Sentences with phrase «to extend one's lifespan»

By extending the lifespan of the loan, a reduction in the monthly repayments can be achieved.
Studies in rats have shown that intermittent fasting extends lifespan in a similar way as continuous calorie restriction (42, 43).
It's pretty safe to say that most people want to keep their beloved pets healthy and extend their lifespan as much as possible.
Most canine cancers are only moderately sensitive to chemotherapy and it generally does not extend lifespan.
Many studies have shown that calorie restriction extends lifespan for lab organisms, from yeast through to worms, flies and mice.
The true opportunity for extending the lifespan and audiences for ideas is to carefully pick influential individuals who can spark activity and response.
It keeps them happy and healthy and can even extend their lifespan.
Thankfully, advances in veterinary care and preventive medicine have allowed us to significantly extend the lifespan of our furry companions.
Awareness of how teeth and dental disease develop may help owners to prevent to problems from occurring and possibly extend the lifespan of their pets.
The discovery of antibiotics has greatly extended the lifespan of people and their pets.
But it seems to offer little help at extending lifespan.
Benefits include extended lifespan, reduced inflammation from arthritis and heart health.
This likely explains the mountain of scientific evidence showing that calorie restricted diets extend lifespan.
I also don't care that intermittent fasting extends the lifespan of mice.
It has also been shown to generally extend lifespan much in the same way calorie restriction and extended fasting, but without the suffering that goes along with those methods.
Almost a century ago, scientists discovered that cutting calorie intake could dramatically extend lifespan in certain animal species.
The treatment slightly extended the lifespan of the treated mice too.
Scientists have successfully extended the lifespan of mice using gene therapy, a strategy never before employed to combat aging.
To date, the only intervention proven scientifically to improve quality of life and concurrently extend lifespan in a pet species is caloric restriction and maintenance of a lean body condition score.
As medical science extends the lifespan of pets, age - related cognitive decline in cats and dogs is on the rise.
Depending on how far along the cancer has spread, chemotherapy can extend the lifespan typically 6 months to a year.
Still, tough sections do seem to be in there to artificially extend the lifespan over anything else, and I would certainly have liked to see a longer single player mode.
I would have liked to have seen a little more as there are no multiplayer modes to naturally extend the lifespan.
Studies of cognitive function in dogs proved that problem - solving activities like trick training and puzzle toys kept them sharp, connected to the world around them, and even extended their lifespan.
Recent research suggests that sudden and intermittent calorie restriction appears to provide many of the same health benefits as constant calorie restriction, including extending lifespan and protecting against disease.
The effect is related to insulin signals, the same signaling pathways that have been modified to extend the lifespan of fruit flies by 50 percent.
In fact, if you look at the four major dietary quality scoring systems, which have all been associated with extending lifespan and lowering heart disease and cancer mortality, they all share only four things in common: more fruit, more vegetables, more whole grains, and more nuts and beans.
Resveratrol activates an anti-aging gene known as SIRT - 3 which kick - starts the mitochondrial energy source of human cells, the same gene that calorie restriction extends lifespan by activating.
Diversifying the antimalarial arsenal could also extend the lifespan of existing drugs, since relying less heavily on our most commonly used weapons gives the parasite fewer opportunities to develop resistance, Derbyshire said.
«At the time, the US study showed that rapamycin extends lifespan irrespective of whether the treatment is given to young or aged animals,» says the Bonn - based researcher.
Dr. Andrew Hill: They do extend lifespan in model organisms but they do it at the cost of either mobility or reproduction, right?
Recently, researchers at the University of California in Berkeley used the gene - editing technology, CRISPR - Cas9, to disrupt the mutant SOD1 gene expression in the spinal cord of mice with ALS, effectively extending their lifespan by 25 %
More: Creatine - Q10 combination protects brain cells and lengthens lifespan: animal study 15.07.2011 Creatine extends lifespan of mice 08.10.2008 Not enough sleep?
Animal studies have shown that creatine not only extends the lifespan of mice with the equivalent of Parkinson's, but also that of normal mice.
I wish there were more modes, a list of challenges, mini-games, or anything to help extend its lifespan because I'm quite happy with the simplistic yet satisfying core gameplay.
We see steady economic growth and inflation extending the lifespan of the reflation theme without the need for further rises in the pace of those measures.
Reducing the ribosomes, the protein factories of the cell, can also considerably extend the lifespan of yeast cells.
Rapamycin fed late in life extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous mice.
Multiple studies conducted in the last 4 decades have demonstrated that metformin extends lifespan -LSB-...]
More: Your initials determine how old you get 30.07.2009 S - Words extend lifespan of writers and psychologists 11.10.2008
Richard Faragher of the University of Brighton, UK, thinks innate limits on lifespan are «plausible» — yet the findings don't necessarily mean we can't extend our lifespan further in future.
By interfering with a molecular pathway in the hypothalamus, the team extended the lifespan of mice by 20 per cent.
This is the first report in which cellular reprogramming extends lifespan in a live animal.
In mice carrying a mutation leading to premature aging, reprogramming of chemical marks in the genome, known as epigenetic marks, reduced many signs of aging in the mice and extended their lifespan on average from 18 weeks to 24.
The team is now setting its sights on burrowing mammals, to see if life underground also reduces risk and so ultimately extends the lifespans of those species.
Evolutionary biologists have long predicted that natural selection should favour extending the lifespan of animals that live relatively safe lifestyles.
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