Sentences with phrase «to enter into force»

The resolution shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.
But the accord has since entered into force in international law.
Although signed, the agreement will not enter into force until 30 days after all eight parties have indicated that they have completed all necessary internal procedures required to enforce the agreement.
43 such agreements exist thus far, 18 of which have entered into force with many more awaiting approval.
In the context of Dutch elections however, the government can pass a bill to have an act enter into force anyway.
It will probably enter into force by 2020, when existing voluntary targets end, though that is not part of the official deal.
The new South Korean cryptocurrency account system has entered into force nationwide today, ending the current practice that allowed for anonymous trading of cryptocurrencies.
As we are all human beings the best why to become financially secure is to enter into a forced savings method.
It was adopted in 1986 and entered into force in 1991.
Regulation The new South Korean cryptocurrency account system has entered into force nationwide today, ending the current practice that allowed for anonymous trading of cryptocurrencies.
The Kigali Amendment, which enters into force on January 1, 2019 mandates a global phase - down of HFCs to about 15 per cent of current levels of consumption.
Therefore, when the Hague Adoption Convention entered into force for the United States on April 1, 2008, intercountry adoption processing for Kyrgyzstan did not change.
But Pershing noted that there is nothing to prevent the deal from entering into force after the conference in the desert city has begun, and that would still make this year's summit the first meeting of the parties to Paris.
«The Convention will be applied to the Republic of Moldova only relating those arbitral awards that have been brought after entering into force of the Convention.
In Denmark the Danish Nature Agency states that Denmark is working on ensuring that the Convention enters into force as soon as possible, and that the Convention can be expected to come into effect in 2015.
The review of that report was not initiated because the amendment to include Belarus in Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol (with a quantified emission reduction commitment of 92 per cent for the first commitment period) has not yet entered into force.
After Copenhagen, nations targeted a 2015 deal to enter into force from 2020 with the goal of averting more floods, heatwaves, droughts and rising sea levels.
Now ratified, the treaty can now enter into force with the beginning of the upcoming World Climate Summit in early November in Marrakesh.
The European Commission's proposals won't enter into force until the European Parliament and member states agree, which is far from certain.
Particularly, in Belgium an analogous prohibition - law entered into force in 2011 (Erlanger & Camus, 2012) while similar national ban - laws have been discussed and suggested in other European states (Sunderland, 2012).
The Paris Agreement entered into force just days before the event, on 4 November, with 112 of the 197 Parties to the Convention now having ratified the accord.
In December 2016, Morocco and Nigeria signed a new investment treaty, which will enter into force once it has been ratified by both countries» parliaments.
What will happen, if a member state decides, after the Directive enters into force in 2019, to extend considerably the limitation periods not only for new but also ongoing investigations, prosecution or judicial proceedings in VAT cases?
Respondent submits that Article 22 (1) of the Treaty, which states that it «shall apply to offenses specified in Article 2 [including murder] committed before and after this Treaty enters into force,» 31 U. S. T., at 5073 - 5074, evidences an intent to make application of the Treaty mandatory for those offenses.
«This agreement was so constructed that it can only enter into force with the United States as a ratifying country,» Freeland told reporters after Trump's announcement.
The WP29 issued an action plan for GDPR's implementation in February 2016 and the regulation entered into force on 24 May 2016.
The agreement will enter into force when at least 55 signatories — accounting for 55 % of global greenhouse gas emissions — have deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval.
On the day CETA enters into force, 98 percent of all EU tariff lines will be duty - free for Canada, providing exporters with a clear advantage over their competitors.
Paris Agreement formally enters into force With the entry into force of the historic Paris Agreement today, the world is finally committing to collectively tackling climate change.
However, the Agreement has already entered into force internationally, and all the remaining participants will continue to implement it.
Critics of the Lisbon Treaty will argue that a learned EU law scholar and authority confirmed what they already thought was the case: the Constitution, which was rejected by the populations of two founding members of the EU, nevertheless entered into force with only a few cosmetic changes.
The Agreement, which entered into force immediately, will liberalize our bilateral aviation relationship.
«It is therefore of the utmost importance that the Paris agreement does indeed enter into force well ahead of schedule on Nov. 4 and that we fast - track its implementation,» said Taalas.
«It is therefore of the utmost importance that the Paris Agreement does indeed enter into force well ahead of schedule on 4 November and that we fast - track its implementation.»
Following a rotating strike and a lockout, the Act to provide for the resumption and continuation of postal services (the «Act «-RRB- officially entered into force on Monday night.
Sections 62 - 66 of SIMA entered into force came into effect April 26, 2018.
The world is still on a collision course with climate change, according to Friends of the Earth Europe, despite the international climate agreement forged in Paris last year entering into force ahead of schedule today.
A ground breaking global agreement to make it easier to trade across borders will enter into force following ratification by two - thirds of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) membership.
Brussels I, the Lugano Convention and the newest arrival — the Maintenance Regulation 2009 which entered into force last year — have provided many a trap for the unwary and many a headache for the seemingly well - versed.
It has now been one year since the new SCC Mediation Rules entered into force on 1 January 2014.
In Hungary we are in a codification process; in 2014 the new Civil Code entered into force, which is quite open to technological changes and gives certain flexibility to the insurance industry as well.
Just as the Paris Agreement on climate change enters into force today, the UN has declared the need to go above and beyond the commitments made, with the projected carbon emissions for the year 2030 leaving us little chance of keeping warming to safe levels.
Certainly when a withdrawal agreement with the EU entered into force.
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