Sentences with phrase «to enter the mainstream»

"To enter the mainstream" means to become widely accepted or integrated into the general population or conventional society. It refers to something or someone moving from a niche or specialized group into the larger, more common or popular community. Full definition
But the idea of clients as citizens of larger communities, as contributors to their larger world and not just as receivers of social support, hasn't entered the mainstream of therapy.
What is clear is buyer personas are now entering the mainstream of dialogue when it comes to overall customer understanding.
Yes, authors had been self - publishing for years, but it was only when e-readers finally entered the mainstream that self - publishing exploded.
Vegan and plant - based food is taking the world by storm and it's exciting to see the cuisine enter mainstream culture.
While wellness has entered the mainstream conversation, gaining more visibility than ever, the gap between those with access to wellness and those without is widening.
Behavioral finance is a growing discipline, with more research published regularly as it gradually enters the mainstream of the investment world.
But videogames have shifted dramatically since then, and such experiences were pushed to the margins when the medium entered the mainstream.
Performance art, too, was entering the mainstream through the bar scene.
This became increasingly apparent as aesthetic styles entered the mainstream.
The more tiny, sustainable, affordable housing solutions enters mainstream cultural conversation, the better.
The whole issue of access to justice is leaving the cozy confines of the legal profession and entering mainstream business and society.
What was once the realm of scary science fiction and conspiracy theory is now entering the mainstream of atmospheric study — only those now conducting the experiments are clear about the risks.
Originally developed as a «rescue therapy» for patients undergoing potentially fertility destroying but life saving treatments like chemotherapy it has now entered the mainstream.
As the medium enters the mainstream, perhaps even they will appear quaint one day soon.
A new survey from the World Economic Forum found that distributed financial technology could enter the mainstream in as little as twelve years.
With real - world electric vehicles (EVs) finally entering mainstream markets in serious numbers, and viable EV charging infrastructure being built worldwide, it looks increasingly realistic to expect electric cars, motorbikes and
However, it wasn't until 2004 when a young rapper from Chicago named Kanye West released the fourth single from his debut album The College Dropout (Roc - A - Fella / Def Jam) that gospel - infused rap really entered mainstream consciousness.
While Bitcoin has almost entered the mainstream as a form of payment, the reality is that alternatives are popping up.
Not only it became one of the most lucrative business models, it also entered mainstream media with the New York Times, CNN, The Wall Street Journal and Dr. Phil among many others, extensively taking about it.
Automated, algorithmic portfolio management has been around since 2005, but robo - advisors really entered the mainstream with popular services Betterment and Wealthfront in 2008; it's expected that by 2020, robo - advisors overall will manage $ 2 trillion in assets.
At the moment, consideration of embodied carbon hasn't entered the mainstream for public procurement, this means that placing a requirement on the supply chain to reduce embodied carbon levels will encourage consultants and suppliers to step up to innovate and deliver a project that breaks new ground.
Sure, it's the third game in a very narrative driven series and therefore traditionally wouldn't be a recommended jumping on point for anyone, however the previous two games were arguably niche titles that never really entered the mainstream conciousness.
Midsize plug - in hybrids will also enter the mainstream in 2013, with the introduction of the Ford Fusion Energi and the Honda Accord Plug - in, which will further improve mainstream acceptance of this, still, fairly novel powertrain segment.»
The price of a Bitcoin has jumped up and down since it first entered the mainstream consciousness in 2013.
The main conference will feature more than 35 headline talks, which all converge around the following question: when blockchain technology enters the mainstream, which platforms and technologies will be left standing?
Here in rural northwest Montana, there is postelection unease in some communities about far - right extremist views entering the mainstream.
This tidy genre film preempted the wave of transgender storytelling that's entered the mainstream since Jill Soloway's Transparent.
Multivalve engines were just entering the mainstream, and VW's 1.8 - liter was particularly advanced, with a slightly outrageous (for the time) 10.0:1 compression ratio requiring a knock sensor to guard against detonation; hydraulic lifters; sodium - filled exhaust valves; and oil squirters to cool the pistons.
Experts have also pointed out that with tablet devices entering mainstream segment just 3 years ago, it's too early to have a clear idea of the impact that such devices may have on the growing minds.
The year 2017 saw bitcoin enter mainstream discourse for the first time in its young history, signaling a profound shift in investor sentiment.
Akufo Addo entered mainstream politics serving as the General Secretary of the People's Movement for Freedom and Justice (PMFJ) that sought to champion the freedom and rights of Ghanaians.
The Millennium kicked off with the urban praise song «Shackles» by Mary Mary entering the mainstream top five and echoed the end of the 60s when the classic gospel song «O happy day» topped the charts.
When the band is asked to take part in the SXSW music festival, Jon argues against the fiercely protective Clara to get Frank and his band to enter the mainstream world and play in America.
Surely, things will pan out in a more different manner this year once more Windows 8 based hardware enters the mainstream segment.
However, things weren't exactly spectacular ever since and JooJoo failed to enter mainstream tablet market.
«It's fantastic to see the topic of inequality in entrepreneurship enter the mainstream but now we need to see action as result of this awareness,» says White.
The Dark Web first entered the mainstream thanks to the now - defunct underground marketplace known as Silk Road.
If the surprise switch goes ahead, it would see 5 - Star enter mainstream European politics and move away from the anti-system fringes, a shift that might reassure other EU capitals that have grown uneasy about its rising popularity.
(Soylent has also already entered mainstream culture as the favored meal replacement drink of tech programmers in Silicon Valley.)
Most blacks shared Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream that they would soon enter the mainstream of American society.
Once legal restrictions were removed and racial barriers lowered, Asians entered the mainstream of American life.
With chile peppers and fiery - foods rapidly entering the mainstream, it makes perfectly logical sense that they would invade the Principality of Pasta.
As food sovereignty enters the mainstream language in Australia, it is important that we collectively guard against food sovereignty and agroecology being co-opted by those who wish to use it for personal gain and profit.
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