Sentences with phrase «to enhance one's understanding»

Training and continuing education further enhance our understanding of the human - animal bond and ways to strengthen it.
We hope that the following few pointers would help in enhancing the understanding on the part of the insuring public and ensure that they get their just dues when claiming under the policy.
The research will also enhance understanding of how cancers avoid the immune system, which could have implications for cancer treatment in humans.
Share an example of a situation that helped enhance your understanding of leadership and teamwork.
But readers will come away with enhanced understanding of what got us where we are today.
As a result, online learners can develop their skills and enhance their understanding by interacting with their peers.
Several universities offer internships, fellowships, residencies or online courses for veterinarians which enhance their understanding of shelter medicine.
They tell you how to write a college paper, however, they do not enhance your understanding of the topic.
Some people will prefer text to media, and giving them access to your content through the medium they most prefer will better enhance their understanding of what they are learning.
There is a need to enhance understanding about humanitarian impact of autonomous weapons.
The new findings enhance our understanding of how viral disease occurs, and how cells respond to infections.
The therapist will lead the client through discussions and exercises aimed at enhancing their understanding of their own personal emotions and their emotional responses (Good Therapy, 2016).
If I'm asking students to record and represent their knowledge, then I need to monitor that each student enhances their understanding of that knowledge.
I wish there were more venues where honest dialogue could occur to enhance understanding even if we still disagree with one another.
Our amazing instructors are experts in teaching you to teach your baby to swim through enhancing your understanding of the language your baby speaks from the moment they are born.
Our results indicate that peer discussion enhances understanding, even when none of the students in a discussion group originally knows the correct answer.
More convenient and free communication: the Internet instant messaging, E-mail and other communications let bisexual members enhance understanding of each other online interaction before the formal meeting.
The movie doesn't so much enhance our understanding of the flying boy as it demonstrates how little thought went into crafting his back story.
Learning vocabulary enhances understanding of the concepts and events to which the words relate.
If you spend at least 30 minutes of the day to write something, you can surely enhance your understanding, knowledge, and skills in writing.
How does listening to the audiobook enhance the understanding of cultural details, new names, and unfamiliar words?
There is occasionally writing on the wall and objects to zoom in on, but they merely enhance your understanding of the plot.
If applied, these little reminders can fundamentally enhance your understanding of your partner, and consequently, help your relationship flourish.
If you think the answer makes sense, it can open up new questions that further enhance your understanding of the industry and the role that the company you are interviewing plays in it.
The ability to use e-mail to distribute field reports to the entire project team is of enormous value in enhancing understanding, he says.
It could also enhance our understanding of water — one of the most important molecules for life on our planet.
Often spent time working as the night desk manager to further enhance my understanding of the customer experience.
«This camera has the potential to greatly enhance our understanding of very fast biological interactions and chemical processes that will allow us to build better models of complex, dynamical systems such as cellular respiration, or to help doctors better deliver and monitor light - based therapies,» says Richard Conroy, Ph.D., program director for Optical Imaging at NIBIB.
Moving to a competency - based learning system may have one other benefit for enhancing our understanding of grit and other noncognitive skills.
Including assistive technology in technology knowledge enhances the model by allowing preservice teachers to gain enhanced understandings of the benefits of including technology in content specific instructional design.
These results enhance our understanding of these widely studied fungi as well as provide new insight into eukaryotic genome evolution and gene regulation.
Dalahäst I'm not sure if it's a matter of their scientific knowledge actually enhancing their understanding of God so much as their faith being so strong that they just continue to assume that God must still be there no matter how much we learn about the natural processes running the universe.
Helping parents enhance their understanding, competence, and confidence as parents and as marriage partners has a salutary effect on the growth of children.
As well as enhancing our understanding of social cognition and comparative psychology, the findings should ultimately provide important information for veterinary and animal welfare practices.»
This finding significantly enhances our understanding of how organisms use MMR to reduce spontaneous mutation rates.
Frances Ha is full of organic little moments that add personality and charm while enhancing our understanding of its characters.
As a candid and passionate supporter of financial literacy and capability, she collaborates with the Virginia Council on Economic Education (VCEE), and teaches financial planning and investment management at the Personal Finance Institute at George Mason University, where she helps educators enhance their understanding of economics and personal finance.
Pre-vocabulary teaching can really enhance understanding of the concepts and content covered in the video.
We partner with leading scientists and other professionals in order to learn from the patients in our care - patients from healthy, endangered, and at - risk populations - and to expand and advance scientific knowledge, thus enhancing understanding of the health of our oceans and the implications for human health.
This book enhances our understanding of Asperger Syndrome.
Beijing and Washington both trusted him as a friend who enhanced their understanding of each other.
«This well - designed study enhances our understanding of the pathophysiology of NASH, which is critical to help identify high - risk NAFLD patients and therapeutic targets.»
Develop enhanced understanding of approaches to preventing, managing and eliminating challenging behaviour
It can enhance our understanding beyond the five senses, and it even manipulates our perceptions.
It is the mission of the Erie County Medical Examiner's Office to serve the public in a professional, confidential and courteous manner in the medico - legal investigation of deaths in western NY counties, thereby enhancing our understanding of death and dying.
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