Sentences with phrase «to ensure this happens»

One of the most important parts of a resume is making sure you present your career and career goals like you want and having that meeting could really help ensure that happens.
We believe veterans should always get the benefits they deserve, and we are willing to fight to ensure this happens for our clients.
You need to ensure this happens otherwise you will have to go through the whole process all over again!
You want to keep your dogs mobile and active as they age, and glucosamine is a great supplement to give them to help ensure that happens.
One of the key aspects of ensuring this happens as a TfL graduate is through transport management and planning.
Every New York student deserves a great school, and charters play an important role in ensuring that happens
You can help ensure that happens by knowing the details of your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), what sets them apart, your contribution limit and a whole slew of other things.
«The local authority are desperate to get their hands on our children, by using aggressive strategies to re-place them, and to ensure this happens very quickly.
What seems pretty certain though is that the company will try to ensure it happens before the mid-Nov schedule that Amazon has set for its Kindle Fire to make its market debut.
A blogged ebook ensures that happens — now rather than later.
But powerful figures in the commission will try to ensure this happens through a revision of the bloc's carbon market rules in 2023.
Our first step in ensuring this happens is our March 14 LGBT Housing Policy Summit in Washington.
Our members want to make sure the voice of the hardworking men and women who keep America running is heard and the steps we are taking today will help ensure that happens
Flexing your gratitude muscle can reset your perspective, help you tune into what really matters and take the next steps needed to ensure it happens.
One of the ways I ensure this happens is with a regular Healing Green Broth (HGB) fix.
Balotelli has had his disciplinary issues throughout his career but that is a shocking finding nevertheless that Liverpool would go to such lengths to try and curb his ways and be willing to dish out financially to ensure it happened.
The FIA wants rally stages to not go over an average speed of 80mph and rally director Jarmo Mahonen told Autosport it's considering ways to ensure this happens.
I wonder whether our backroom boys have the expertise to ensure this happens.
And more to the point the owners need to make the finance available to ensure this happens.
The professional bodies and the law must do all they can to ensure this happens.
To ensure this happens, be prepared for the more challenging times throughout the pregnancy.
«I am also very pleased that Gambia wants to rejoin the Commonwealth and we will ensure this happens in the coming months.
Cameron says it is more complicated that Harman is suggesting and that there is a triple lock to ensure it happens.
I know that change can begin with just one voice, but it takes a movement to ensure it happens.
The action I have announced today will ensure this happens,» she concluded.
To help ensure that happens, our partners in law enforcement and DWI prevention are dedicated to finding innovative ways to keep impaired drivers off of the road.»
«I am committed to ensuring this happens, and remain optimistic that Congress will find a bipartisan path forward this year,» Katko said after last week's vote.
«The only way that we can ensure this happens is if we develop a fairer and simpler tax code.»
«We will assist in the implementation, we will ensure it happens», Adewole said.
I am assuring you that my government will completely overhaul the Western Rail Lines to ensure this happens,» Akufo - Addo stressed.
To ensure this happens, the CCC wants a fundamental reform of the UK's electricity market.
One way to ensure this happens is to enhance the ability of such networks, which transmit data over glass or plastic threads, to capture and retain data even for very brief intervals.
Dr. Hentges stated that USDA would be meeting with FDA to ensure this happens.
To be able to ensure this happens, having a culture whereby everyone takes their responsibility seriously is important.
We have set up a partnership committee among our faculty to ensure this happens
«We have made clear to exam boards that they must produce high quality specifications as quickly as possible and will continue to work with Ofqual to ensure this happens
It is vitally important that your whole organization be enthused and on board for your project, not just the learners; here's how you can ensure this happens:
It is what we were set up to do and we work with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to ensure this happens.
The National Leaders of Further Education, which will sit alongside the Strategic College Improvement Fund can ensure this happens.
«I want to see a clear expectation as to what local areas should be providing, with transparency and accountability to ensure this happens
«Keeping a partnership requires a lot of communicating,» admitted Corcoran, adding, «We have set up a partnership committee among our faculty to ensure this happens
We are working with IES Breckland to ensure this happens
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