Sentences with phrase «to exist any more»

I'm looking forward to making this, my scrub was from a company that doesn't exist any more so i am almost out!
It might turn out that some practice groups exist more in name than in fact.
Here is the key point that is missing from this logic and continues to be my frustration... there exist more people with gluten sensitivity than people with celiac disease!
Instead, most Muslim dating sites exist more as a way for these men and women to reach a broader audience and get to know a larger community.
People who lived in this city which existed more than 4,000 years ago, created a set of wealth management principles that hold their ground even today.
Animals exist more immediately than human beings: the mental pole of animal consciousness is more closely tied to the physical pole.
Reading articles and blogs I don't agree with and probably shouldn't be reading because I believe truth exists more often on extremes than we like to admit.
The B - movie, in the traditional sense of the term, doesn't really exist any more.
These films exist more than one might think and not all are a total loss if you're someone that enjoys specific genre pieces.
Though both setup and payoff are given to us in this opening page, the former exists more in embryo than as something developed.
Firms often talk about creating a culture of business development, but in truth, culture exists more by default than design.
Many long term jobs may not exist any more either.
Still, it seems to exist more as an exercise in foreign accents than as a narrative feature film.
However, such powers often seem to exist more in theory than in practice.
This number sounds to be a reasonable value owing to the fact that there exists more than 14 million live accounts with this trading platform in the current scenario.
On a 1 $ purchase it would go by a penny, which of course doesn't exist any more.
If you've spent the holiday season with a noticeable hole at the dinner table — a space where someone used to sit, and will never sit again... or maybe the dinner table doesn't even exist any more, and you're not all too sure where home is any more... I promise it does get better.
The researchers think this discovery could help explain why some chiral molecules on Earth exist more commonly as one hand than as another.
«It would be more beneficial to engage in healthy and productive Jewish - Christian dialogue... than to engage in witch - hunting for Christian missionaries in Israel who hardly exist any more
Ward and her team found a styloid process at the end of a wrist bone more than 1.42 million years old, indicating this anatomical feature existed more than half a million years earlier than previously known.
Which is exactly what you expect for a god that is entirely man made and for which there exists no more evidence than that of alien abduction or magic unicorns.
«Disconnected from the digital currency, blockchain exists more like an intranet.
In fact, although Goldstein mentions in the her introduction that she wanted to give Plato a chance to learn from and recognize the value of modern thought, most of Plato's interlocutors exist more to draw Plato out than to offer anything of value in return.
To those of us that don't see him every week, Messi as a player exists more in replay than he does in the moment.
Instead, researchers may focus on broadening their knowledge of conditions on the ancient Earth, rather than trying to determine whether its magnetic field existed more than 4.2 billion years ago.
However some species of bacteria exist more symbiotically than others.
A lot of people in the west practice all different forms of yoga plenty of which did not ever exist more than 50 years ago or has been given some fancy name in order to attract people to yoga.
I would say that the woman I'm inspired by exists more in my sketchbooks.
If there exists a more perfect warm - weather suit than this white linen masterpiece, I triple - dog - dare you to find it.
The script exists more in a tonal dead zone, where the broad material and the sobering reality of the situation cancel each other out, leaving a tuneless movie without the direct perspective it needs to succeed.
Jane Got a Gun strangely doesn't fall into either camp, instead existing more as the kind of mid-level genre picture that you've seen plenty of times before.
Fair enough, you say: New Things don't actually exist any more.
Skarsgård exists more as a symbol than a human being, but he expresses guilt - riddled»70s dude frustration well enough.
Sad to say, the union's efforts were successful in Louisiana, and the reform - minded schoolboard majority exists no more; the union is now in control, thanks to AFT's «outsider money.»
The truth is, creatives like this rarely exist any more, and when they do, it's often diagnosable and treatable (a form of OCD or extreme anxiety, for example).
To put it another way, creative nonfiction writers do not make things up; they make ideas and information that already exist more interesting and, often, more accessible» - Lee Gutkind
The functionality exists more to facilitate bookmarking and annotating content, but as those are reading system functions (at least at this time), it means there's not much you can do but look at the pretty things you could do with reverence and awe.
Dogs similar to the modern day breed existed more than 1300 years ago.
It's not clear exactly how old this breed is but dogs similar to the Italian Greyhound existed more than 4,000 years ago.
Doesn't say if it has ports, doesn't say if a wireless device can interface with it, it's vague in that aspect, which is why we can't draw conclusions from it until / unless there exists a more detailed patent concerning that.
Our hero swings a huge sword, but enemies do no damage — an acknowledgement that in contemporary Zelda games battles exist more to pace the game than challenge the player.
In the distant future, mega-corporation Ravenwood exists more as an interplanetary government than a company, controlling commerce and manipulating the economy with its own private army.
In his book, he toys with the idea that «nothing exists any more or less than anything else; in which humans are elements, but not the sole or even primary elements, of philosophical interest.»
Certainly, there exist more efficient and long - lasting technologies, and while these will offset your energy costs, the cost of the panels themselves will almost certainly outweigh this.
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