Sentences with phrase «to expand the repertoire»

"To expand the repertoire" means to increase the range of skills, abilities, or choices a person has in a particular area or field. Full definition
Both of these products have a rapidly expanding repertoire of abilities and functions that they can perform for you.
Between these two systems, developers expanded their repertoire with plots that were more detailed than the basic one - off objective.
They challenge each other to become more educated about art and design principles and to expand their repertoire by focusing on creativity.
They have really expanded their repertoire since their inception.
In my experience, it is easier to start with a more restricted diet, and if that is successful, to carefully expand the repertoire as tolerated and desired.
New sight words are introduced on a weekly basis, and as students expand their repertoire word cards may be sent home to allow for continued practice.
The artist has recently expanded his repertoire to include works in spray paint and enamel.
I am actually expanding my repertoire of exit strategies to a couple of other low money down strategies.
Through my journey, I have had the privilege of playing an active role in many professional development opportunities to expand my repertoire of teaching strategies.
This fall, I'm hoping to make as many new - to - me recipes as I can and really expand my repertoire.
He's also trying to expand his repertoire beyond macchiatos and lattes in the grocery market.
While Nkemdiche proved to be an effective and somewhat diverse pass rusher inside, he could stand to expand his repertoire when it comes to beating guards around the edge.
IPATH, a leader in sustainable footwear, particularly skate shoes, is now expanding its repertoire with even more eco-products.
«One of the issues is not just expanding the repertoire of possibilities for collaboration,» says Stokes, «but really changing the orientation around collaboration.»
Combining formative assessment with technology can help a teacher expand their repertoire while also simplifying data collection and analysis.»
Aqua Surf welcomes different techniques and styles, which helps expand our repertoire.
«Our work expands the repertoire of functional genetic elements,» says the study's leader Yaniv Erlich, who is an assistant professor of computer science at Columbia Engineering, a member of Columbia's Data Science Institute, and a core member of the New York Genome Center.
Matty's also expanded his repertoire on Twitch as well for his streams.
And every one of your recipes I've tried so far have been keepers, thus expanding my repertoire of great meals.
Photographing the amazing recipes has inspired me to get into the kitchen more and try a few new challenging dishes expanding my repertoire.
RT America TV, a Kremlin - financed channel operated from within the United States, has substantially expanded its repertoire of programming that highlights criticism of alleged US shortcomings in democracy and civil liberties.
Human minds can develop by expanding their repertoire into new modes, by increasing their competence within a mode or by gaining control so that they can select the mode they want to «much as a driver selects a gear».
Chemotype Evolution is a proprietary technology that dramatically expands the repertoire of chemical diversity for drug discovery.
By loading one end of a barbell into the cylinder, you can instantly expand your repertoire of exercises tenfold.
Over the course of the 23 story missions, the game takes you on a sightseeing tour of the city and gradually expands your repertoire of skills as each of the five main areas unlock.
Now in its 27th year, the New York City - based awards ceremony originally only recognized small movies, but has since expanded its repertoire to career tributes and TV and acting prizes.
Research into Crimean Tatar choreography through an engagement with indigenous choreographers in Lviv, Ukraine expands the repertoire of this American - Ukrainian dance ensemble.
In this new work Carland expands her repertoire to include broader ideas of theater, representation, illusion, and photography.
In 1996, Wall expanded his repertoire to begin producing monochrome images, further exploring the cinematographic — particularly film noir — and the aesthetics of classic photography.
In his sixth solo exhibition with Callan Contemporary, Lonas expands his repertoire of imagery and reinterprets established subject matter in his signature style and media.
While Android has arguably been the king of notifications for some time, Lollipop expands its repertoire with extensive customizations.
I was already a good writer before I started this program, but she quickly expanded my repertoire of segmentation, formatting, and phrasing.
Comprising several distinct but interrelated bodies of work, the exhibition builds on the artist's iconoclastic thematic and conceptual modes, as well as expanding his repertoire of material treatments.
Expanding your repertoire beyond traditional «talk therapy» to include play and expressive arts will make individual, group, and family therapy sessions more engaging and effective.
This inaugural presentation with the gallery celebrates the last, highly productive decade of the artist's life, which saw him return to many of the themes that had occupied him throughout his career, while expanding his repertoire with an array of innovative painting practices.
A German - American co-production, the film stars Rupert Friend, a sensitive British actor («Cheri»), who has played a CIA assassin in TV's «Homeland» and is now expanding his repertoire to playing a genetically engineered assassin in «Hitman.»
«One of the issues is not just expanding the repertoire of...
In 1995, Cube reunited with Singleton for the drama Higher Learning, and, later that year, expanded his repertoire by starring in Friday, a comedy he also wrote and produced.
In a bid to stay relevant, some rooftop solar companies are expanding their repertoire.
Our team offers a comprehensive FA and TA course designed to expand you repertoire: tech basics, valuation framework, trading basics, portfolio allocation, trading lifestyle and psychology, candlesticks, trading patterns, indicators, fractals, wyckoff method.
Named «Cookbook of the Year» by VegNews, vegan cupcakes is the perfect book for beginner bakers wanting to learn the basics as well as the accomplished home baker who wants to expand her repertoire.
Current practitioners will appreciate a chance to expand their repertoire
I definitely have to expand my repertoire.
I've expanded my repertoire to include baked sweet potato, fries, and soon this scalloped sweet potato recipe with Greek yogurt.
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