Sentences with phrase «to feel like shit»

Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and stop making parents feel like shit for being parents.
Now, it's important to pause here and make a distinction: Being uncomfortable is not the same thing as feeling like shit.
There have been countless times I've felt like shit simply because of the people I was spending my time with.
Trying to do more will just impact recovery, making your next gym session feel like shit.
It's easy to stay screw it when I wake up in the morning feeling like shit and motivation is nowhere to be found.
You may feel like shit from the lack of micronutrients and fibre — but you will be lighter.
I always end up feeling like shit when I look at Instagram.
and how many people feel like shit because their pastor preached on what grave sinners we all are and what vile wickedness lies in the heart of man?
Like any addiction you can't help it, and I watch us do the same and same again, then feel like shit afterwards, or you build up hope only for it to be crushed.
I sympathize that you were infertile, but don't come on here throwing a pity party and making us who had kids feel like shit for being a mother while YOU couldn't.
Unfortunately, to make themselves feel better, and prove what their own mind believes to be a fallacy, they must make others feel like shit, attempting to prove themselves again and again.»
These photos aren't filtered and if I tried really hard I could make my abs look perfect and then post it online and make a bunch of young girls feel like shit about their own abs.
At first, the game felt like shit, but eventually I eased into it.
The battle with the Beast at the end also felt like shit since it was basically «Shoot this guy while protecting this generator», there was nothing grand about it at all.
«We're changing the stigma of women feeling like shit for doing something great for their families.»
I had a quesadilla a little while back, felt like shit for the whole day and into the next.
loved it, i went from sugar burner to fat burner overnight and only had about a week of feeling like shit... now a pure fat burner with no side effects luckily
Sara screamed so much and for so long that we finally relented and gave her formula (which the lactation consultants made me feel like shit for doing).
That mum has made her decision, maybe she regrets it or maybe she is totally happy with it, and all that comment is going to do is make her feel like shit.
If I point to them (and say) that those people were noble, it latches into the general romanticizing of the past and then I can effectively make her feel like shit if she's thinking of leaving.
«Some days you feel like shit, some days you want to quit and just be normal for a bit, yet i love my family till death do us apart.»
Actually, hitting anyone defenseless just makes me feel like shit, rather that relieve stress.
And almost without exception, we felt like shit about it.
I felt like shit.
I realized I didn't like being around them anymore, getting drunk all the time, eating like crap, and feeling like shit the next day.
It felt like shit most of the time, but I kept telling myself it would pay off... I kept telling my self «No pain, no gain» and guess what?
i always fall short in fat and go over in carbs based on my «goals», and if i feel like shit i just flip the script for a couple days.
Without it, 7you will feel like shit.
high carbs and veganism only make me feel like shit.
I have always eaten a good majority of my meals raw but I am now switching to high carb low fat (the past 5 months I was bingeing on nuts and fat) I finally decided to go with 80-10-10 because I felt like shit from all the fat I was eating and I have gained a good 10 pounds in 6 months.
Sometimes you feel like shit and life happens.
I've been struggling with my food choices the past few weeks and it has reminded me that when you eat like shit, you feel like shit.
Crazy bloated, acne, feel like shit..
If you're stressed out, do something that relaxes you; if you're tired, sleep; if you're angry, talk to someone; if you feel like shit about your body, read this.
That has been so good for checking in about the accounts (I say accounts because although perfectly curated photos drive me crazy and make me feel like shit, sometimes the people behind them are still wonderful and genuine) that make me feel bad!
Jessica Carpenter Why Does Dating Men Make Me Feel Like Shit?
She feels like shit all the time and is pissed off she got a rotten deal, healthwise.
Who knows, the film might do something different with her character, perhaps even give her a background that consists of more than a giant birthmark that makes her feel like shit.
Because on the days when I don't write I feel like shit and I get annoyed and resentful and can't deal with life.
When people make you feel small, it means they shrink you down close to nothing, diminish you, make you feel like shit.
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