Sentences with phrase «to express one's faith»

Although blacks and whites expressed their faith in their separate worship services in quite different ways, the verbal content of their faith seemed similar.
What expresses the faith of a congregation is not numerical data but rather the stories that the numbers only grossly approximate.
In many countries where religion is a crucial part of the society, people express their faith through their clothing, ornaments or body decoration.
He will show us how express our faith and live it out in a way that expresses love toward Him and humanity.
Apart from the fact that it's about religion, I though it was a really cool way to express your faith with something we use in our everyday lives.
He was an outstanding community leader for good causes, and expressed his faith naturally in words that matched his life.
«We don't want to do something that keeps someone from living their faith or from expressing their faith,» he argued.
Evangelical faith is largely personal; evangelicals view themselves not as instruments of a church but as individuals freely expressing their faith.
Human groups more frequently express their faith through corporate forms other than the congregation.
The sacrifices not only expressed the faith but also taught it by means of dramatic action.
But the 3 short answer questions also give you the opportunity to express your faith even further in an effort to find like - minded believers.
Used with year 11 GCSE to introduce Religious expression and discuss expressing faith through what is worn, highlighting key words - identity and faith.
This means that these workers with strong religious beliefs are free to express their faith privately but can not insist their employer accommodate them at the workplace.
In our society, it's becoming increasingly difficult to express faith openly.
He must express his faith in loving social action and thereby communicate it to others.
The backers publicly expressed their faith in the Fund as a backbone for development on the Ethereum network.
[88] There may be much to commend the substantive outcome here, which expresses faith in the democratic process and in the ability of municipalities to reach rational results.
These sagas of Abraham and Jacob may be said to be myths which express the faith into which Israel found herself called by reason of her encounter with YHWH through the course of history.
This is a valid reason for expressing our faith in a variety of ecclesiastical formats.
And S he repeatedly expresses faith in the related promising signs she sees from the new Trump administration
In the family life of church members, parents mediate the values of the world to children even if they also express their faith in Jesus Christ in family relationships.
It is not their precedent which compels us to express our faith as did they, which in any case would be in many regards impossible.
Inculturation should not be understood merely as intellectual research; it occurs when Christians express their faith in the symbols and images of their respective culture.
Most people in this country are ashamed to express their faith because it is only a religious duty to them and not a real spiritual relationship with the only true and living God!!!
Hartshorne in fact claims (p. 29) that Anselm adopted the Greek view and consequently that he sacrificed his right to say that his formula expresses faith.
Still other educators express faith in the vestiges of what were considered vital practices in democratic education in the past, including classroom voting, whole school meetings, student courts and similar mechanisms.
Just look at how Bush Administration happy - face appointees at the FDIC and IMF expressed faith that risks were declining in 2007 - 08.
It goes to show how out of touch people are in this country when it comes to someone practicing and expressing their faith publically.
What is the purpose of fighting for the various religious and personal rights of our citizens if we are so critical of someone who is expressing their faith just because we do not like her politics?
Readiness to be changed in the encounter expresses faith.
Moreover, as William Beardslee insists, the story form tells the individual «where he has come from and where he is going,» since «by creating its own ordered world, wherein through struggle and action an end is achieved, the story expresses faith in the ultimate reality of order and life.
«Half (50 %) of Americans approve of athletes expressing their faith publicly by thanking God during or after a sporting event, compared to only 4 % who disapprove.
Growing up, I was taught that anyone who does not explicitly express faith in Jesus Christ and convert to Christianity is, without a doubt, bound to eternity in hell.
Unwillingness to be open to new ways of expressing faith seriously restricts the possibilities of growth in our faith.
To suggest that we ought to return to «orthodoxy» is to suggest that we can best express our faith today by disregarding the development of human philosophy subsequent to the original, or «orthodox» expression of that faith.
What's important is that we don't treat such concepts as if they were improvements on the ordinary ways in which the saints express the faith; they are simply shorthand terms, a tool kit which helps us keep certain crucial aspects of the gospel alive in the mind and worship of the church.
Revelation expresses the faith that sustained the church in its faithfulness to Jesus teaching.
For Niebuhr, then, the symbols of eschatology express the faith that God's final act is to perfectly justify and sanctify history; God's final word to history is the perfect fulfillment of grace.
What proves more tantalizing are the ways in which the study of other religions gives me fresh access to the nature of congregations, enabling me to glimpse better how local churches particularize their religious behavior and concretely express the faith.
From its very beginning, the East Syrian church expressed its faith through missionary efforts.
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