Sentences with phrase «to face up to reality»

Facing up to the reality of what they have done, and deciding how to move forward, takes a lot of strength.
A state that has often spoken out against identity politics and prejudice abroad is now facing up to the reality that these issues need to be addressed back home.
For nations as well as individuals, wellness means facing up to reality, however painful, in order to move forward.
Tip: Losing your home can be very emotional and most people don't want to face up to the reality until foreclosure sets in.
But first take the scales from your eyes and face up to the reality of the last 13 years otherwise it will be more of the same.
Whether you've been co parenting for a while, or are just facing up to the realities of parenting after separation, you'll find some challenges...
At the risk of being dismissed as a naïve visionary who can't face up to reality, I want to suggest that the choice between capitalism and socialism is considerably more complex than Novak would have Washington Post readers believe.
With Giuseppe Rossi facing up to the reality of having another turbulent season on the sidelines, so must Fiorentina.
In the wake of the Scottish referendum, as all parties face up to the reality that the devolutionary genie is well and truly out of the bottle, and with a powerful economic case being made by the City Growth Commission and others, the «DevoManc» deal is an idea whose time has come.
Instead they frequently prevent people from facing up to the reality of the harmful life - style they have adopted.»
The problem goes much deeper; our universities turn out apparently large numbers with imppressive strings of titles after their names who apparently lack the fundamental education, intelligence or sense of morality to face up to reality which has been presented to them repeatedly over these past 30 years.
Whether you've been co parenting for a while, or are just facing up to the realities of parenting after separation, you'll find some challenges to overcome.
President Rawlings added that some handlers and manipulators who have benefited from the past two governments have failed to admit the reasons for the party's election failure instead of facing up to the reality of history and performance.
Rather than face up to the reality of prejudice and discrimination, they have suggested that the amendments are innocuous.
Since death is inescapable, we have every reason to face up to its reality and come to terms with it, so far as we are able.
And since it is inescapable, we have every reason to face up to its reality and come to terms with it, so far as we are able.
In our world, a concern for the mystery and wonder of encountering the concrete faith of our neighbor must go hand in hand with a willingness to face up to the reality of conflicting religious and cultural systems.
we should not be in this position if we had a manager that faced up to the reality that in today's world if u want to get world class CBs, you need to fork over the money.
Arsenal game some of the moat delusional in the world so we always have a multitude of excuses ay the ready to explain away another melt down instead of facing up to the reality of the issue..
Time to face up to reality and stop pretending that selling to City is like selling to a direct competitor.
The Chilean and the Welshmen are just two of hundreds individuals who have to face up to the reality that they won't be going to Russia next summer.
What really holds our club back from enforcing this vital change is the immature, wilfully blind and one eyed stance of so many who can not stand the truth, not being brave enough to face up to reality.
Man up and face up to the reality of supporting a team in tough times as well as good.
So rather than facing up to reality, they run off into denialism.
As well as lacking self - awareness in this respect, Labour backbenchers have failed to face up to the realities of alive - and - kicking multi-party politics.
But he insisted there was no alternative, claiming that the public had to face up to the reality that additional state funding is needed if large donations are to become a thing of the past.
«It's time for the government to face up to the reality of inflation, which economics predict will rise further over the summer, and drop the unjust squeeze on public sector pay,» he said.
We should face up to the reality of what is going on in Calais — and stop the widespread use of a term that dehumanises migrants.
«We have seen the BNP do well in areas where people haven't been prepared to tackle them and now they are elected we have got to face up to that reality,» said a Tory spokesman.
We should face up to the reality of what is going on in Calais, rather than retreating into metaphorical fiction.
The party has faced up to the reality of the defeats, the wings have simply reached different conclusions on how to reverse this.
During the four years of this column, the world's inability to face up to the reality of the growing environmental crisis has become even more palpable.
You've been told by your doctor that there is «no known cause or cure» for psoriasis... You've been told to accept psoriasis as a «way of life» and to face up to the reality of creams, ointments and drugs for the rest of your life.
And she makes us all face up to the realities of what you can discover on the internet about someone with a few short clicks.
The world has faced up to the reality that individual sexual preferences will remain varied with people holding on to what they feel is best for them.
Some 12 percent avoid checking their account balances, risking overdrafts and late fees rather than facing up to the reality of their own finances.
Whether we choose to face up to that reality is ultimately a moral question.
They were willing to learn to live without illusions, to rebuild their relationship, to face up to reality and deal with it.
His main focus is politics, but his cartoons have often featured climate science and the absurd lengths that many American politicians go to in avoiding the facing up to the reality of global change.
I am sure that, like me, many of you are asking yourself how we could have allowed ourselves to be seduced into believing that a Rudd Government would face up to the reality of climate change and do what is needed.
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