Sentences with phrase «to face on a daily basis»

This is a tough problem, and one many American women face on a daily basis.
The lack of time and limited money are huge obstacles many American families face on a daily basis.
In most cases, products address a specific problem or challenge that customers face on a daily basis.
There are a lot of debt problems American consumers face on a daily basis which has an adverse effect on every aspect of their lives.
We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that charter schools face on a daily basis.
Why hasn't it been an all out assault of information on the dangers, correction officers face on a daily basis?
This is a struggle that interracial couple face some on a daily basis.
It's a comprehensive resident risk management solution designed to protect you from a number of different angles from the risks that tenants face on a daily basis.
The federal government recognizes the dangerous working conditions offshore employees face on a daily basis and have granted certain protections to them in the event of an injury or deadly accident.
I'll bet you can't, at least not for very long — and that's a symptom of a challenge most people face on a daily basis.
Getting your baby to sleep through the night is a challenge that many parents face on a daily basis.
As a busy mom living with thyroid disease herself she has overcome many challenges that you as a thyroid patient are also facing on a daily basis.
I truly hope they learn more about themselves, their country, and the struggles those who live on the margins of society face on a daily basis.
In my introductory post to this series on improving the mental and physical health of lawyers, I mentioned the guilt a lawyer faces on a daily basis.
Look for lawyers who understand the importance of privacy and appreciate the trauma and stress that people living with PD face on a daily basis.
Apart from the reasons mentioned above, there are a lot of different issues which users face on a daily basis.
It's another huge problems hiring managers face on the daily basis.
I have a deep understanding of the challenges individuals, families, couples, and children face on a daily basis.
It's equally as discriminatory and doesn't fix the body image issues so many women face on a daily basis.
The lack of time and limited money are huge obstacles many American families face on a daily basis.
It's a comprehensive resident risk management solution designed to protect you from a number of different angles from the risks that tenants face on a daily basis.
During his time a George Abbott, Leigh explains how he combined his knowledge of the problems teachers face on a daily basis with digital expertise in order to develop a paperless, time - saving tool for schools.
Hollie McNish, a very talented poet, delivers a beautiful spoken word poem titled «Embarrassed» about the ironies breastfeeding mothers face on a daily basis.
While you sleep, your body's natural healing mechanisms spring into action to heal the damage that your skin faces on a daily basis from the sun, wind, air pollution and toxins.
The New Orleans insurance bad faith lawyers are familiar with the issues businesses face on a daily basis, and provide clients with updates on the current developments in areas of law that pertain to their interests.
With every conference I attend, I walk away with a renewed appreciation for the struggle educators face on a daily basis, as well as all the innovative ideas and creative solutions making a difference in classrooms across the country and around the world.
Kurzweil Education understands the challenges that both educators and individuals face on a daily basis.
Classroom teachers are able to interact face - to - face on a daily basis while online teachers are not.
In his 50 Sandwiches project, he hopes to humanize the homeless to bring to light all the struggles this overlooked community faces on a daily basis.
Whereas these challenges will not be the primary focus of my blog posts, I feel it would be disingenuous to not share some of them, as they are the reality that we and many others face on a daily basis.
Each home can be self - sustaining for its energy uses, and can contribute to the commerce and success of the whole town at the same time, solving a myriad of issues that these remote areas face on a daily basis.
To understand the vitality of Bitcoin in Africa and other developing markets, let's take a quick look at the dire economic circumstances that people in such regions face on a daily basis.
She said: «It's an issue that respects neither country, nor culture, nor class and with 4 million members in 83 countries worldwide, it's a challenge which our members face on a daily basis
Yes Americans died at the hands of these extremists but it is only a fraction of the deaths that moderate Muslims face on a daily basis.
I'm joining today with more than 200 other food bloggers to fight against hunger, an issue that millions of Americans and even more millions around the world face on a daily basis.
Meeting consumer demand for authentic and clean label products can be a challenge, but our deep understanding of the challenges our customers face on a daily basis enables us to respond to the difficulties associated with labelling and authenticity.
We don't see it any more,» he said, adding he sees a new system addressing the «transportation nightmare commuters face on a daily basis
«As a former small business owner, Assemblyman Morelle knows the challenges that employers face on a daily basis and we look forward to working with him to advance measures that will improve New York's business climate and strengthen the future of our Upstate communities.»
It was heartening to hear a senior officer talk frankly and honestly about the very difficult challenges police face on a daily basis.
These problems and concerns raised by the police personnel on duty paints exactly the gloomy picture of the kind of problems teachers, and health workers who are posted to work at these deprived villages face on a daily basis.
But the Conservatives have described the shootings as «a tragic illustration of the soaring violent crime Britain now faces on a daily basis».
In ActionAid's experience, the discrimination and violence women in developing countries face on a daily basis, and the denial of their economic and political rights, are the biggest obstacles to development.
«I'm glad that, as a result of the Welsh Lib Dems» landmark debate, we finally have a Government that's starting to recognise the problems that trans people in Wales face on a daily basis.
Pollinators are responsible for one in three bites of food people take, and with the threats these small flying friends face on a daily basis, many species are in danger.
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