Sentences with phrase «to fake something»

I kind of fake it till I make it right now.
You can't fake it in real life so if their interactions offline don't match what they sound like on their profile then that's a big red flag.
And it's all about fake it until you make it.
Until then I'll fake it with bright colors.
Or that I don't have pretty white marble counters and white brick in my kitchen and I just fake it in photos.
So even though I haven't seen most of the shows, I can usually fake it in a conversation.
I had to force myself to be OK with it, kind of fake it for awhile, and eventually it happened.
You may have to fake it at first, but remaining upbeat and positive will reduce the stress all around.
That way, you can let inspiration find you on the networking floor — or fake it by using your homework.
Here's a way to fake it if you only have or want to buy the cheaper stuff.
Even if you can fake it for one meeting, it will eventually becoming tiring for you and / or obvious to the other person that you do not actually get along very well.
They can't even fake it well enough for the cameras.
Our thoughts determine our behaviors and actions, so fake it till you make it.
Students can fake it on multiple - choice questions.
Keep your phone in your purse, continue with the conversation, and fake it like you're having fun.
He appears to not know how fake it looks.
Happiness is contagious, and even if you don't feel it, you can at least fake it till you make it.
But they don't even fake it very well.
She doesn't fake it because indeed, she's an investment shoe.
When online dating, it's common that people judge us by our looks, that's why so many people fake them profiles.
The key to wearing a maxi dress is to find one that does work for your height... and if it doesn't, then fake it.
If you fail enough times and fake it long enough, you'll eventually make it.
Do not try to fake it though and even if you do so, then do it smart enough to not get caught!
It would be easy to fake it after a point if you lose your belief in it; it would become a process.
You can actually fake it till you make it because limiting beliefs and empowering ones compete for shelf space in your mind.
Like an atheist forced to attend religious services, I could fake it pretty well but could never bring myself to participate wholeheartedly.
You can fake it right along with the rest of us!
It also means he can't fake it anymore.
Nobody has perfect skin, but you can certainly fake it.
If all else fails fake it and watch some free dating personals on the web.
And you can't fake it very long: if your book sucks, readers won't like it and you'll get terrible reviews, even if you do have a great cover.
If sunlight is hard to come by, fake it via paint color.
As entrepreneurs, how many times do we hear that you should fake it until you make it?
Listen, I am not going to fill up this section every week trying to fake it with a bunch of reasons why you must watch such - and - such event.
If you aren't putting up a real tree in your home, just fake it!
Be defiant: imagine and behave exactly the way you would in a more self - assured moment — fake it if you have to.
Remember, I had thought I was so wrong for sales that I tried to fake it on my second test.
There's a mentality of «fake it till you make it,» but that becomes a problem if they never make it.
You don't have to fake yourself in front of others and you have a fair chance to be genuine.
The idea here is that women may fake it because it enhances sex for them.
The rules get more complex from there, but the theme is simple: Don't fake it.
So, I said to myself that I'll just fake it'til I make it!
Many times fraudsters fake themselves as sugar daddy and take benefit of sugar baby while they don't have anything to offer in return.
But that saying Fake it til you make it is a saying for a reason, I guess.
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