Sentences with phrase «to eradicate tumors»

Injecting spores of C. novyi into dogs resulted in rapid reduction of tumor sizes, and even completely eradicated tumors in three of 16 trial dogs.
«A single injection of our nanoparticles completely eradicated the tumors in five of the seven treated animals and the remaining animals had significant tumor reduction compared to the controls,» Farokhzad says.
Such resistance may help explain why drugs that eradicate tumor cells in laboratory dishes often fail to eliminate malignancies in the body
The standard for many years has been administration of multiple small doses of radiation with the goal of eradicating the tumor.
The understanding of cell identity, heterogeneity and plasticity in neuroblastoma has strong implications with respect to the development of new therapeutic strategies to eradicate tumor cells in neuroblastoma patients.
In some prior work with related systems in animal tests, OSU and collaborating researchers have been able to completely eradicate tumors.
As a result, «immune cells can go to all corners of the body and eradicate tumors,» Smith says.
The finding warrants research into adding drugs that could prevent the cancer from hijacking patients» repressive gene regulatory machinery, which might allow the original therapy to work long enough to eradicate the tumor, the researchers report in their National Institutes of Health - funded study, published in the current issue of Science Translational Medicine.
«Recent successes in cancer immunotherapy — in the form of immune checkpoint inhibitors and adoptive T cell transfer — demonstrate how activated immune cells can eradicate tumors, but until now we didn't fully appreciate immunosurveillance or the role of adaptive immunity in tumor formation,» said senior author Michael Karin, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology and Pathology at UC San Diego School of Medicine.
The research, published online May 26 by Nature Immunology, shows that GATA - 3 is required for the maintenance and function of CD8 + T - cells, a T - cell type mediating the immune response to clear pathogens, eradicate tumors and promote inflammation.
«Studies have time and time again shown that brachytherapy is the most important part of cervical cancer treatment, because it is essential to eradicating the tumor,» said Timothy Showalter, MD, a radiation oncologist at UVA Cancer Center.
«The holy grail in cancer immunotherapy is to eradicate tumors and prevent future recurrence without systemic toxicity, and our studies have produced very promising results in mice,» Moon said.
Knowing that the immune system could play a role in eradicating tumors, he suspected that a better understanding of DCs could lead to new treatment strategies for the disease.
Stand - alone nanoparticle vaccines are also being designed to raise sufficient T cell response to eradicate tumors, through co-delivery of antigen and adjuvant, the inclusion of multiple antigens to stimulate multiple dendritic cell targets, and continuous release of antigens for prolonged immune stimulation.
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