Sentences with phrase «to eradicate the virus»

This means the systems could be used to help predict how effective new treatments will be in eradicating the virus from liver cells, Bhatia says.
underpinned the development of diagnostic tests and vaccines that have virtually eradicated this virus in cats from many countries.»
However, their efforts did not eradicate the virus and it has returned for a second wave.»
The body is capable of fighting and eradicating the virus without the help of any medicine, if the immune system is strong enough.
«With this information, better decisions can be made to control and hopefully eradicate the virus
«The silent carriage also creates a conflict between poultry producers, who want to preserve their flocks, versus the public health goals of eradicating the virus,» says Suarez.
A better understanding of HIV latency is the key to eradicating the virus researchers at the University of North Carolina and partner institutions write in a perspective in the journal Science.
Two centuries later, the vaccine Jenner pioneered eradicated the virus from the human population.
In September, a research team they led published similarly exciting findings in the journal PLOS ONE about HIV — evidence that the same two drugs eradicated the virus from infected cells examined in lab cultures.
Either way, this subset of CD4 + T cells could become a target for eradicating the virus.
While it does not fully eradicate the virus, this strategy find precedence in a small group of individuals termed «elite controllers» who are able to control HIV without the need for antiretroviral drugs.
After years of difficult and inadequate treatments, two drugs — Harvoni and Viekira Pak, approved in 2014 — eradicate the virus in more than 90 percent of patients (though their high cost — around $ 80,000 for a 12 - week course of treatment — has come under continual fire).
Yukl, who works in Joseph Wong's lab, highlighted the difficulties that they and several labs they collaborated with have had determining if Brown truly had eradicated the virus from his body.
«If that's the case, targeting tuft cells may be an important strategy to eradicate the virus
From stopping disease to eradicating viruses and even creating designer babies, it could transform biology.
But the setback didn't come as much of a surprise to those in who have long been trying to eradicate the virus.
One sustained, well - funded push could be all it takes to eradicate the virus, Pandak says.
Antiviral drugs can suppress the amount of HIV in the body to nearly undetectable levels, but only an effective immune response can eradicate the virus.
«The fact that you can find a person who had AIDS and who now seems to have eradicated the virus is remarkable,» Levy says.
Despite initial hopes that the drugs might eradicate the virus from the body, it soon became clear that no one was cured because of stubborn reservoirs of cells infected with latent virus.
«We have to eradicate the virus in the latent condition — once we do, people can live without any drug,» Gupta said.
The overarching Objective 1 (IRF1) is to identify where and how HIV hides, so that researchers can better assess if proposed clinical strategies can eradicate the virus.
«He has developed some very unique approaches to eradicating the virus from the inside of a liver cell, and now he has 10 years of financial support to continue that work.
In theory, the game revolves around a quest to eradicate a virus, but in practice, the trailer focuses on what the people want: monsters and hunting.
Most young dogs will recover from this when their immune system matures and works to eradicate the virus.
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