecessary deaths of so many adoptable animals while enhancing the lives of people as well.
Surely what enhances life is taking the courage to face such fear and try new things.
Our grief counseling sessions are designed to enhance your life rather than limit it.
The organisation's services are aimed at unlocking potential, raising the awareness of these conditions and providing support to enhance lives whether it is within the workplace, school setting or at home.
Ask yourself, Will this purchase enhance my life and also help me achieve my goals in terms of my space?
However enhanced life cover is not maturity, it is life coverage given to insured as an option.
Other features include new emoji, enhanced live wallpaper support, and better VR performance.
The ability to meet someone who is right for you without leaving your home has surely enhanced our lives.
Let food enhance your life and even inform you about your desires and needs.
We invite you to explore our mission and offerings and see how Young Living enhances your life.
This community provides the foundation for confidence building, improved communication skills, enhanced life outlook and attitude.
For some parents, they remember that preschool enhanced their lives and prepared them for kindergarten, and they want to give their kids the same opportunity.
These skills are the tools that can enhance your life like never before.
I don't follow celebrities... nothing about knowing what they ate for breakfast enhances my life better than something else I can do with the time I would spend reading about it.
Other pet tech products in the marketplace enhance the lives of pets and their people by monitoring activity and heading off health problems.
Their contribution of time enhances the lives of shelter animals and enables more funds to go directly to animal care.
The caregivers that employ «best practices» for colony care enhance the lives of the cats under their care to an even greater degree and help ease any tensions in the neighborhood.
The foundation for great care is a solid understanding of your pet's life stages and annual care that enhances their lives throughout each stage.
These dogs have positively enhanced the lives of millions of people around the world, enabling many of them to live comparatively independent lives.
For those who require more space, loft suites and large premium deluxe rooms offer enhanced living space for your stay.
When they function correctly, products like automobiles, medical devices, cleaning products and kitchen appliances enhance our lives.
Our competitive benefits package will help to enhance your life outside work, too.
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