Sentences with phrase «to feel that someone belong»

I didn't feel I belonged in very many places as a teenager — but I knew I belonged on that stage.
The district must do a much better job of reaching struggling students who don't feel they belong at their schools.
Below is a listing of resources to help you work toward creating schools and classrooms where children feel they belong and will achieve.
Schools are beginning to design spaces that better adapt to the latest ideas in teaching and learning, creating connected communities in which students feel they belong.
It's extremely violent and gross and weird, but I do feel it belongs on this list.
Children feel belonging when they know they can make a real contribution.
You may need to remind others about how to help everyone feel they belong.
Children who feel they belong at school are happier and more relaxed.
But I often felt I belonged only because everyone was accustomed to me being there.
A key component is making employees feel they belong.
And they show a clear shift in their attitudes, reflecting more positive associations toward the group to which they temporarily felt they belonged.
I don't really feel I belong to any style area really.
What do members of your community do as individuals or as a group to help someone feel they belong... and how do you know they feel this way?
When families feel they belong to the early childhood service, children find it easier to understand what is expected of them and are better able to manage the ups and downs of life.
Effective connections are made when both child and adult feel belonging and significance.
When everyone feels they belong, they feel more connected and engaged in their work.
So how can you fit in when you don't feel you belong, whether in a group, an organization, or even at a job?
Educators have been... challenged to consider how we know children feel they belong and feel safe within their relationship with educators.
These are important subjects however they do not have enough cohesion elements, which would allow global education, whose aim is to make people feel belonging to the «human civilization» and «global society» on planet Earth.
Lord Adonis said: «If universities get involved early on in school life, children from deprived communities become familiar with higher education and feel they belong there.
«A [simple physical] feeling belonging to this special case has as its datum only one actual entity, and this actual entity is objectified by one of its feelings» (PR 245).
The inner feeling belonging to this grasp of the service of tragedy is Peace — the purification of the emotions.»
Upon moving to L.A. after high school to pursue his acting career, Levi found «lots of groups of Christians» gathering around the city but never felt he belonged with any of them.
I definitely felt I had to leave the «medical model» behind, all of their concern about my growing baby and me, helped me to educate myself about the entire process and I started to realize that they were truly micromanaging a process that I instinctively felt belonged entirely to God and nature, with people helping when needed.
But only a minority of immigrants from eastern Europe felt they belonged to their neighbourhood, with long working hours, accessibility and cost preventing many from taking English classes.
That can be achieved, Cheryan said, by developing «subcultures» that make girls feel they belong, whether that involves changing classroom décor to create a more welcoming environment or counteracting negative stereotypes about women's abilities by making it clear that everyone has the potential to succeed.
The site has influenced and gained popularity among singles who feel they belong to this feederism community.
In broad strokes, Tris is the classic odd girl out and compulsory self - reliant heroine who leads with her brains instead of her inevitable good looks, the protagonist who struggles to feel she belongs even though she was born to lead.
Schools where students and staff feel they belong, where there's respect, where they support each other's successes, and where their talents are harnessed and celebrations are enjoyed, are places where people want to be and work, and where morale is high and staff turnover is low.
I wanted my goddaughter to think that her urge to record private feelings belonged only to her.
«Walter is an artist I have long felt belongs in SFMOMA's collection,» said Garrels.
The psychological construct of empathy refers to an intersubjective induction process by which positive and negative emotions are shared, without losing sight of whose feelings belong to whom.
Motivation, achievement and mental health are all strengthened when teens feel they belong at school.
Not sure why, but I've always felt I belong in a place like Nantucket, even though I've never been there.
A new survey of thousands of college students — most of them low income, minority and first generation — suggests that colleges and universities should emulate historically black colleges and universities» efforts to make students feel they belong on campus.
He's curious about whether teachers establish this kind of inclusive atmosphere in both ELL and general education classes and whether second - language students feel they belong in all aspects of school.
«Guests have their privacy, but definitely people form friendships here and feel they belong here like home,» said Money, who gives out her personal email to guests so they can contact her about anything.
Astor, whose expertise is in school violence, bullying, and healthy school climate, helped to catalog and disseminate the best practices of what he calls welcoming schools — schools where everyone feels they belong, and where special effort is placed on orienting newcomers.
«That helps our employees feel they belong to a company that appreciates and respects them, and encourages their participation.»
So yes, selling those sites of mine WAS technically «stealth», as Sam so smartly pointed out, however its all stuff that I don't feel belongs in a net worth valuation anyways.
He continued: «Every school has different circumstances and challenges, but we found that some themes were almost universal: clear routines, robustly administered, high expectations and a focus on building a strong sense of identity and good relationships where children feel they belong, are safe, and are expected to do their best.
An average of three quarters of students feel they belong at school, and in some of the highest performing education systems, including Chinese Taipei, Japan, the Netherlands, Vietnam, Finland, Korea, Estonia and Singapore that share is even higher.
Children learn to feel they belong when they have:
«This year, a different challenge has sharpened: People across Europe and the U.S. have risen up and said, «We don't feel we belong, and we don't feel we're being heard,» explained Ngaire Woods, dean of the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University, who moderated a panel discussion on the «Fourth Industrial Revolution» on Tuesday.
Provide Leadership Training to Top Performers For a small company to succeed, employees must have faith in leadership and feel they belong to an organization that recognizes outstanding performances.
«If they don't feel they belong, they're not going to stay,» said King, director of diversity and belonging at Airbnb.
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