Sentences with phrase «to execute one's vision»

Let us help you create and execute your vision for updating your kitchen.
I look forward to many more issues and helping to do my part in executing that vision.
Now, she'll have the chance to execute her vision on a larger scale.
Your job is to help your child execute his vision.
But as people who appreciate a brilliantly executed vision, this is a high point.
This course provides methods and practices to find and define your artistic vision and to execute that vision alone or in teams.
If you have a vision of starting meetings of administrative assistants and executive assistants within your company, then create a plan to successfully execute that vision.
What I mean by that is really get good at executing the vision you have.
True Self Publishing means you are maintaining control of every aspect of producing your book product, executing your vision for the book.
Call or email me and let's move forward in executing your vision.
He is a respected leader and I am confident he is very capable of executing the vision of Coldwell Banker International here in Canada.»
«It's an honor to be tapped by Borough President Katz to help execute her vision for the World's Borough,» Miller said.
Turner had revolutionized television by executing his vision for 24 - hour cable news at CNN and mainstream entertainment at TBS.
We continue to believe that there is no better place to be in fashion than handbags and accessories, with long - term growth potential in both developed and developing markets and have tremendous confidence in our team's proven ability to execute our vision globally.
I think having all four of these guys will be a dream come true for Coach and finally allow him to fully execute his vision.
No President can execute his vision within four years, President John Dramani Mahama has said.
It's fashion magic when designers considerate and purposefully execute a vision.
The stellar cast assembled to execute his vision includes Janet Jackson, Thandie Newton, Kerry Washington, Loretta Devine, Kimberly Elise, Phylicia Rashad, Macy Gray, Anika Noni Rose and Whoopi Goldberg.
He commands a small army of seamstresses executing his vision and, at any given moment, one live - in girlfriend subject to Reynolds» fussy and unreasonable peccadilloes and iron - clad routine — until, that is, they just can't take it anymore.
The labour required to execute this vision seems to be (perhaps necessarily) piecemeal — a difficulty as far back as the first Max, with its apparently intransigent crewmembers.
Assistant Principals execute the vision to ensure that every day is a great day for teachers and students.
Known as the Small Autonomous Schools Movement, this effort subdivided large schools into multiple small schools, each with a school leader that was given flexibility with budget, staffing, and program decisions to execute a vision collaboratively created with teacher leaders and the community.
Chuck Wade and the team at Motorsports Technical Center did a truly spectacular job executing the vision of this project.»
The wording of the Kickstarter as a whole suggests that the game was Yogscast's vision, their own dream game created to please both them and their legions of fans, and that Winterkewl were to be partners brought onboard to execute that vision under the careful supervision of the Yogscast crew.
, going «back to the drawing board,» and questions about whether Evolution could properly execute their vision, DRIVECLUB's imminent release has been a long - time coming for racing fans.
Back to the real purpose of this website, the General (GM) executed this vision extraordinarily and is a great credit to the nation.
FANAF executed its vision with a three part strategy: separation, functionality and open / closed environments.
The support team executed his vision, and now his dashboard allows him to execute efficiently and communicate with ease.
From our scratch menu, to our individually hand - painted menus, to interior art displays by local and global artists, to black rock cooking, to pink himalayan salt ice cream, to a full virtual experience, we strive to be as creative as possible in executing our vision,» added Johnigean.
You can sell your attention to detail, or your ability to synthesize your boss» ideas and execute her vision on paper.
«We have been impressed with Kik's thoughtful approach to the creation and distribution of Kin, and have confidence that the team will execute their vision of creating a decentralized ecosystem of digital services through Kin.»
Committing to a culture of engaging all family members around the responsibilities and opportunities that come with wealth significantly improves your odds of executing your vision for the future.
He knew how to grow a business, so he focused on what he could do and wisely left it to Steve Wozniak and his team to execute his vision.
Entrepreneurs know the secret to success is hiring the right team to execute their vision.
But that still leaves about a dozen slides with which we can spin our yarn about what the world looks like now and what it will look like when we've executed our vision.
At the end of the day CEOs who survive embrace innovation, communicate a new vision and build management to execute the vision.
You will succeed or fail based on how well you are able to execute your vision — and that requires a lot of «do».
In the Frank + Oak organization, Song is the visionary, while the soft - spoken Ratnani — who is both COO and CFO — is the guy who takes care of executing that vision.
, Herold acts as a resource for COOs who want to learn about creating a framework for their businesses to execute their vision.
He's an amazing developer of teams, he knows how to operationalize on a global scale, he can execute a vision.
To find employees who can execute your vision and power your business, you'll need every edge you can get.
Many agencies have the creativity and brainpower to develop the most brilliant marketing and branding programs in their industry, but may lack the work force to execute their vision.
He was very excited about this idea — turns out they had a high - level plan of decentralizing reddit in the works, and they needed someone to execute this vision.
But I do expect any filmmaker who has access to a half dozen of the best actors working today and millions of dollars to execute his vision to give the audience something more than psychological torture for the sake of watching the audience squirm.
When looking for the right chef to execute their vision, the brothers struck culinary gold.
When I found myself with extra apples from other recipes and several cans of pumpkin puree, it was clearly time to execute my vision.
Joe and Esther have engaged acclaimed restaurant designer, Kyla Coburn, to execute their vision for the space.
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