Sentences with phrase «to evangelize someone»

Bright was also seized with the idea of evangelizing on college campuses.
More often than not, there are great ideas, but to see those all the way through there has to be a certain fearlessness in asking for investment in evangelizing for your mission, whatever that may be.
As much as we might hate to admit it, we Christians have not been all that successful in evangelizing people of the large world religions.
Portrait Lighting is, well, fine — and we almost feel guilty for not evangelizing about it more, given how much intelligence has gone into creating it.
Presbyterians» commitments to ethnic «diversity» — usually a liberal cause — come into tension with the «liberal» position on not evangelizing Jews.
Frequently highly personalized, this music is aimed not so much at evangelism as at confronting the already evangelized with their shortcomings.
While Moskowitz has not been shy in critiquing de Blasio, she largely avoided calling him out over the last several months, focusing instead on evangelizing for charters and promoting her network during a slew of high - profile national appearances.
In the same way, when evangelizing Muslims, it's helpful to start with what you have in common: Allah as creator of the world, who flooded the earth in the time of Noah, revealed himself to Abraham, and handed 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai.
This conception of evangelizing as the church in mission has also, owing to the highbrows, reached a lot of the lowbrows.
Once an indefatigable traveler who evangelized about the customer's «first and second moments of truth,» Lafley stayed behind the scenes this time, using his newfound private equity skills to figure out which brands and categories deserved focus and which should be jettisoned.
Yesterday, Russia's new anti-terrorism laws, which restrict Christians from evangelizing outside of their churches, went into effect.
2 Peter 1: 15 - 21 I do evangelize and take seriously the mandate to give reason (s) for the hope that dwells within me which is at least sufficient to appear thoughtful.
Just because I believe that evangelicals should stop evangelizing doesn't mean that they should to stop speaking of Jesus.
If then anyone asks about the purpose of this statement and of the ongoing project of which it is part, the answer is clear: it is to evangelize more effectively, to bear witness to the world that Jesus is the Lord and Savior sent by the Father, and to bring that truth to bear on every dimension of life» just as we are commanded to do.
According to CNN, a trial court in Iran acquitted him of apostasy and instead charged him with evangelizing Muslims, then....
After all, without customers to help evangelize your brand, you don't have much of a business, do you?
They spend far less time evangelizing self - publishing, or giving advice to large groups of authors.
... a serious evangelizing effort can not ignore the questions that arise also from today's scientific and philosophical discoveries....»
Organized training of sales force at 4 global locations to support deployment and evangelized at industry trade shows and technology forums that have contributed towards significant revenues for the division
The dominant image of evangelizing today is the huge hall or arena, an impassioned preacher sharply spotlighted, with arms so held that they entreat the hearers to decide for Jesus Christ and then come down the aisles.
The Pentecostal theologian Juan Sepulveda writes, «Many are particularly surprised by the rapid growth of Pentecostalism in Latin America, a continent that until 1910 — the year of the Edinburgh conference — was considered, especially by European Protestants, to be an area already evangelized by the Catholic Church.»
Why not get evangelizing into the act as it should be?
Evidence seems to suggest that the story actually derives from pro-Christian tales as St. Patrick is known for evangelizing Christianity in the fifth - century to drive out the pagans, whom allegorically are «snakes» in the story.
Russian president Vladimir Putin recently approved a series of amendments to several surveillance and anti-terrorism laws — including one that bans people from evangelizing outside of a church.
The Pew Research Center also offers a window into who evangelizes most, which millennials pray and attend church most often, and just how charismatic Pentecostals actually are, among other findings.
Popular usage increasingly marks a distinction between evangelizing (acceptable) and proselytizing (bad form, at the very least).
When I asked the director of the American Baptists» Evangelizing Community program why a denomination that has involved itself so deeply in the planning process has projected no measurable goals for numerical growth, he said: «That's an insight we got from the General Conference Baptists: all we can in faithfulness measure is the number of attempts we will make to confront people with the gospel — the Spirit gives the increase.»
The Church can not renounce her mission to evangelize everyone, he writes, and he asks if God allows Israel's resistance «because we have ignored the significance of historic Israel, the noble olive tree into which we Gentile - Christians have been grafted and in whose rich sap we share (Romans 11:17 — 18).»
His responsibilities include for evangelizing new technologies in the online learning spaces of e-Learning, mobile learning and most recently social learning, developing efficiencies within courseware development and integrating courseware with various Learning Management Systems.
The publishing industry has settled on politeness and dialed back the hyperbolic «end of the world» rhetoric and «come to Jesus» digital evangelizing that has marked such gatherings in recent years.
It is assumed that the one doing the work of evangelism has something which the one being evangelized needs, or wants, or should want.
It seems to me high time that we got evangelizing out of the theological basement.
But the campaign's own official presence was only a slice of the pro-Obama activity to which these sites played host, since millions of Obama's «friends» were also evangelizing on his behalf on their own:
As evangelizing all the brands one by one is impossible, we decided to create the Smart Voice Summit, a massive event gathering the best speakers and the leading companies to solve this problem.
The investment banker for the bank's tech, media and telecom group was more interested in evangelizing cryptocurrencies than he was...
25 year veteran CTO with deep experience in designing, architecting, building and evangelizing disruptive, thought - leading solutions for telcos, cloud and the enterprise.
Work is not the place to try to evangelize especially if people feel they are being harassed.
However if this guy was constantly evangelizing about it in the workplace he had to go.
But, just try helping somebody in need without evangelizing to them and it should become very clear to you.
M. B. Handspicker left me a little confused with his article «Evangelizing Liberalism» (October 1993).
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