Sentences with phrase «to feel the ribs»

The phrase "to feel the ribs" means to touch or press on the bones that are located on the sides of your torso, just below your chest. This action can be done to check or assess someone's body condition or health. Full definition
If you run your fingers over the sides of your dog's chest and can not easily feel ribs, there is a weight problem.
If you can not feel the ribs easily in this area, your pet may be overweight.
The pet should feel neither fat nor thin; you should be able to feel the ribs with just a small amount of fat over them.
You can barely see but easily feel the ribs without applying pressure on the chest.
If you can easily feel its rib cage, it's probably at a healthy weight.
If your cat is overweight, you will not be able to easily feel the ribs under the layer of fat.
Tip: Some breeds have more visible ribs than others, and it's harder to feel the ribs of dogs with long or thick hair.
If you can feel his ribs individually and his abdomen is slightly tucked up when you view him, he's at a good weight.
I can still feel his ribs, so he's not getting fat.
Keep an eye on your pup's body and, if you can't feel his ribs anymore, he may be getting too many calories daily.
You should be able to feel the ribs when you push in slightly.
If he is skinny (you can see or really feel his ribs and there is NO fat between his front legs) feed him a little more.
There should be a slight layer of fat over the ribs, spine and hip bones, but you should be able to feel the ribs quite easily without pressing hard.
As such, you should be able to clearly feel his ribs and spine, though not necessarily see them.
You should be able to feel the ribs below the surface of the skin without much padding.
To ensure that your dog is a healthy weight, you should be able to feel their ribs slightly.
You should be able to feel the ribs with only a small layer of fat over them.
Ideally, you should be able to feel the ribs without seeing them.
If you don't feel the ribs, it may be because excessive fat is covering them.
You should easily be able to feel the ribs of a healthy pet.
While German Shepherds are generally thinner compared to other dogs of their size, you still shouldn't be able to see or easily feel their ribs.
You should also be able to feel its ribs beneath its muscle if stroke your hand over it (if you can see the ribs, your Pitbull might actually be under - weight!).
By feeling their ribs just behind the foreleg, you should be able to verify if your pet is overweight.
Once you master this, place your hands around the bottom of your ribcage, and as you inhale, feel your ribs expand in the front, sides and back of your body.
The rib check You should be able to lightly feel ribs if you rub on them.
The rib check You should be able to lightly feel ribs if you rub on them.
When stroking your cat, if you can't feel her ribs at all, even with very firm pressure, or you feel fat pads along the backbone, then your cat is not just fat, but obese.
If you can not easily feel its ribs because it is buried under a role fat, your Pitbull is overweight.
To determine if your pup is overweight, Beaver suggests feeling its ribs.
You should be able to feel the ribs as you lightly run your hands over the chest area (no cheating --- squeezing the chest does not count!).
If, on the other hand, it's hard to feel his ribs through the fat, if you can grab a handful of tummy fat, if you can't see his waist, and if his back is broad and flat, it may be time to ask your vet for some weight loss recommendations.
When picking the kitten up, you can feel the ribs sort of come
When a dog is at his ideal weight, you should be able to feel the ribs along the side of his chest and see a slight hourglass shape after the ribs when looking down on him from above.
Your veterinarian will examine your pet and access the pet's body - condition score by feeling its ribs, lumbar area, tail and head.
In this position, take a deep breath in, focusing on distending your stomach and feeling your ribs expand out to the sides.
You should not be able to see your Golden's ribs, but using your hand and running it down along the sides of his body, you should be able to feel his ribs with your fingers.
If your canine companion doesn't have a waist, you can't feel her ribs without pressing, or there's no «tuck» in her tummy, she may be too heavy for good health.
A healthy puppy should have a light covering of fat across the ribs (you can feel the ribs individually, but not see them clearly), bright clear eyes, a shiny coat, healthy skin and plenty of energy.
If you can't feel the ribs at all, or only through a very thick layer of fat, this is a sign that the dog is overweight — a more common problem for dogs with plenty of access to food.
In a normal, non-obese dog you should be able to feel his ribs under a thin layer of skin.
If you have to push through too much fat and can not feel the ribs easily, your cat is likely overweight.
If you can easily feel the ribs and there is a degree of tapering near the dogs mid section (just in front of the hind legs) your pet is probably not overweight.
With your inhale, feel the ribs in the back of your body expand.
Take a breath in and as you exhale, slowly curl the ribs forward until you feel your ribs knit together and your abdominals contract.
I'd love to see her now and be like, «Can I feel your ribs?»»
You can see their waist, you can feel their ribs.
When running your hands along your dog's body, you should be able to feel the ribs and hips without pressing hard.
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