Sentences with phrase «to expend calories»

If you are tube - feeding, he recommends using about 3 / 4s of the amount you would use in a bottle, as the puppy is not expending any calories in sucking and swallowing the formula.
Without exception, factory farms are designed to limit animals» movement, both to conserve space and so animals don't expend calories and lose weight.
Breastfeeding does expend calories, so you may notice an increase in the frequency of feeling hungry.
You can certainly expend calories while using a rowing machine, but you will also increase muscular strength and tone, increase your endurance, and improve your heart and circulatory function.
The other source of energy for the body when it is expending calories by exercising is by burning fat.
They seem to expend calories just by laying on the couch and doing nothing.
The resting metabolic rate is the speed with which the body expends calories when we are in a resting state.
Likewise, striving to push an individual harder through an express 25 - minute workout will also yield insufficient expended calories to reach 2,000 kcal weekly.
Everyone expends some calories through NEAT, but some people are genetically inclined to be far more active throughout the day without much — if any — effort.133 Generally, it's the skinny ectomorph people who produce more NEAT, and part of the reason they're skinny ectomorphs is because they burn so many calories through NEAT.
Another useful approach is to put the allotment in a plastic food ball, so that the cat expends some calories in getting the food by rolling the ball around to get the food out.
If you consume more calories than you expend these calories turn into fat.
With most forms of traditional steady - state cardio, you expend calories only while you're exercising.
There's no way that I expended the calories contained in a pumpkin bread and iced vanilla latte, but man, it helped me get through the class.
Adding regular physical activity to the daily routine helps to expend calories and use up all that extra energy.
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