Sentences with phrase «to enter into life»

Every day, a barrage of information enters into the lives of our students through the Internet.
If family dynamics are involved and a change of the beneficiary will trigger emotional or financial conflict, that fallout should be carefully weighed before entering into a life settlement.
Our front door also enters into our living room directly and I would love ideas on how to make it welcoming, usable and beautiful.
It is better for you to enter into life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into fiery hell.
For example, if a life assured is suffering from an elevated blood pressure, he is duty bound to mention this fact at the time of entering into a life insurance contract.
This gentleman is looking for that one very special lady, to enter into his life once more.
So I started attending church and attending meetings at the same time and a new tension enters into my life.
As your son grows up, no matter who enters into his life you are his main influence.
Pay attention to your needs, be kind to yourself and ensure you're content in your own skin in order to be ready for love to enter into your life again.
So it is fitting that an opening of space occurs and a presence of nature emerges, as hope enters into our lives.
Our mission is to enter into the lives of people who are stuck or lost and help them find their own avenues to fulfillment.
If they need the cash now, it makes sense to enter into a life settlement.
French doors along the back wall of the porch allow more light to enter into the living room.
Kingdom of God enters into the lives of men by transforming human relations.
Missing My Best Friend Shelby «Woofie» Lynne My precious Shelby entered into my life in November of 1991.
I would love to see how your front door enters into the living room directly and how you decorate that.
When we die, we graduate from our trials and enter into a life worth living.
God, after an, did not assume the guise of a remote Rabbi who simply declared the principles of eternal truth, but in the Son he compassionately entered into the life of ordinary people and declared to them what God's Word meant to them.
This approach further follows the model that Saint John Paul adopted in his consideration of the relationship between Tobias and Sarah, a consideration that features in the theology of the body.4 Are there ways in which we can see these biblical figures enter into life as God intended it in the beginning?
The church has known from the beginning that the love of money is the root of evil, that it is impossible to serve God and Mammon, that they that have riches shall hardly enter into life, that life does not consist in the abundance of things possessed, that the earth is the Lord's and that love, not self - interest, is the first law of life.
John Calvin, for example, had the mothering instincts of the early church in mind when he said, «There is no other way to enter into life unless this mother conceive us in her womb, give us birth, nourish us at her breast, and lastly, unless she keeps us under her care and guidance.»
It implies nothing less than that the absolute and unsurpassable future promised by God from the beginning is now entering into our life in a decisive way.
Also as a worshiper I reverently enter into the lives of people who have lived with greatest passion and integrity....
The poor sinfully disobey God in the same ways that we wretched middle - class sinners do, and they therefore need to enter into a living personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Faithful followers of Christ may now by faith and action enter into the life of God's kingdom.
It is the coming of that power which realizes the hopes and dreams which could never become actualized until the new power entered into life and into the world.
Mark 9:43 «It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched — where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched (this is repeated several times).»
Allie loves to engage her clients, learn their stories, enter into their life experiences and create a space where her clients can safely search for a greater sense of wholeness, authenticity and healing.
Bags are a huge commitment, which is why it takes so much debating for me to let a new bag enter into my life.
I am a very kind person and I easily make friends, I love Christ and I am thankful to Him for entering into my life and making me a better person.My friends say I am a lovable person with a big heart to share with everyone, I enjoy helping others when I can, I like to do lots of volunteering...
Who: Keira Knightley, Jude Law, Aaron Taylor - Johnson and Kelly Macdonald What: Set in late 19th century Russia, aristocrat Anna Karenina enters into a life - changing affair with the affluent Count Vronsky.
Gerber Life Insurance Company entered into the life insurance industry back in 1967.
For anyone considering entering into a life settlement, TV host Larry King's experience offers a cautionary tale.
Such a person has not committed the unpardonable sin, but they do finish their life in a state of unbelief, and so are unable to enter into life with God after death.
MetLife is one of the World most admired life insurance company and in India they have tied up with PNB to enter into life insurance business.
Generally you would enter into a life settlement because your beneficiaries no longer need the funds or your premium payments have become unaffordable.
The miracle is that God enters into the life of man even to the point of this death.
My partner and I have a new apartment that enters into the living room and there's no real space for a table or real entryway and it bums me out.
@jf Man does not chose God, God chooses man.Many right now are coming to a knowledge of the one true God through dreams and visions in Muslim dominated areas of the world where Christianity has been banned.God himself is entering into the lives of remote peoples and bringing them into His kingdom.Those people were born in the wrong place at the wrong time, not that I think you care, this report is just to show how wrong your opinion is.God bless
When you join a coding bootcamp you are entering into a life - changing experience, one that will teach you new technical skills and provide you with a community of current students, alumni and hiring partners who all share similar values and perspectives on learning.
To atone for the nation's historic sins against the Church, Russians should protect the Church and enter into its life.
Birth is the front door we enter into life.
there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
«And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire» (Matt.
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