Sentences with phrase «to explode a star»

The phrase "to explode a star" refers to a massive release of energy and matter from a star, often resulting in a powerful and bright explosion called a supernova. Full definition
A tiny deviation in the brightness of exploding stars led astronomers to conclude that they had no idea what 70 percent of the cosmos consists of.
New measurements of light from distant exploding stars were supposed to illuminate the dark energy that is pushing the cosmos apart.
One possibility is that exploding stars blast normal matter out of galaxies.
The most powerful exploding stars are popping up in unexpected places, new research indicates.
Later this year, astronomers will begin a new sky survey to look for signs of the stuff among exploding stars and ancient galaxy clusters.
They came from first - generation exploded star debris.
I found honor in being the product of exploding stars.
The same can't be said about dark energy, a truly astonishing discovery made by astronomers a decade ago while observing distant exploding stars.
Space is permeated by cosmic rays, which are high - speed particles produced by powerful events like flares on the Sun or exploding stars in deep space.
«All the chemical elements in the universe — and our world — are believed to have been created by exploding stars before the solar system was formed,» Kirshner says.
They ruled out relatively common occurrences such as a type of exploding star known as a core - collapse supernova.
In the 1990s, they recognized that a class of exploding stars called Type Ia supernovas might fit the bill.
And for Litmus — short stories from modern science I got to spend a day at Jodrell Bank with Dr Tim O'Brien — he studies exploding stars for a living, how cool is that?
In the new study, Charles Hailey, an astrophysicist at Columbia University, and his colleagues scrutinized the past dozen years of data gathered by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, an orbiting craft whose instruments are designed to detect high - energy radiation emitted by the immensely hot material surrounding exploded stars and near black holes.
Short films about exploding stars and subatomic particles top the list of prizewinners from the annual Quantum Shorts contest
By detecting an even distribution of iron throughout a massive galaxy cluster, astrophysicists can tell the 10 - billion - year - old story of how exploding stars and black holes sowed the early cosmos with heavy elements.
«Amateur astronomer captures rare first light from massive exploding star: First observation of optical light from shock breakout in a supernova explosion.»
How much material do high - energy objects, like exploding stars or ravenous black holes, toss out of their galaxy's gravitational grip?
«It would allow you to see exploding stars out to the edge of the Universe.
The fastest - moving star to leave the Milky Way might have been launched by a nearby exploding star.
There were some very early papers in the 1930s that proposed using supernovas — really, really bright exploding stars — to measure the universe's expansion because it appeared there was consistency in how bright they got.
-- Enable astrophysicists and other scientists to study for the first time what kind of matter lies inside exploding stars, as well as in the deep high - pressure interior of Earth and its sister planets.
Both groups had been studying exploding stars, or supernovae, and used the objects» movement to show that the universe is speeding up.
Three years ago, observations of distant, exploding stars blew to smithereens some of astronomers» most cherished ideas about the universe.
When the debris thrown up by two exploding stars collides, suggests a new analysis of the mysterious Honeycomb Nebula (pictured).
Measuring coherent neutrino scattering could help scientists understand the processes that occur within exploding stars, or supernovas, which emit huge numbers of neutrinos (SN: 02/18/17, p. 24).
Late in 2002, Wolfram Freudling and two colleagues grabbed some observing time on the Hubble Space Telescope to study the universe's pristine early days, before exploding stars seeded interstellar space with heavy elements.
Ray Jayawardhana: They are connected to such a wide range of phenomenon from the subatomic to the cosmic that they could tell us a lot about the nature of matter, about what triggers exploding stars, to what the universe might have been like, the conditions within seconds after the big bang.
It was a head - on collision of two neutron stars, which are superdense remains of previously exploded stars.
High - energy particles driven through the laboratory ceiling by exploded stars far away in the Galaxy — the cosmic rays — liberate electrons in the air, which help the molecular clusters to form much faster than climate scientists have modeled in the atmosphere.
However, exploding stars make radioactive isotopes of aluminum that would decay into other elements too quickly to make a foil target out of them.
This allowed the international team to determine that the explosion was a Type IIb supernova: the explosion of a massive star that had previously lost most of its hydrogen envelope, a species of exploding star first observationally identified by Filippenko in 1987.
Natural Background Radiation comes from the rocks in the ground and from exploding stars thousands of light years away.
Astronomers believe that the chemical elements in the Earth and even in our own bodies, such as carbon, oxygen, and iron, were made in other exploding stars billions of years ago.
«Astronomers observe exploding stars and astrophysicists model them on supercomputers,» said Wrede, assistant professor of physics at MSU's National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory.
I Know where the iron in my blood comes from along with the calcium in my bones, exploding stars there is no other way of getting these elements as well as gold, platinum and other precious metals.
«The missing link between exploding stars, clouds, and climate on Earth: Breakthrough in understanding of how cosmic rays from supernovae can influence Earth's cloud cover and thereby climate.»
«Examining exploding stars through the atomic nucleus.»
«Once FRIB comes online, we will be able to measure many more of the nuclear reactions that affect exploding stars
Comets, meteorites, planets, moons, stars and even exploding stars can be seen without a telescope, and hence, when they are brought closer for inspection with such an instrument as the telescope, these distant objects are not so mysterious, just somewhat so.
A single exploding star could not have unleashed the energy needed to create Sgr A East.
The difference with Eris, says astrophysicist Piero Madau of the University of California, Santa Cruz, is realistic star formation: His team included equations that precisely modeled how exploding stars expel gas from the central regions and spark the birth of new stars in clusters throughout the galaxy.
This is just the pattern expected if infalling gas sustains their star - forming careers, because this gas has little iron and therefore dilutes a galaxy's iron abundance; once the gas stops falling in, the iron abundance rises as exploding stars forge the element.
«Exploding stars prove Newton's law of gravity unchanged over cosmic time.»
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