Sentences with phrase «to facilitate conversation»

Each couple is given a set of questions that help facilitate conversation about how they believe they handle conflict, and what areas could use growth and attention.
They can also help facilitate conversations with your medical providers to ensure you are an active participant in your care.
Our services can assist in facilitating conversations between older adults, carers and other family members to explore options and make decisions regarding family arrangements and healthcare services.
Before new hires start work, they're led through a mindfulness course that teaches them self - healing tools and facilitates conversations around gender, race, and privilege.
A Christian counselor can assist in facilitating these conversation topics so that you are able to get started in putting in the effort of working toward greater intimacy as a couple.
The accompanying questions can be shared with parents to facilitate conversations among teachers and parents about how and why learning might look different and what they can do to help.
It's about facilitating the conversation on how we change the corporate legal operations industry.
By facilitating conversation and providing support, the program has helped prepare its students to scale up their work in urban education.
All meetings will be designed to include facilitated conversations based on topics suggested by the members.
You want to welcome others in but get stuck because making food, cleaning the house, decorating, and facilitating conversation feels impossible — or at least overwhelming — so why bother?
Anyway, I hope my up - coming drawing helps illustrates one such problem and facilitates conversation without things being taken personal.
This toolkit includes an organizer's guide, «conversation starter» videos, suggestions for facilitating conversations, ideas for involvement, and tools for collecting feedback and evaluating impact.
At the high school level, educators can empower immigrant students to facilitate conversations across difference with native - speaking peers and staff.
I was recently facilitating a conversation with K - 5 administrators and instructional coaches regarding the learning experiences they wanted students to be experiencing.
I love facilitating conversations about race and consequently spend a lot of time thinking about this.
How are educators facilitating conversations about tough subjects — religion, race, culture, class?
I am always thinking, I'm like: okay, what we need something that will actually facilitate conversation.
The niche dating platform facilitates conversation and connection with simple search features, 100 % free messaging, and a moderated discussion forum.
Discussion questions designed to facilitate conversations within schools and communities conclude each chapter.
Fellows share public information with and facilitate conversations amongst educators at the district, state and regional level.
Teachers now facilitate conversations about math concepts, instead of focusing on teaching students procedures to arrive at correct answers.
In addition to informing professional learning activities, Perform facilitates conversations that lead to performance improvements.
Each session will combine a short yoga and mindfulness warm - up with facilitated conversation inspired by readings from the discussion book.
Please note that we do encourage parent - teen communication, and we can help facilitate those conversations if needed.
As an objective mediator for this therapy, I will foster a safe and positive atmosphere, facilitating conversation according to your family needs.
Consider how you can facilitate conversations between mums and dads, dads and dads, and wider families and communities to help create supportive networks around new parents.
For the majority of students to be successful, they still need teachers to bring material to life, apply it, facilitate conversations around it and so forth.
Alternative art spaces play a vital role in facilitating conversation, building community, and inspiring creative collaborations.
This sanctuary empowers therapists of color to facilitate conversations on race and racism in clinical practice with families.
There are many incredible resources to help facilitate this conversation.
The headphones were comfortable and though music was playing in my ear, I was also able to facilitate a conversation without getting distracted.
The idea is to keep things simple, and this certainly works for those who want a streamlined app to facilitate conversations across a good number of languages.
We work with teams to facilitate conversations about strategic direction and business strategy so that our clients can focus their energy on what will move them forward faster.
Experience this thought - provoking exhibition through facilitated conversations with Terrence Wolfe and David Thete following a gallery tour by a PMA educator.
Megan is a Christian theologian who facilitates conversation around controversial issues for churches, Christian organizations, communities, and colleges, particularly around issues related to sex, gender, and sexuality.
CEELO's Melissa Dahlin facilitated the conversation as part of the Preschool Development Grant (PDG) Family Engagement Community of Practice.
«I've been part of at least three rounds of facilitated conversation in the 35 years I've been ordained.
Learn to facilitate conversations where members stay focused and practice personal accountability
Parent Leaders facilitate conversations based on the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework that serve to build community strengths, support parent leadership, and promote children's healthy development.
Virtual communication tool Slack also facilitates conversation throughout the workday.
Couples counselling helps facilitate these conversations so they are productive and each person is heard.
As the host of Womble Bond Dickinson's official litigation podcast, Troutman will be facilitating conversations centered around TCPA litigation as well as other trending topics.
Kerry Rupp, General Partner, with Austin based True Wealth Ventures facilitated a conversation among three accomplished innovators: Dorit Donoviel, Associate -LSB-...]
The buzz from the award really facilitated the conversation that led to us eventually signing a licensing agreement that took our packaging solution to an entirely new level.»
The 6 hour class is informative, provides you with ample resources to learn more and facilitates the conversations many of our customers share they wish they had prenatally (Yes!
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