Sentences with phrase «to exacerbate the issue»

"To exacerbate the issue" means to make a problem or situation worse or more intense. Full definition
If your legal reasoning is that you think it's «only high risk due to personal negligence,» note that it's high risk even for the vaccinated (the fact that some of us aren't only exacerbates the issue)
Unconsciously, I held onto anger and guilt, further exacerbating the issue by attracting people and situations that would confirm my self - limiting beliefs.
However, it also exacerbates the issue of funding disparities.
Don't exacerbate the issue by needing to figure out how to deal with large equity deadweight on your hands (investors won't like that the # 2 stakeholder is absent, even estranged, from your company).
Tribunal fees also exacerbate the issues with Osborne's programme of austerity, which disproportionately affects women.
Chances are, the mom of the fussy baby is already stressed out, and complaining — as opposed to showing compassion — just exacerbates the issue.
IV fluids may also exacerbate the issue, increasing the swelling.
What exacerbates the issue is that people in the government and business seem to be utterly unable to tell the truth, simply and clearly.
The film's visual effects actually exacerbate this issue — they feel like something you'd see in a video game.
The election of President Donald Trump in the U.S. and political tensions in Europe in the last two years marked a push back against globalization, which some say has exacerbated issues such as income inequality.
Obama was also due to be in the Philippines in order both to demonstrate that the US remains a loyal ally when there is a perceived increased threat from China, but probably also to give the message that Manila needs to stay in step with its ASEAN neighbours on the South China Sea dispute and not surprise them with diplomatic positions that leave them nonplussed and that would likely exacerbate the issue.
He pointed back to difficult times in the 1970s, when three pairs of officers were brutally killed, and said today social media exacerbates the issue.
It also depletes essential micronutrients and minerals, which of course exacerbates issues like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, and more.
I did some research and found, that chemicals in dandruff shampoo can even exacerbate the issue.
Additionally, low levels of B6 can exacerbate issues related to estrogen dominance — the most common cause of period problems — since the vitamin helps produce progesterone, which keeps you balanced.
At first, she stayed home and threw herself into work — which she now realizes probably exacerbated the issue.
It is certainly something that one would want gone as soon as possible, yet sometimes we unknowingly exacerbate the issue by trying to stretch the injured area.
Conversion issues may exacerbate an issue rather than improving it.
The widespread criticism the law has faced over the past nine years exacerbates the issue, because few can agree — regardless of party orientation — which of its policies should exist in the first place.
(1987), the Court exacerbated the issue by extending the Weber rule from purely private hiring to municipal hiring.
I guessed all those «backup safety systems» were likely to fail in interesting and unpredictable ways, perhaps exacerbating the issue.
In my opinion, complaining about «this» or «that» generation does nothing except exacerbate issues or cause a non-issue to become a big issue.
Neither offers much travel, which exacerbates the issue, though at least Nokia bundles in a nice silicone case that delineates between them by literally running a thin line of material between the two keys.
Impacted models range from the iPhone 6s all the way back to the iPhone 5, and the newly exacerbated issue presents itself in a few different ways.
The recently released Greater Vancouver Economic Scorecard identified inadequate public transit and road infrastructure as a major obstacle to our regional prosperity, and Metro Vancouver's resistance to this project only exacerbates the issues we are facing.
First thing's first, you need to remove vices which cause health problems of their own or exacerbate the issues with the probable high blood pressure associated with obesity.
Try to fix the issue first or you'll just exacerbate the issue (s).
What exacerbated this issue was the fact that Creative Assembly pulled together almost all of the original cast from Ridley Scott's seminal 1979 film, forcing ardent fans of the IP to shelve out additional money if they wanted to gain access to the exclusive content.
As the above chart suggests, the same kinds of food restriction measures employed to help a heavier child can actually exacerbate the issue.
Breast feeding can exacerbate the issue by pushing progesterone and estrogen levels even further down.
And, in spreading your attention too thin, you're only exacerbating the issue.
Exacerbating the issue is the fact that many online shoppers, who are unsure of their size, will place multiple orders and return what doesn't fit.
Exacerbating the issue is that owners of lower - priced homes likely don't have the resources to take preventative measures against the rising tides, like putting in sea walls or making changes to foundations to withstand intermittent flooding.
The explosion of ecommerce has exacerbated an issue that's long rankled many states: their inability to tax out - of - state businesses making sales within their borders.
Interesting that you attributed them to heat rashes at times because I've definitely noticed that summer has exacerbated my issues.
Inconsistent displays from Rio Ferdinand and Jonny Evans have further exacerbated the issue and a move to bring in a solid defender in January may well be on the cards for Sir Alex Ferguson.
That Johnson has struggled to find a connection with Duke Williams has only exacerbated the issues.
The FIFA imposed transfer can only serve to exacerbate these issues.
Presumably Sabatini knew that Gerson would have tremendous difficulty getting minutes in Rome, no matter who the manager was, and his inability to manufacture a loan and / or convince Gerson's dad that this was the best course of action, has been incredibly detrimental to the kid's still nascent development, while Spalletti's limited use of him, largely in the already decided Europa League fixtures and the inexplicable start against Juventus, has only exacerbated that issue.
The last thing you'll want to do is exacerbate the issue.
Fluids in your body get in - between the milk making cells, fat, ducal tissue, and ligaments to further exacerbate the issue.
Sure, bad parenting can exacerbate any issue, but to blame them for their child's ADHD is just insane.
If your baby already has trouble swallowing normally, you do not want to exacerbate the issue and risk getting rice cereal in your baby's lungs.
And, normally, it's not a trauma - reaction to life changes such as moving or starting preschool or school, though those events can exacerbate the issue.
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