Sentences with phrase «to euthanise»

While the pet store owners, the puppy millers and their middlemen will undoubtedly resent the decision, the concerned citizens of San Diego are celebrating a decision that will help reduce the vast number of animals euthanised in their shelters every year.
After acquiring a list of US shelters and veterinary clinics, I e-mailed 102 veterinarians in private practice in California and asked how they disposed of euthanised animals.
This strategy has saved the lives of many animals in need, but the fact remains that there are many others who don't get their happy ending, and eventually get euthanised due to the limited resources of the shelters.
Your flagging advise has gone to the extreme Honest people who are looking to place an animal often get flagged I knew a man who was considering putting to sleep a perfectly healthy dog because he was blocked by flaggers from trying to find it a good home I think some flaggers think they are doing good when in actuality they might be causing harm to a animal that could have been placed instead of euthanised
In these countries, people are being euthanised even for mental health conditions such as depression.
The numbers of strays dealt with by Local Authorities has increased by a staggering 11 % in the last year, with over 9000 dogs being euthanised as result.
The report was funded by Sir Terry Pratchett, a known campaigner for reform of the law, and someone who believes that a patient suffering from dementia should be euthanised if they ask for it.
But humanely euthanising a large whale is still not technically feasible in the UK.
A friend, a veterinarian in California, had advised me that euthanised dogs and cats from veterinary clinics and shelters were routinely rendered and used as sources of protein in pet food.
Few feral cats grow old enough to develop senility and this fact may be of some comfort if you decide to have a cat euthanised because of senility and related problems.
She believes that if euthanasia becomes an option in our society, it will further degrade our attitude towards the dignity of life, leaving many vulnerable to being euthanised against their will — including children and those with mental health conditions.
Greyhounds to be euthanised by a vet only if rehoming is not an option.
Frank Langella, Billy Crudup, Christina Applegate, Mary Kay Place and Josh Lucas star in this dramedy about an ailing man travelling to Oregon to be legally euthanised.
Amanda has become a local pariah after euthanising her horse; her mother is paying Lily handsomely to give the girl some company.
Journalists and, well, mainly other journalists are mourning the loss of Google Reader, a news aggregating RSS reader which will be euthanised today.
Owners must be careful not to euthanise hamsters with benign cancers.
Not only was the rendering plant in Quebec accepting euthanised companion animals for rendering, but this practice was being carried on by a number of rendering plants in the US.
«Shelter chairman Andrew Tribe (Chairman of the LDH Board of Management) said it had been a difficult decision for staff to euthanise Fonzie, but the dog had shown «concerning behavioural problems.»
Thanks for posting your warning about euthanising these dogs too quickly.
The first two had kidney failure, and this one essentially congestive heart failure from fluid build up (we actually euthanised him because of the heavy breathing.)
20 dogs on a new list everyday at the moment, no rescue can rescue 20 dogs a day get real and start more adoption events and network and transport animals to no kill shelters if they are serious about saving animals but they are not from the extreme amount euthanised in the last few days, earlier this month and at Christmas!!!
Whether or not treatment is reasonable therefore depends on the individual patient — including carer's wishes obviously; the challenge is to not subject hopeless cases to unnecessary suffering by persevering while at the same time not immediately euthanising all FATE cats given the spectrum of presentation seen.
Although the number of cats being cage - trapped and euthanised fell — implying the culling was successful — the camera monitoring suggested cat numbers were rising.
And that will not only mean that fewer dogs die or are euthanised needlessly, it will also mean that their vet bills will be a lot lower too.
We never euthanise adoptable animals and we are always looking for rescue groups to help us place our adoptable animals.
However, puppies born blind with PHPV are often euthanised.
I have considered euthanising him to avoid the trauma of the animal shelter, who will more than likely euthanize him anyway, but I feel guilty doing that.
«Most places would've just euthanised her, but by some miracle Duchess got lucky and Dr. Meyer took a chance and repaired her jaw,» said Crystal Tate, Duchess» owner.
The rescues come in for various reasons, some are abandoned on the streets, and some are abandoned at medical facilities because the owners chose to euthanise rather than pay for treatment, and then there are some who have been severely abused by their previous owners.
A new book, «The British Cat and Dog Massacre: The Real Story of World War Two's Unknown Tragedy» tells the heartbreaking, but little - known, story of the 750,000 dogs and cats euthanised upon the outbreak of WW2
Did you know that in shelters, black dogs are the least adoptable and amongst first few to be euthanised in cases of overcrowding?
Because so many dogs are euthanised due to behavioural problems, all dog owners need to understand what is happening to their dog during these stages, and how to manage them so their dog is properly socialized and trained.
They may then be passed to a rescue or euthanised if the owner does not think they can cope with the pup's problems.
The city of LA has banned the commercial sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits to reduce the number of strays and euthanised animals.
Wilkinson said: «In both countries you've seen the age limit be expanded to children's ages and also the circumstances in which people are being allowed to be euthanised have grown from terminal illnesses to mental illness as well.
Christian human rights organisation ADF International is representing a Belgian man in the European Court of Human Rights after he claimed his mother was euthanised in 2012 without him being informed.
«As this case shows you can have a situation which is clearly preventable and people are still being euthanised
Michael Valenzuela at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, and colleagues, used a brain scanner to look at the heads of 11 dogs that had recently been euthanised, and two live ones.
Paul Meek at the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries first came across dingo cannibalism last year while trialling a new, more humane trap fitted with a chewable toxin to euthanise the dogs in the Strzelecki desert in South Australia.
According to the Marine Animal Rescue Coalition, attempts to rescue stranded whales are usually futile, and it's kinder to euthanise them.
Due to her congenital issues, she was due to be euthanised, but was rescued in time and now a happy, feisty pooch, raising awareness for animal shelters.
However, during a news report, she talked about the number of dogs she had to euthanise, which led to unkind comments left on the online post.
By opening up your homes, you help reduce the number of pets being euthanised.
The myth that they need to do so may be responsible for the death of thousands of dogs each year as unwanted animals are euthanised in overcrowded shelters.
Did you know that Black Dogs are generally the last to be adopted and are euthanised in shelters in much larger numbers than dogs of other colors?
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