Sentences with phrase «to expand something»

You can also expand it into a longer resume profile (which is typically a small paragraph), and include that on your resume instead.
You can expand it further by up to 256 GB using a microSD card in its Hybrid card slot.
You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries..
I have an experience of 6 years in this field and want to further expand it by working as a senior level field engineer.
However, it is important to remember that the existing customers are the vital assets that are responsible for making your business run as well as expanding it through word of mouth.
You also get 8 GB of onboard storage with room for expanding it via a microSD card.
This article tells it all about energy needs and out ability to expand it for all.
Sometimes we don't expand them when things change (kids, death, financial problems, mental illness, etc.) then we get stuck.
You can click the picture above to expand it so you can see it in more details.
We started with the simple idea of combining two herbs to get a better herb, and expanded it from there.
We've stuck to the classic core gameplay, but we've also expanded it with something new.
If the experiment proved successful, I would later expand it to include my regular sixth grade math classes.
You can tap on it to briefly expand it too.
Just start with a basic site that tells people what you have to offer, and then expand it over time as needed to support your business.
Free updates will also expand it even further, so it's quite likely that even veteran hunters will be kept busy for a long time.
Take your time with this one — and expand it if you like with some rye sourdough toast and maybe a fresh juice, and a steaming almond latte... heaven!
This feature is already available on the Fire HD 10, and the company is now expanding it to other recent tablets.
That's where we're at right now — expanding it across our teams and making sure that each employee sees what's in it for them.
Since every Switch only comes with 32 GB of internal storage, a lot of Switch owners have had to expand it using microSD cards.
However, since expanding they have started to utilize third parties to aid in verifying transactions.
Scientists are trying to explain the creation of our universe, but do so from the position that before expanding it was a hot dense mass.
2 — Next, take a look at your methods, and expand them beyond Internet - only search.
We are currently offering this service in over ten locations worldwide, constantly expanding it airport by airport across our vast network.
«I owe it to my family and guests to ensure that as we grow and expand they get the same product they did in 1983,» he says.
Here's the question I think you should ask when it comes to commitment: Does your partner expand you?
My parents recently expanded theirs and it is so nice when we all get together for dinner there.
Personally the film is long enough running 117 minutes but this new cut expands it out to 131 minutes.
But they're skeptical of efforts to expand it statewide.
Love it as I've been thinking of rooting my HD + (I'm happy with the way it works now, but would love to expand it soon).
This kind of insurance is basically going to take the coverage from the standard policy and just expand it.
Likewise, one of the most valuable contributions brokers can make to the success of their team is to encourage and push agents to stretch their comfort zone and thus expand it.
Right now this program is only geared towards on elementary school teachers and they should expand it into other arenas in the coming months.
If you have only one kid and don't want to expand it in near future, then single strollers are fine for you.
I think that it has a good chance of retaining most of its current user base as well as expanding it.
And yes, you can further expand it via microSD storage.
It comes with 16 GB on board and you can also expand it with another 32 GB microSD card.
Just pack the stroller in the car and expand it when you arrive at your destination.
He later expanded it to provide free legal aid to the homeless.
Thus we are not solely interested in the mental abilities of dogs but in all aspects of human and dog behaviour that have strengthened this bond, and may even expand it further.
The product comprises the pack and play function which has a push button process to collapse and then expands it back up again in a new location.
For that, we just may need to wait for someone to edit this story down rather than expand it even more.
You could still expand them if you were feeling curious or just had buckets of time to waste.
Since every Switch only comes with 32 GB of internal storage, a lot of Switch owners have had to expand it using microSD cards.
However, since expanding they have started to utilize third parties to aid in verifying transactions.
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