Sentences with phrase «to fight in court»

In moving on, and stopping to fight in the courts for access to the children, accepting what has happened I have given up.
That I would be more powerful in changing people than fighting in courts of law.
It's a good idea to take even the first violation you make seriously by fighting it in court.
If you have been fighting in court with your ex for years, it is not surprising if you feel like you never want to see him or her again!
They shouldn't have to fight in court as plaintiffs in lawsuits, and their parents shouldn't have to fight with school boards each year to keep critical programs and dedicated teachers.
A divorced couple are still fighting in court after 25 years and closure has still not been found.
I just want to know has anyone tried to actually fight this in court.
We've fought them in court because they don't play by the rules but it's not progressing anywhere, it's completely unfair way of competing.
Once you spend time and money fighting in court, you set in motion a pattern of fighting that is difficult to break.
If, for any reason, you or your spouse starts fighting in court, the Collaborative Process ends.
Divorce Mediation is a way to settle your divorce on your terms without fighting in court.
Our BC parental loans and debts lawyers see more than spouses fighting in court after a marriage breaks down.
At her own expense, she once fought in a court case against a man charged with starving his horse.
That stands to be a major fight in the courts, and many administration officials anticipate defeat.
They sometimes fight in the courts and the cage perhaps one needs to stay open to extra income sources.
The very next day, he was suspended from his job without pay while the federal government fought him in court.
Even if it's your first offense, it can be useful to fight it in court so that tickets won't accrue on your record.
You don't need to fight in court just to get divorced.
Of course, fighting in court comes with a price.
If you want to have an expensive, public fight in court, there are a lot of attorneys who will be happy to help you with that.
If the option you choose includes fighting in court, I will give you a great referral to another divorce lawyer.
When most people think of divorce, they think of hiring a lawyer to fight in court for what they want.
One of the way to avoid paying penalty or to reduce the points if you have received a traffic ticket is by fighting in court.
Our award - winning attorneys are ready to defend your rights and fight in court if needed.
Divorce mediation is an alternative to fighting in court with your spouse through attorneys.
Everyone knows that if you decide to start fighting in court, the case as they know it is over.
Collaborative Divorce is a respectful, private divorce process designed to help you and your spouse create lasting agreements — about money, your children, and more — without fighting in court.
And, of course, if you continue to fight in court after your divorce is over, that will cost you even more.
If the insurance company won't offer a reasonable settlement that includes medical expenses and lost wages, then our skilled San Diego car accident attorneys are prepared to fight in court on your behalf.
However, you should note that those with such personality disorders are likely to abuse the process, filing frivolous pleadings and motions and spending years fighting in the court system.
Hawkins blasted Cuomo for refusing to fully fund the Foundation Aid for schools and for fighting in court against two lawsuits seeking an equitable and adequate state school aid formula.
I then issued a public furlough plan (that the unions successfully fought in court).»
Our lawyers strive to protect the rights and property of the individuals and businesses we serve, and our experienced trial attorneys will tirelessly fight in the court system for individuals and businesses that have suffered injuries and harm by the negligence or intentional acts of others.
Drivers can challenge speeding tickets in Idaho by fighting them in court in situations when they consider themselves as innocent of the offenses they are charged with.
I'm proud to lead our coalition of 17 Attorneys General who have been fighting in court since September to protect Dreamers and preserve DACA.
«I'd spent most of my career fighting in court for clients and had seen the devastating effects.
Edgar is still fighting in the courts to keep Meigs open, though initial rulings by judges let Daley halt flights Sept. 30.
Dale, also a lawyer, fought this in court too, but an Ontario judge ruled that TREB was within its rights.
If Muller - Moore fights this in court, as he says he will, Chick - fil - A will be needlessly clogging up an already - overburdened legal system.
The rule never took effect as the wireless industry fought it in court and before an office in the White House that reviews regulations.
If Long was innocent, he;d fight them in court, but he's just another sleazeball liar.
«You will recall that it was the Blair government that did exactly the same, so we've been here before and I fear we are going to see an inevitable fight in the courts and I think the chances of success of the proponents of a third runway are not high.»
Shadow immigration minister Phil Woolas faces a five - day fight in court to save his Oldham East and Saddleworth seat from his Liberal Democrat challenger.
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