Sentences with phrase «to feel good in the moment»

And often when in discomfort, a person acts on what feels good in the moment without thinking about the long term consequences of turning to another person.
They followed their gut, did the right thing when it didn't feel good in the moment, and trained their brains to work for them, not against them.
Through my nose and out my mouth or nose, whatever feels good in that moment.
Getting reassurance makes the child feel better in the moment, so families provide it because they think they are helping.
In short, intelligence praise made students feel good in the moment, but it made them afraid of challenge and unable to cope with setbacks.
If it doesn't feel good in the moment, we're probably not going to keep doing it.
Pleasure feels good in the moment, but it has unintended consequences.
I've prayed for the sick enough that now I'm more interested in who is still healed after a week, rather than who felt better in the moment
Blaming feels good in the moment, but the effects can be disastrous.
To cope with such symptoms, people often engage in behaviors that may make things feel better in the moment but lead to serious consequences such as:
Dehumanizing can happen with what feels good in the moment can it not?
Devouring the sweet treat will undoubtedly make you feel better in the moment, but you know the gym is the better long - term decision.
Acting out our emotions, whether aggressively or passive - aggressively, might feel good in the moment, but in the long run, it usually leads to disappointment, regret or shame.
Instead, reserve some time and energy to do something that simply makes you feel good in the moment, whether it's reading a book, watching a movie, going for a walk or taking an entire day off from work.
Spending student loan money on nonessentials might feel good in the moment, but it will come back to haunt you after graduation.
While infatuation may feel good in the moment, it's nothing compared to the love God empowers us to live out.
They might make us feel better in the moment, because they've taken our minds off of whatever's weighing on us, but they won't help us achieve any lasting relief.
While throwing down a punishment might make you feel better in the moment, it won't help your child to learn from her mistake.
It's important to remember that losing our temper may make us feel better in the moment — it's a way of managing our distress — but it doesn't feel better later.
Hot water might feel good in the moment, but it can ultimately worsen eczema by releasing itch - inducing compounds, says Dr. Fromowitz.
Keeping the food in the house will actually help to alleviate that and of course, ensuring that you're always honouring what makes you feel best and being honest with yourself with what does (i.e. ice - cream might make you feel good in the moment but if it leads you with a belly ache or rancid farts — I'm raising my hand over here — then it may not be making you feel your best!).
It's the kind of eating that may feel good in the moment, but soon leads to feelings of discomfort, guilt, shame, or upset over not being in alignment with our true appetite and needs.
Sweet foods are a quick but very unsustainable way to feel better in the moment.
You are much more likely to reach for the easy unhealthy options and what will make you feel better in that moment.
Comfort food might make you feel good in the moment, but after the mac & cheese glow has worn off, heavy foods can leave you feeling sluggish and unmotivated.
I don't think there are many of us that look back at the rubble of past relationships or bad decisions and don't see a range of crossroads, where we simply told that little voice to shut it down because of what felt good in the moment.
While changing a status might make you feel good in the moment and breath a sigh of relief that you aren't single anymore, it won't change your relationship if it sucks.
Us men know all too well about how some women like «bad boys»... as humans we tend to enter into self - defeating addictions for ourselves simply because they feel good in the moment, even if logically, emotionally, and even financially they are very bad for us.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I also don't want to lie to you just to make you feel better in the moment.
Alcohol and drugs may make you feel better in the moment, but they if you overindulge too often, dealing with your divorce becomes harder.
Blaming your partner can feel good in the moment, but it's dangerous because it can lead to anger and resentment.
Crushing on someone else can definitely help you feel better in the moment.
These selfless acts may feel good in the moment, but over time, they'll limit your ability to authentically connect in your relationship.
Since feeling grateful is a surefire way to increase your happiness, this sort of appreciation both feels good in the moment and also provides a long - lasting mood boost!
Avoiding our problems can feel good in the moment, but it does not make them go away.
While simply complaining about your partner to others may feel good in the moment, putting in the time and energy required to have meaningful discussions with your partner is probably one of the best investments you can make in your marriage or your relationship.
Sure, it might feel good in the moment to destroy something that symbolizes your relationship, but it doesn't help you process the negative emotions you have been feeling.
In my early days as a relationship coach, I used to say that an activity counted as self - care as long as it made you feel good afterward, but I've changed my position on that — now it has to feel good in the moment.
Venting just to vent may make you feel better in the moment, but what have you gained?
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