Sentences with phrase «to ensure that all voices are heard»

Other legal organizations ensure these voices are heard in their governance structures.
It's a chance to recognize excellent educators and the amazing work they do on behalf of their students and ensure their voices are heard on the issues that matter to them.
Our approach combines engagement with diverse groups to ensure all voices are heard with rigorous quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.
It is conceivable that other sectors could adopt similar models to ensure their voices are heard on the national stage.
«New Yorkers have spoken, and now it's our job to ensure their voices are heard through a full, fair, and honest count of every vote,» Shafran said.
«We appreciate that Judge Riki Amano worked carefully and tirelessly to ensure all voices were heard during the contested case hearing,» he said, in an emailed statement.
VGVN's goal is to enable gamers to stay educated about these issues, register to vote and ensure their voice is heard by federal, state and local officials.
There is still a lot of work to do, and I look forward to continuing our work together to improve our community and ensure our voices are heard in Albany.»
Turtle Beach continues to take team chat and player - to - player communication to new levels with features like Mic Monitoring and Dynamic Chat Boost ™, independent control of game and chat audio levels, and Turtle Beach's premium high - sensitivity microphones that ensure your voice is heard loud and clear.
«I look forward to working with Caucus members on their priorities and ensuring their voices are heard on legislation impacting all Floridians.
Foreign secretary Margaret Beckett has urged British Muslims to speak out against terrorism to ensure their voice is heard and the extremists» relegated to the background.
The voters of our district deserve a full, fair and honest counting of every vote cast to ensure their voices are heard.
Please join us on Monday, August 29th at 6:30 p.m. at the Washington Heights Academy (202 Sherman Avenue) to ensure your voices are heard.
When we expand access to all voters we truly reflect the will of the people and ensure all voices are heard
«We will do whatever it takes to ensure their voices are heard.
«Moving forward we will have a new approach in place that truly engages parents and the communities to ensure their voices are heard
A draft of the Cuomo administration's announcement says the council «has solicited input over the past several weeks from business associations and labor groups and is reaching out to businesses and all stakeholders to ensure their voices are heard
While some donors are directly involved in government, others give to ensure their voices are heard in Albany, said such experts as Blair Horner, legislative director for the New York State Public Interest Research Group.
Ms Sturgeon said she told Mr Cameron that Scotland had «voted for change», and her party's MPs would ensure its voice was heard.
They contribute an average of a dollar per paycheck to ensure their voice is heard,» spokesman Carl Korn said.
«Scientists, who are better positioned than most to appreciate what is at stake in these political decisions, surely have no less a right and responsibility than any other group to ensure their voices are heard in the political process,» he said.
Just like good classrooms are built on reliable systems and structures, a positive faculty meeting should utilize protocols and processes that ensure all voices are heard, that no single voice dominates, and that discussion stays focused and productive.
How far are we willing to go to ensure every voice is heard?
Stop by the MFT office (or request a mail - in ballot) to ensure your voice is heard in this important decision.
OST programs working with schools that use the SHI, may want to be involved in the assessment or action planning process to provide accurate information and ensure their voice is heard.
In talking about global leadership we need to ensure all voices are heard, all perspectives are included, all cultures represented.
From learning the basics, like what exactly is a bill to what questions you should be asking policymakers, the CoSN resources will empower you to take the right steps and ensure your voice is heard.
Gain access to the tools you need to ensure your voice is heard and you can communicate your views to elected officials.
In fact, so many Americans are weighing in that the EPA has announced it will extend the comment period another three months to ensure all their voices are heard.
Collectively, we showed that we aren't afraid of sacrificing our freedom to ensure our voices are heard.
It also calls for restoration of funding to community groups to ensure their voice is heard.
Eager to influence stricter gun - control laws in the aftermath of the mass shooting that left 17 dead at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, dozens of first - time voters - to - be turned out at a Weston park on Friday afternoon to ensure their voices are heard in upcoming elections.
Don't be afraid to speak up — and ensure your voice is heard.
Staying in the loop is the first step to ensuring your voice is heard.
In line with the SEND Code of Practice's emphasis on preparing young people for adulthood, Action For Kids supports students aged 14 + prepare for life after school and ensure their voices are heard.
Take these steps to ensure your voice is heard, especially if you're concerned about how rule changes could affect you.
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