Sentences with phrase «to feel scary»

Eating more can feel scary sometimes, as we often worry we will gain weight, or maybe we just don't feel hungry!
This may feel scary at first, like without the restrictions, you'll go completely crazy around food.
While it can make your relationships better and make you feel great, it can also feel scary depending on who you're coming out to and what you think their reaction will be.
It can feel scary when you are fresh on the scene: the new kid on the block.
Even yoga and short hikes feel scary to me, even though I'm 35 weeks pregnant and know that even moderate exercise may very well benefit my unborn child.
It's getting curious about the parts of our lives that feel scary through a spirit of inquiry and a lens of compassion.
In the beginning, my parents struggled to accept my diagnosis; they didn't want me to suffer, and putting a name to my symptoms probably felt scary to them.
I could easily get used to traveling with a partner and the thought of traveling alone starts to feel scary again.
If reaching out to people feels scary to you, then relax.
While marriage can be exciting and romantic, it can also feel scary and incredibly difficult at times — and far too many couples enter marriage without properly planning for the future.
If the aphorism, That which we resist persists, commonly attributed to Carl Jung, is true, then I NEED to be able to think a scary thought or feel a scary emotion in order to release it.
Don't worry about feeding in public — It feels likes a big deal at the start, getting your breast out in a public place but once you've done it a couple times it doesn't feel scary at all.
L.A. Noir has never felt scarier or looked more seductive.
So why did the explosions on Monday feel scarier than the others?
Caring, loving and looking after them are something so huge that every step feels scary and terrifying for the parents, the children are the blessings that they get.
When you shine light on something that is considered taboo, it no longer feels scary or shameful, so take the time to educate yourself about your body, your hormones, your period and your sexual health.
Hostile world that feels scary despite the somewhat pleasing ambiance of it.
Both the Panamera Turbo and the Cayenne Turbo feel scary quick, too.
Traveling solo feels scary sometimes, but once I overcome a few challenges (such as finding my way in a crowded city) it gives me confidence and the world starts to feel less daunting.
Whether in the Victorian-esque town at the start of the game, to the gothic castle at the end, with the swamp and labyrinth in - between, the game always looks set on the horror vibe, but never truly feels scary.
That can definitely feel scary, but it isn't meant to.»
Life feels scary and their brains feel chaotic.
I'll admit, I'm still too chicken to put myself in those kinds of positions more than a few couple times a year, but forcing myself through something that initially feels scary - impossible, and experiencing a rope bridge moment after the fact, does help me to remember that I don't have to be fearless.
There are all sorts of marketing activities that might feel scary at first, whether that's putting together a virtual book tour, or something as simple as signing up for Twitter.
It might feel scary to ask a someone to make this kind of commitment.
They feel scary so they will make the riks.
If you have been successfully breastfeeding your baby with the help of a nipple shield, it can feel scary to think about trying to nurse without it.
It can feel scary to share your feelings, but with help everyone feels better.
For new moms, using a breast pump can feel scary, confusing, and complicated.
It's just that most people yearn for that and that's why «dying alone (figuratively)» feels scary and sad.
A new school year is exciting, but all that newness can sometimes feel scary.
If your NICU staff ask you to do something that feels scary, try to do it anyway.
Your daughter is facing some huge changes in her life: a new school, approaching teenhood and a body that's changing in ways that may feel scary can make life challenging for her.
A tumbling house of cards that represents your whole childhood and everything you thought you knew and was before you in life can feel scary.
It will feel scary — Pregnancy after loss is no easy feat, and neither is parenting after loss.
It feels scary, like skinny dipping, at first, but if you pump to stimulate production after each feeding, be sure to QUIT PUMPING and just rely on breastfeeding after your production seems to be up.
«Another good one is, «I am a helper although it feels scary sometimes.»»
I know it can feel scary, but it's the best way to experience soulful sex.
And yes, sometimes it can feel scary or uncomfortable, but these are pure, beautiful moments of growth when kids learn just how similar they are to others even if they look, speak, or respond to situations differently.
Life is sometimes going to feel scary.
Sometimes a choice will feel scary, so you might be confused by butterflies.
Even though it feels scary, when you share your true self (struggles and all) your life will transform.
I know it must feel scary and frustrating, but the good news is that most of you don't have to have diabetes forever!
It felt scary to eat butter and bacon at first, but as I learned to trust my body, I learned to enjoy these foods without experiencing the guilt I did in my past.
It can feel scary to ask, but you will be amazed at the level of support when you do.
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