Sentences with phrase «to fight global warming»

You'll help fight global warming by emitting less CO2.
Researchers there found a strain of deep - sea bacteria that might be able to help fight global warming by attacking greenhouse gases.
Reducing transportation emissions is one of the most vital steps in fighting global warming — and solutions to the transportation problem are already available.
It was an historic missed opportunity that should provoke serious reflection about realistic strategies for fighting global warming.
Solar panels fight global warming by producing electricity that keeps us from burning greenhouse gas - producing fossil fuels.
When soil is naturally healthy, more carbon dioxide is pulled under the soil of the world's farmland and helps fight global warming.
Another: fighting global warming by sucking carbon dioxide from the air.
However, The transportation provisions of the bill could be altered to have a bigger impact on fighting global warming.
The legislation in Congress that it backed in the name of fighting global warming contained ethanol subsidies, even though ethanol subsidies have been linked to famine, hunger, food riots, and political unrest in poor countries.
After many years of vague talk by governments about fighting global warming, it is encouraging that the debate has finally begun to tackle specific mechanisms to achieve cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.Â
California has taken a significant step in fighting global warming after Gov. Jerry Brown signed a new bill designed to reduce the state's carbon footprint dramatically over the next 15 years.
Planting more trees fights global warming and climate change and helps preserve the Earth's ecosystems.
Using 100 % of the profits from his airline and transportation companies, Richard Branson pledges $ 3 billion to fight global warming over the next decade.
The head of the United Nations» environment program, Achem Steiner, said earlier this year that the development of shale gas would be «a liability» in fighting global warming if «it turns into a 20 - to -30-year delay» for low - and zero - carbon models.
Sensing an opportunity to capitalize on worldwide efforts to fight global warming while simultaneously protecting elements of its economy, Brazil has proposed the establishment of voluntary fund into which developed countries, companies, and other entities pay to finance a program to reduce emissions from deforestation.
The Socialist leader called for «rich countries to help poor countries fight global warming», Radio France Internationale reported, before 40 regional leaders and top officials on the French island of Martinique.
Womenable fights global warming by purchasing carbon offsets for all of our womenabling travel from TerraPass.
He cited the Paris climate accord, in which governments committed to capping heat - trapping emissions, as an example of taking action to fight global warming based on scientific evidence.
They should also fight global warming by capturing greenhouse gases through carbon - sequestering building materials and living roofs and walls.
From climate campaigners to high - level diplomats, those who are committed to fighting global warming say making a strong agreement in Paris next year that radically reduces levels of greenhouse gas emissions is critical.
The foaming agent could interfere with ocean ecologies or inhibit the uptake of carbon dioxide by the ocean — effectively negating one of the major ways that the world's oceans fight global warming naturally.
It would be great to have an easily accessible and organized web - page as a reference for helping fight global warming misinformation which is spewed out by energy lobbyists, conservative politicians, talk show hosts, and «think?»
Both groups, in sizable majorities, said that they think fighting global warming is important, and that they will vote in favor of candidates who support climate action.
See also:: Imagination Factory Helps Kids Turn Trash Into Art, 12 Year - Old Launches Project Kool, Helps Other Kids Fight Global Warming
U.N. prepares for urgent battle to extract $ 100 billion from U.S.. By Michael F. Haverluck The U.S. and other developed nations are reconsidering their commitments to fight global warming before the upcoming 17th Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa.
Obama also said there was a «pause in American leadership» related to fighting global warming without actually coming out and saying he was talking about Trump's plans to withdraw from the Paris accord.
Even among wealthy countries, most of which rank high or very high on the human development index (HDI), fighting global warming barely notches above the 10th most concerning issue.
In Vanishing Face, for example, Lovelock, ever the scientist, open - mindedly considers the possibilities for last - ditch humans fighting global warming by intentionally reengineering the planet.
How exactly does extreme conspicuous consumption fight global warming?
Is there any way to reach Peter Sinclair about an idea I have to help fight this global warming issue on an individual and personal level?
Gore draws a parallel between fighting global warming and fighting the Nazis.
Papua seeks funds for fighting global warming through forest conservation (8/10/2007) In an article published today in The Wall Street Journal, Tom Wright profiles the nascent «avoided deforestation» carbon offset market in Indonesia's Papua province.
So, essentially, the trees on Mount Rainier may now actually be better prepared to fight global warming because of the impacts of climate change itself.
Reforesting marginal agricultural land could significantly slow the increase of carbon in the atmosphere reports a new study based on NASA data, though it would be no magic bullet in fighting global warming since temperate forests have been shown to increase regional temperatures by absorbing more sunlight.
It's because of these reports that we now spend trillions fighting global warming.
OK, now lets assume that fighting global warming knocks 1 percentage point off world economic growth, for a new growth of 2 % real.
New estimates show the federal government will spend nearly twice as much fighting global warming this year than on U.S. border security.
The note, somewhat cryptic, seemed to suggest that efforts to fight global warming siphoned money from worthy causes like fighting poverty.
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