Sentences with phrase «to expand power»

By making bull markets impossible, VII will make greatly expand the power of the free market to enrich all our lives.
For the government, issuing the scarce emissions allowances would vastly expand its power.
The regulators did not use their powers then; what makes us think that they will use expanded powers?
Growth in this business is dependent on new and expanding power requirements, mostly from gold mines.
In addition, the government would be able to expand its powers further by regulation, instead of having to draw up new legislation.
That is what we are doing to ourselves as we become highly advanced expanding the power of our work and ignoring deep comprehension of our nature.
A new law gives the planning office expanded powers in resolving development disputes related to the military.
Not surprisingly, the approaching Ice Age was often cited as a reason for taking away people's rights and expanding the power of government.
Growth in this business is dependent on new and expanding power requirements, mostly from gold mines.
Under the president's orders, security forces operating in Borno, Plateau, Niger, and Yobe state were given expanded powers to make arrests and conduct searches in an effort to track down Boko Haram affiliates.
Neo-Darwinism has played a prominent role in expanding the power of reductionistic modes of thought in evolutionary theory.
One suddenly finds himself in a position of power, and all too often interprets his religion in such a way as to give him more power or to expand his power over others.
As you may recall from our previous posts, Ministry of Labour inspectors have expanded powers under Bill 132 to order an employer to conduct an external investigation at the employer's expense.
The New York Power Authority is expanding its power generation efforts with a program that shows building managers in real time how much energy is being used.
If you instead read «laws of the United States» as including state law, you've just dramatically expanded the power of the federal courts.
In June, the governor and legislative leaders reached agreement on an omnibus ethics bill which created a new commission, jointly controlled by the governor and legislative leaders, with expanded powers to look into legislators» activities.
The «End New York Corruption Now Act» would also expand the powers of the attorney general's office to prosecute public corruption, create new criminal categories for undisclosed self - dealing and bribery, and beef up a pension forfeiture proposal to prevent state funds being used even to provide for a convicted official's spouse or children.
«Ayatollah Khamenei watches America allow Iran to expand its power while our President writes him missives ensuring we will protect Iran's interests.
The implication is that if you keep on expanding your power inordinately against the interest of others, then you may fail to see the hidden connection between your own interests and other persons» interests.
George Pataki greatly expand the powers of the governor over state legislators in the budget - making process met this week with Cuomo administration lawyers.
The home secretary was forced to deny the idea after civil liberties groups found a clause in the upcoming immigration bill expanding powers previously only active at entry points to the UK.
Amazon is likely using Kindle to globally expand its power as an online retailer, according to Silicon Valley analyst Rob Enderle.
X-Ray gets expanded powers of seeing into the bones of a book in the new software.
As of the last fiscal quarter, NY Green Bank had committed over $ 440 million in clean energy investments in the state, including loans of $ 20 million to Vivint Solar to expand power purchase agreements (PPAs) in New York, $ 12 million to Cypress Creek Renewables to finance interconnection fees for up to 72 community solar projects, and $ 50 million to Solar Mosaic to offer solar loans.
According to a report from, Canadian Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart is investigating a government plan to give Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) officers expanded powers to search airport and port employees in new customs - controlled areas.
Ontario municipalities have newly expanded powers to implement «inclusionary zoning.»
Congress must deliberate carefully when considering expanding the powers and budgets of national security agencies.
SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher said, «Today's announcement marks an important milestone as Governor Cuomo expands the power and promise of nanotechnology in the Mohawk Valley and across New York to create local jobs, drive innovation, and establish the state as a globally recognized industry leader.
This may suggest that the Commission's request was borne out of political expediency seeking to expand its powers only and avoiding any legal issues that may constrain its powers.
, virtual - Will makes huge leaps in medicine and biotechnology before getting a little too big for his virtual - britches, wanting to expand his power beyond just his cozy confines.
Networks, too, are critical: improving and expanding power grids, including across borders, helps ensure successful integration of higher shares of wind and solar power as well as increases energy security.
It was the latest hill on a bureaucratic roller coaster that began with the abrupt departure on Friday of Richard Cordray, an Obama appointee who helped the agency aggressively expand its powers to punish rule - breaking companies.
In Saskatchewan, concern over rural crime resulted in the province expanding the power of conservation and commercial vehicle enforcement officers to include arrest and detention of criminal suspects.
Will Shakespeare once wrote in rhyme and high jinks That the Fans they doth protest too much, me thinks Fans driven to despair by a Prince who became King In all but name, he controlled everything It was eleven years hence I remember the hour When Arsene the Prince had expanded his power -LSB-...]
Spitzer plans to broadly expand the powers of the city comptroller's post, which manages the city's pension fund and audits agencies, into a more activist office.
He also proposed expanding the power of the state inspector general he controls to also cover SUNY and CUNY and creating new inspector generals to monitor the Port Authority and the state Education Department.
So far, though, Crowley has risen in stature without actually expanding his power.
Once viewed as imposing absolute limits on knowledge and technology, quantum theory is now expanding the power of computers and the vistas of the mind
Expanding power production and saving money on installation aren't the only benefits that can come from combining wind and solar.
At 90 kilowatts, the SAE Combo also delivers a faster charge than the 70 kW CHAdeMO, though both standards organizations are working on expanding their power output to 150 kW within the next year.
That is, if big pharma and big gov don't expand their power and regulate our vitamins.
Timeouts allow for updates on simmering sub-plots like the developing relationship between Vision and Scarlet Witch (Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen get more to do than in Avengers Age of Ultron) and the literally expanding powers of Ant - Man (Paul Rudd, a bit subdued).
For 2019, Jeep seeks to play on the Cherokee's strengths while rounding out the rough edges, tweaking the aesthetic, expanding the power train options, and bolstering its utility to keep it relevant in the hotly - contested crossover segment.
In the future, we hope to expand Power User status to those who check out the most eBooks or digital audio books, most use our computers, and attend the most public programs and events.
Ulefone expands its Power Series with its latest handset called Ulefone Power 3.
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