Sentences with phrase «to eradicate the problem»

"To eradicate the problem" means to completely eliminate or get rid of a difficulty or issue. Full definition
However, this measure was not able to eradicate the problem of an increasing cat population.
While the bath may have gotten rid of some of them, it probably did not eradicate the problem so further steps may be necessary.
Therefore, it's good to know how to inspect for bed bugs so that you can quickly eradicate the problem, if necessary.
More updates are also planned, which aim to eradicate problems with achievements and other matters.
In addition to dietary changes, supplements are usually necessary to fully eradicate the problem.
Therefore, it's good to know how to inspect for bed bugs so that you can quickly eradicate the problem, if necessary.
Dryja doesn't think there's a way of eradicating the problem completely, though he has a couple of ideas for at least «mitigating» it.
Law practice management software eradicates this problem by making all data easily accessible and searchable from any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection.
His point is that, if it is unsolvable, your time is better spent not on eradicating the problem but reaching a compromise.
Only when you identify this problem and go through it with your child then can you truly eradicate the problem of your children faking illness and playing hooky.
We're going to ensure that we halve illiteracy rates within the next five years, and that we virtually eradicate the problem by 2020.
«Bottom - up initiatives like our app are also necessary to eradicate problems like sexual harassment,» says Ahmed.
While better access to treatment programmes will reduce rates of drug - resistant tuberculosis in countries with a high burden, they will not eradicate the problem alone, and current efforts may not be enough to reverse the epidemic.
Microsoft have tried to address this issue with firmware updates for some time, but this hasn't eradicated the problem entirely.
It won't take more than 10 minutes to eradicate the problems surfacing your Kindle device.
We simply have to work to thin and then to effectively eradicate the problem of feral cats,» Mr Hunt said.
But this does not mean that you have totally eradicated the problem.
In this future, you never give identity theft or chargebacks a second thought because blockchain technology has pretty much eradicated those problems.
I love that our Insider community are people who use the tech they love to help eradicate the problems they don't love.
The statistical data must be incorporated in the essay in such a way that it make the people think on eradicating the problem.
Bumble strives to eradicate this problem by putting women in charge, and it seems to be working.
and I think they should be castrated like cattle so things like this won't happen again or like in the golden era taken to a public arena and hung, shot or stoned to death, that would eradicate the problem with pedaphila
«It won't eradicate the problem completely but it will deliver a small but significant decrease in drink drive casualties and underline the clear message that driving and drinking don't mix.»
In London, where the current mayor Boris Johnson had promised to eradicate the problem of rough sleeping by 2012, the number of rough sleepers rose by 27 % in the past year alone.
we want Simeone who'll kick someone's face when you don't show hard work, a manager who always wants 100 % from the players, a manager who always wants to win, and not someone who gives excuses every now and then and still no improvements made to eradicate the problems
«How many other people have suffered after the government's report into the sex - for - visas scandal failed to eradicate the problem
Each facial has been designed to address the source of our skin issues and is scientifically and precisely crafted to both eradicate the problem and prevent future occurrences.
«Addressing Candida overgrowth can be done through diet, although even the most rigid anti-Candida diets are rarely enough to eradicate the problem.
Stressing this was «a night for positivity», Kimmel expressed his hope that Hollywood could eradicate the problem of inappropriate sexual behaviour in the workplace so that «women will only have to deal with harassment all the time at every other place they go.»
Advocates of the use of undercover agents say it offers the only accurate method of gauging the extent to which drugs are used on campus and possibly the only effective method of eradicating the problem.
This is the high time when professionals and intelligentsia of the society should take some major steps to reduce and eradicate this problem.
If you are already battling a flea problem schedule an appointment with us so we can start a comprehensive plan to eradicate the problem quickly and effectively using a three tier approach.
Check with your vet if you have a serious infestation or if these measures do not completely eradicate the problem.
The report suggests that measures taken so far to reduce or eradicate these problems have had only limited success, due in part because most screening programs are voluntary.
Placing them in different known traffic areas will eradicate this problem.
When you know what flea treatment to use and how to handle an infestation, you'll be able to eradicate the problem quickly and effectively.
This treatment plan may not completely eradicate the problem, but it is likely to ease the intensity of the issue to relieve the suffering of your young pup until they are old enough to use a flea shampoo.
Using genetic screening, breeders are now working to try to eradicate the problem — always ask the breeder to show the PKD certificates for the cats used to produce your kitten.
There is now a DNA test for Dry Eye, Curly Coat & Episodic Falling which should eradicate these problems.
Screening tests became available in 2007 and since then breeders have been working to eradicate the problem — always ask the breeder to show the HCM certificates for the cats used to produce your kitten.
The Gili Eco Trust has been doing this before the petition started, so there are two ways this can be addressed, boycotting the islands is negative and does no good or makes no difference at all as there is still more people want to go than there is accommodation available, or you can donate to the GET so we can eradicate problems.
VolunQuest has teamed up with the local government in an effort to eradicate this problem and keep our students and the local community safe.
Remember, most electricity comes from fossil fuels so you're not eradicating the problem; just slowing it down.
This explains why the average illicit drug use in the state is two percent higher than the national average, and why the rate of drug - induced deaths is also the highest in Washington.2 An organization dedicated to helping eradicate this problem is Northeast Washington Area Narcotics Anonymous.
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