Sentences with phrase «to fancy something up»

The peanut butter cup seemed like an easy place to start, so why not fancy it up with artisan jelly!
Once frozen, I then fancied them up by dipping them in the Chocolate Crackle (page 220 in The UnDiet Cookbook).
You can't fancy it up with options.
If I wanted to fancy it up for company then I'd use the spaghetti squash as recommended.
And so easy that I even fancied it up with an optional 2 extra ingredients: vanilla extract and salt (salt not pictured).
You certainly could fancy them up more, or use them in a different way by putting them on a mantel or on a console table, too.
For this version I went with sausage, spinach, and cheddar cheese, but you could really fancy it up with bell peppers, mushrooms, and gruyere.
I did consider fancying it up with fresh herbs and maybe some white wine, but I wanted to stay true to the simplicity of the original, which really was all about the lemon flavor.
If Vincent Kompany misses out for City, then Kane may fancy himself up against a City defence who look rather lost when their captain doesn't play.
When my little girls fancy themselves up in tutus, which is every single time we leave the house, people tell them how pretty they are.
The headboard of the bed also got painted in the same color and I added some wood decals to it to fancy it up followed by a dry brushing of gold metallic paint.
Some days, I am just tired of fancying it up.
So fancy it up a bit — change the structure of your sentences and add more descriptive wording.
You could even drizzle a little melted chocolate or caramel on top, if you feel the need to fancy them up for gifting.
Call it what it is, not fancy it up with some $ 10 words.
Why spend tons of money per day on a fancy coffee when you fancy it up at home?
My husband likes supreme but I don't do olives or peppers so I like to pre cut slices and have them out so that people can remove toppings they don't want or add others to fancy it up.
Even I am not a fan of a handful of raw veggies, so in order for them to become somewhat appealing to the eyes of the toddler you've got to fancy it up!
You could stop the work right there and serve the spread in a bowl with lavash bread or pita bread, but I fancied it up by using it as a filling in mini-tartlets.
I like to take a simple soup and garnish it with lots of yummy things to fancy it up.
Serve it plain, or to fancy it up.
We eat sauteed green beans a lot, nice to know how to fancy them up
So I thought I would «fancy it up» a bit with the addition of some light, citrusy Gallo Moscato, and a little lemon and thyme.
I usually just put out some chips & guac or veggies & hummus, but I wanted to fancy it up.
Dark chocolate has a luscious, rich quality, so pairing it with aromatic cardamom, toasted nuts, and some zest is the perfect way to fancy it up.
It was simple and delicious, whether she fancied it up with sugary icing or chocolate ganache, or served it plain - Jane with a puff of powdered sugar.
I would have to say it is pretty well our favourite and yes so many ways you can make it and fancy it up.
Threw in a few dried tart cherries to fancy it up and make it appear similar to a couscous dish I normally make.
i make a simple faux butter cream frosting to fancy it up a little.
Make a gender neutral or more masculine scent for the men in your life in a simple mason jar or stick, or fancy it up with floral essential oils with a decorative glass jar and label.
Use our loose lavender buds in your melt & pour soap to fancy it up a bit or fill a muslin bag and place in a linen drawer.
Then, to fancy it up a little I've used a splash rose extract and topped with edible dried rose petals.
Try swapping out the blackstrap molasses for pomegranate molasses to fancy it up, or, add a handful spinach (I'm using frozen spinach in my smoothies these days) to get some extra greens in your day.
The night of the big holiday, I'll add gold chargers with my white and silver plates to fancy it up a bit.
I love them and I love how you fancy yours up!
I would have to say it is pretty well our favourite and yes so many ways you can make it and fancy it up.
So I drink tea everyday instead of coffee, and I've been wanting to fancy it up a bit.
And then I might want to fancy it up with a vest.
These angels are super simple to put together and you can use a variety of extras to fancy them up.
Then, you can fancy it up with a bunch of cute, colorful accessories.
For this particular moody floral number, I could fancy it up a bit and swap out the «self - belt» for a metallic version, swap the sandals for dressy wedges, and throw on a blingy gold choker for some drama.
I added a little bling to fancy it up, but one of my favorite combinations ever!
This wreath can be displayed plain on a shelf or wreath hook, or you can fancy it up with a burlap bow like I did.
I had trouble finding a debt snowball printable that I liked, so I took my Excel spreadsheet debt snowball and fancied it up a bit.
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